Uploaded image for project: 'Jenkins'
  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-65149

Jenkins starts to Setup Wizard after updating from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • core
    • Jenkins Generic Java Package (.war), RedHat Linux redhat-release-server-7.9-5, openjdk version "1.8.0_282"

      After upgrading from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1, Jenkins directly starts to "Setup Wizard" and wants me to configure Jenkins. In the logs I see that nodes are connected and builds are started, but I cannot login to Jenkins. I do not want the Setup Wizard to finish because I am afraid of overwriting the existing configuration.

      When I downgrade by replacing jenkins.war with jenkins.war.bak, everything is back to normal.


      Installed Plugins:

      ace-editor: 1.1
      active-directory: 2.23
      android-signing: 2.2.5
      ansicolor: 0.7.5
      ant: 1.11
      antisamy-markup-formatter: 2.1
      apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.13-1.0
      authentication-tokens: 1.4
      bouncycastle-api: 2.20
      branch-api: 2.6.2
      build-blocker-plugin: 1.7.7
      build-timeout: 1.20
      build-timestamp: 1.0.3
      build-token-root: 1.7
      build-user-vars-plugin: 1.7
      cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.9.7
      cloudbees-folder: 6.15
      command-launcher: 1.5
      conditional-buildstep: 1.4.1
      config-file-provider: 3.7.0
      configurationslicing: 1.52
      credentials-binding: 1.24
      credentials: 2.3.15
      database-mysql: 1.4
      database: 1.7
      dependency-check-jenkins-plugin: 5.1.1
      description-setter: 1.10
      display-url-api: 2.3.4
      docker-commons: 1.17
      docker-workflow: 1.26
      durable-task: 1.35
      email-ext: 2.82
      envinject-api: 1.7
      envinject: 2.3.0
      extended-choice-parameter: 0.82
      external-monitor-job: 1.7
      git-client: 3.6.0
      git-parameter: 0.9.13
      git-server: 1.9
      git: 4.6.0
      github-api: 1.123
      github-branch-source: 2.9.7
      github: 1.33.1
      gradle: 1.36
      greenballs: 1.15.1
      handlebars: 1.1.1
      handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.8-1.0
      hidden-parameter: 0.0.4
      htmlpublisher: 1.25
      http_request: 1.8.27
      icon-shim: 2.0.3
      jackson2-api: 2.12.1
      javadoc: 1.6
      jdk-tool: 1.5
      jenkins-design-language: 1.24.5
      jira: 3.2
      jobConfigHistory: 2.26
      jquery-detached: 1.2.1
      jquery: 1.12.4-1
      junit-attachments: 1.6
      junit: 1.49
      kpp-management-plugin: 1.0.0
      ldap: 1.26
      lockable-resources: 2.10
      log-parser: 2.1
      mailer: 1.33
      matrix-auth: 2.6.5
      matrix-project: 1.18
      maven-plugin: 3.8
      mercurial: 2.14
      momentjs: 1.1.1
      nexus-jenkins-plugin: 3.11.20210308-082521.0d183ff
      pam-auth: 1.6
      parameterized-trigger: 2.39
      performance: 3.19
      persistent-parameter: 1.2
      pipeline-build-step: 2.13
      pipeline-github-lib: 1.0
      pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10
      pipeline-input-step: 2.12
      pipeline-maven: 3.10.0
      pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.2
      pipeline-model-api: 1.8.4
      pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4
      pipeline-model-extensions: 1.8.4
      pipeline-multibranch-defaults: 2.1
      pipeline-rest-api: 2.19
      pipeline-stage-step: 2.5
      pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.8.4
      pipeline-stage-view: 2.19
      pipeline-utility-steps: 2.6.1
      plain-credentials: 1.7
      plot: 2.1.9
      plugin-usage-plugin: 1.2
      project-description-setter: 1.2
      publish-over-cifs: 0.16
      publish-over-ssh: 1.22
      publish-over: 0.22
      pubsub-light: 1.13
      analysis-model-api: 9.8.1
      resource-disposer: 0.15
      run-condition: 1.5
      scm-api: 2.6.4
      script-security: 1.76
      sitemonitor: 0.6
      sse-gateway: 1.24
      ssh-agent: 1.21
      ssh-credentials: 1.18.1
      ssh-slaves: 1.31.5
      ssh-steps: 2.0.0
      ssh: 2.6.1
      ssh2easy: 1.4
      structs: 1.22
      subversion: 2.14.0
      thinBackup: 1.10
      timestamper: 1.12
      token-macro: 2.13
      trilead-api: 1.0.13
      openshift-sync: 1.0.46
      versionnumber: 1.9
      windows-slaves: 1.7
      workflow-aggregator: 2.6
      workflow-api: 2.42
      workflow-basic-steps: 2.23
      workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.18
      workflow-cps: 2.90
      workflow-durable-task-step: 2.38
      workflow-job: 2.40
      workflow-multibranch: 2.22
      workflow-scm-step: 2.12
      workflow-step-api: 2.23
      workflow-support: 3.8
      ws-cleanup: 0.39
      zentimestamp: 4.2
      h2-api: 1.4.199
      jacoco: 3.1.1
      scmskip: 1.0.3
      sonar: 2.13
      blueocean-rest: 1.24.5
      extensible-choice-parameter: 1.7.0
      warnings-ng: 8.10.1
      kubernetes-client-api: 4.13.2-1
      pipeline-github: 2.7
      kubernetes-credentials: 0.8.0
      forensics-api: 1.0.0
      blueocean-commons: 1.24.5
      google-oauth-plugin: 1.0.4
      kubernetes: 1.29.2
      monitoring: 1.86.0
      plugin-util-api: 2.0.0
      jjwt-api: 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173
      echarts-api: 5.0.1-1
      oauth-credentials: 0.4
      variant: 1.4
      openshift-client: 1.0.34
      font-awesome-api: 5.15.2-2
      jquery3-api: 3.5.1-3
      popper-api: 1.16.1-2
      bootstrap4-api: 4.6.0-2
      data-tables-api: 1.10.23-3
      google-play-android-publisher: 4.1
      snakeyaml-api: 1.27.0
      saml: 1.1.7
      scm-filter-branch-pr: 0.5.1
      checks-api: 1.6.0
      disable-github-multibranch-status: 1.2
      Office-365-Connector: 4.14.0
      mysql-api: 8.0.16
      okhttp-api: 3.14.9

          [JENKINS-65149] Jenkins starts to Setup Wizard after updating from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1

          Tim created issue -
          Tim made changes -
          Description Original: After upgrading from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1, Jenkins directly starts to "Setup Wizard" and wants me to configure Jenkins. In the logs I see that nodes are connected and build are startet, but I cannot login to Jenkins. I do not want the Setup Wizard to finish because I am afraid of overwriting the existing configuration.

          When I downgrade by replacing jenkins.war with jenkins.war.bak, everything is back to normal.


          Installed Plugins:

          ace-editor: 1.1
          active-directory: 2.23
          android-signing: 2.2.5
          ansicolor: 0.7.5
          ant: 1.11
          antisamy-markup-formatter: 2.1
          apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.13-1.0
          authentication-tokens: 1.4
          bouncycastle-api: 2.20
          branch-api: 2.6.2
          build-blocker-plugin: 1.7.7
          build-timeout: 1.20
          build-timestamp: 1.0.3
          build-token-root: 1.7
          build-user-vars-plugin: 1.7
          cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.9.7
          cloudbees-folder: 6.15
          command-launcher: 1.5
          conditional-buildstep: 1.4.1
          config-file-provider: 3.7.0
          configurationslicing: 1.52
          credentials-binding: 1.24
          credentials: 2.3.15
          database-mysql: 1.4
          database: 1.7
          dependency-check-jenkins-plugin: 5.1.1
          description-setter: 1.10
          display-url-api: 2.3.4
          docker-commons: 1.17
          docker-workflow: 1.26
          durable-task: 1.35
          email-ext: 2.82
          envinject-api: 1.7
          envinject: 2.3.0
          extended-choice-parameter: 0.82
          external-monitor-job: 1.7
          git-client: 3.6.0
          git-parameter: 0.9.13
          git-server: 1.9
          git: 4.6.0
          github-api: 1.123
          github-branch-source: 2.9.7
          github: 1.33.1
          gradle: 1.36
          greenballs: 1.15.1
          handlebars: 1.1.1
          handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.8-1.0
          hidden-parameter: 0.0.4
          htmlpublisher: 1.25
          http_request: 1.8.27
          icon-shim: 2.0.3
          jackson2-api: 2.12.1
          javadoc: 1.6
          jdk-tool: 1.5
          jenkins-design-language: 1.24.5
          jira: 3.2
          jobConfigHistory: 2.26
          jquery-detached: 1.2.1
          jquery: 1.12.4-1
          junit-attachments: 1.6
          junit: 1.49
          kpp-management-plugin: 1.0.0
          ldap: 1.26
          lockable-resources: 2.10
          log-parser: 2.1
          mailer: 1.33
          matrix-auth: 2.6.5
          matrix-project: 1.18
          maven-plugin: 3.8
          mercurial: 2.14
          momentjs: 1.1.1
          nexus-jenkins-plugin: 3.11.20210308-082521.0d183ff
          pam-auth: 1.6
          parameterized-trigger: 2.39
          performance: 3.19
          persistent-parameter: 1.2
          pipeline-build-step: 2.13
          pipeline-github-lib: 1.0
          pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10
          pipeline-input-step: 2.12
          pipeline-maven: 3.10.0
          pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.2
          pipeline-model-api: 1.8.4
          pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4
          pipeline-model-extensions: 1.8.4
          pipeline-multibranch-defaults: 2.1
          pipeline-rest-api: 2.19
          pipeline-stage-step: 2.5
          pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.8.4
          pipeline-stage-view: 2.19
          pipeline-utility-steps: 2.6.1
          plain-credentials: 1.7
          plot: 2.1.9
          plugin-usage-plugin: 1.2
          project-description-setter: 1.2
          publish-over-cifs: 0.16
          publish-over-ssh: 1.22
          publish-over: 0.22
          pubsub-light: 1.13
          analysis-model-api: 9.8.1
          resource-disposer: 0.15
          run-condition: 1.5
          scm-api: 2.6.4
          script-security: 1.76
          sitemonitor: 0.6
          sse-gateway: 1.24
          ssh-agent: 1.21
          ssh-credentials: 1.18.1
          ssh-slaves: 1.31.5
          ssh-steps: 2.0.0
          ssh: 2.6.1
          ssh2easy: 1.4
          structs: 1.22
          subversion: 2.14.0
          thinBackup: 1.10
          timestamper: 1.12
          token-macro: 2.13
          trilead-api: 1.0.13
          openshift-sync: 1.0.46
          versionnumber: 1.9
          windows-slaves: 1.7
          workflow-aggregator: 2.6
          workflow-api: 2.42
          workflow-basic-steps: 2.23
          workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.18
          workflow-cps: 2.90
          workflow-durable-task-step: 2.38
          workflow-job: 2.40
          workflow-multibranch: 2.22
          workflow-scm-step: 2.12
          workflow-step-api: 2.23
          workflow-support: 3.8
          ws-cleanup: 0.39
          zentimestamp: 4.2
          h2-api: 1.4.199
          jacoco: 3.1.1
          scmskip: 1.0.3
          sonar: 2.13
          blueocean-rest: 1.24.5
          extensible-choice-parameter: 1.7.0
          warnings-ng: 8.10.1
          kubernetes-client-api: 4.13.2-1
          pipeline-github: 2.7
          kubernetes-credentials: 0.8.0
          forensics-api: 1.0.0
          blueocean-commons: 1.24.5
          google-oauth-plugin: 1.0.4
          kubernetes: 1.29.2
          monitoring: 1.86.0
          plugin-util-api: 2.0.0
          jjwt-api: 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173
          echarts-api: 5.0.1-1
          oauth-credentials: 0.4
          variant: 1.4
          openshift-client: 1.0.34
          font-awesome-api: 5.15.2-2
          jquery3-api: 3.5.1-3
          popper-api: 1.16.1-2
          bootstrap4-api: 4.6.0-2
          data-tables-api: 1.10.23-3
          google-play-android-publisher: 4.1
          snakeyaml-api: 1.27.0
          saml: 1.1.7
          scm-filter-branch-pr: 0.5.1
          checks-api: 1.6.0
          disable-github-multibranch-status: 1.2
          Office-365-Connector: 4.14.0
          mysql-api: 8.0.16
          okhttp-api: 3.14.9
          New: After upgrading from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1, Jenkins directly starts to "Setup Wizard" and wants me to configure Jenkins. In the logs I see that nodes are connected and builds are started, but I cannot login to Jenkins. I do not want the Setup Wizard to finish because I am afraid of overwriting the existing configuration.

          When I downgrade by replacing jenkins.war with jenkins.war.bak, everything is back to normal.


          Installed Plugins:

          ace-editor: 1.1
           active-directory: 2.23
           android-signing: 2.2.5
           ansicolor: 0.7.5
           ant: 1.11
           antisamy-markup-formatter: 2.1
           apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.13-1.0
           authentication-tokens: 1.4
           bouncycastle-api: 2.20
           branch-api: 2.6.2
           build-blocker-plugin: 1.7.7
           build-timeout: 1.20
           build-timestamp: 1.0.3
           build-token-root: 1.7
           build-user-vars-plugin: 1.7
           cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.9.7
           cloudbees-folder: 6.15
           command-launcher: 1.5
           conditional-buildstep: 1.4.1
           config-file-provider: 3.7.0
           configurationslicing: 1.52
           credentials-binding: 1.24
           credentials: 2.3.15
           database-mysql: 1.4
           database: 1.7
           dependency-check-jenkins-plugin: 5.1.1
           description-setter: 1.10
           display-url-api: 2.3.4
           docker-commons: 1.17
           docker-workflow: 1.26
           durable-task: 1.35
           email-ext: 2.82
           envinject-api: 1.7
           envinject: 2.3.0
           extended-choice-parameter: 0.82
           external-monitor-job: 1.7
           git-client: 3.6.0
           git-parameter: 0.9.13
           git-server: 1.9
           git: 4.6.0
           github-api: 1.123
           github-branch-source: 2.9.7
           github: 1.33.1
           gradle: 1.36
           greenballs: 1.15.1
           handlebars: 1.1.1
           handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.8-1.0
           hidden-parameter: 0.0.4
           htmlpublisher: 1.25
           http_request: 1.8.27
           icon-shim: 2.0.3
           jackson2-api: 2.12.1
           javadoc: 1.6
           jdk-tool: 1.5
           jenkins-design-language: 1.24.5
           jira: 3.2
           jobConfigHistory: 2.26
           jquery-detached: 1.2.1
           jquery: 1.12.4-1
           junit-attachments: 1.6
           junit: 1.49
           kpp-management-plugin: 1.0.0
           ldap: 1.26
           lockable-resources: 2.10
           log-parser: 2.1
           mailer: 1.33
           matrix-auth: 2.6.5
           matrix-project: 1.18
           maven-plugin: 3.8
           mercurial: 2.14
           momentjs: 1.1.1
           nexus-jenkins-plugin: 3.11.20210308-082521.0d183ff
           pam-auth: 1.6
           parameterized-trigger: 2.39
           performance: 3.19
           persistent-parameter: 1.2
           pipeline-build-step: 2.13
           pipeline-github-lib: 1.0
           pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10
           pipeline-input-step: 2.12
           pipeline-maven: 3.10.0
           pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.2
           pipeline-model-api: 1.8.4
           pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4
           pipeline-model-extensions: 1.8.4
           pipeline-multibranch-defaults: 2.1
           pipeline-rest-api: 2.19
           pipeline-stage-step: 2.5
           pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.8.4
           pipeline-stage-view: 2.19
           pipeline-utility-steps: 2.6.1
           plain-credentials: 1.7
           plot: 2.1.9
           plugin-usage-plugin: 1.2
           project-description-setter: 1.2
           publish-over-cifs: 0.16
           publish-over-ssh: 1.22
           publish-over: 0.22
           pubsub-light: 1.13
           analysis-model-api: 9.8.1
           resource-disposer: 0.15
           run-condition: 1.5
           scm-api: 2.6.4
           script-security: 1.76
           sitemonitor: 0.6
           sse-gateway: 1.24
           ssh-agent: 1.21
           ssh-credentials: 1.18.1
           ssh-slaves: 1.31.5
           ssh-steps: 2.0.0
           ssh: 2.6.1
           ssh2easy: 1.4
           structs: 1.22
           subversion: 2.14.0
           thinBackup: 1.10
           timestamper: 1.12
           token-macro: 2.13
           trilead-api: 1.0.13
           openshift-sync: 1.0.46
           versionnumber: 1.9
           windows-slaves: 1.7
           workflow-aggregator: 2.6
           workflow-api: 2.42
           workflow-basic-steps: 2.23
           workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.18
           workflow-cps: 2.90
           workflow-durable-task-step: 2.38
           workflow-job: 2.40
           workflow-multibranch: 2.22
           workflow-scm-step: 2.12
           workflow-step-api: 2.23
           workflow-support: 3.8
           ws-cleanup: 0.39
           zentimestamp: 4.2
           h2-api: 1.4.199
           jacoco: 3.1.1
           scmskip: 1.0.3
           sonar: 2.13
           blueocean-rest: 1.24.5
           extensible-choice-parameter: 1.7.0
           warnings-ng: 8.10.1
           kubernetes-client-api: 4.13.2-1
           pipeline-github: 2.7
           kubernetes-credentials: 0.8.0
           forensics-api: 1.0.0
           blueocean-commons: 1.24.5
           google-oauth-plugin: 1.0.4
           kubernetes: 1.29.2
           monitoring: 1.86.0
           plugin-util-api: 2.0.0
           jjwt-api: 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173
           echarts-api: 5.0.1-1
           oauth-credentials: 0.4
           variant: 1.4
           openshift-client: 1.0.34
           font-awesome-api: 5.15.2-2
           jquery3-api: 3.5.1-3
           popper-api: 1.16.1-2
           bootstrap4-api: 4.6.0-2
           data-tables-api: 1.10.23-3
           google-play-android-publisher: 4.1
           snakeyaml-api: 1.27.0
           saml: 1.1.7
           scm-filter-branch-pr: 0.5.1
           checks-api: 1.6.0
           disable-github-multibranch-status: 1.2
           Office-365-Connector: 4.14.0
           mysql-api: 8.0.16
           okhttp-api: 3.14.9

          Amit Dar added a comment -

          I had the same issue, but I simply clicked "skip plugins installation" and the server started in normal mode.

          I upgraded from 2.263.4.


          Amit Dar added a comment - I had the same issue, but I simply clicked "skip plugins installation" and the server started in normal mode. I upgraded from 2.263.4.  

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          Hmm... https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/commit/a9ca5ef3d4c97937636bf3c585f4232514279b14#diff-99d63b6964aeb22b29d64089ebfccdf0e358d615a3f82cf8f9028439f82acbae for Acegi=> Spring Security seems to be the only related patch, but I do not see how it would change the behavior in such a way. CC jglick and timja who has recently patched it in post 2.277


          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - Hmm... https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/commit/a9ca5ef3d4c97937636bf3c585f4232514279b14#diff-99d63b6964aeb22b29d64089ebfccdf0e358d615a3f82cf8f9028439f82acbae  for Acegi=> Spring Security seems to be the only related patch, but I do not see how it would change the behavior in such a way. CC jglick  and timja  who has recently patched it in post 2.277  

          Tim Jacomb added a comment -

          Are these really old Jenkins instances? there's a known issue if the Jenkins instance was originally configured before Jenkins 2.4 then this would happen

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - Are these really old Jenkins instances? there's a known issue if the Jenkins instance was originally configured before Jenkins 2.4 then this would happen

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment -

          https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/issues/1093 might be related. If so, it is unlikely related to pre-2.4 instances

          Oleg Nenashev added a comment - https://github.com/jenkinsci/docker/issues/1093  might be related. If so, it is unlikely related to pre-2.4 instances

          Amit Dar added a comment -

          timja, oleg_nenashev

          our jenkins instance is pretty old... 

          first installed version was 1.620, and we've been updating it ever since (switched to lts versions at some point).

          we use the rpm package, btw.

          Amit Dar added a comment - timja , oleg_nenashev our jenkins instance is pretty old...  first installed version was 1.620, and we've been updating it ever since (switched to lts versions at some point). we use the rpm package, btw.

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - - edited


          `jenkins.install.UpgradeWizard.state` file which that PR relied on was introduced in 2.4, almost 5 years ago

          The work around is to skip plugins like you did and all will be fine and it won't happen the next time.

          Tim Jacomb added a comment - - edited https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/5283#issuecomment-798900073 `jenkins.install.UpgradeWizard.state` file which that PR relied on was introduced in 2.4, almost 5 years ago The work around is to skip plugins like you did and all will be fine and it won't happen the next time.

          Tim added a comment -

          The Jenkins instance is quite old, yes. So I tried again and skipped the wizard. Now everything is back to normal. Thanks!

          Tim added a comment - The Jenkins instance is quite old, yes. So I tried again and skipped the wizard. Now everything is back to normal. Thanks!
          Tim made changes -
          Resolution New: Not A Defect [ 7 ]
          Status Original: Open [ 1 ] New: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ]

            Unassigned Unassigned
            timtk Tim
            3 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
