Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins Generic Java Package (.war), RedHat Linux redhat-release-server-7.9-5, openjdk version "1.8.0_282"
After upgrading from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1, Jenkins directly starts to "Setup Wizard" and wants me to configure Jenkins. In the logs I see that nodes are connected and builds are started, but I cannot login to Jenkins. I do not want the Setup Wizard to finish because I am afraid of overwriting the existing configuration.
When I downgrade by replacing jenkins.war with jenkins.war.bak, everything is back to normal.
Installed Plugins:
ace-editor: 1.1
active-directory: 2.23
android-signing: 2.2.5
ansicolor: 0.7.5
ant: 1.11
antisamy-markup-formatter: 2.1
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.13-1.0
authentication-tokens: 1.4
bouncycastle-api: 2.20
branch-api: 2.6.2
build-blocker-plugin: 1.7.7
build-timeout: 1.20
build-timestamp: 1.0.3
build-token-root: 1.7
build-user-vars-plugin: 1.7
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.9.7
cloudbees-folder: 6.15
command-launcher: 1.5
conditional-buildstep: 1.4.1
config-file-provider: 3.7.0
configurationslicing: 1.52
credentials-binding: 1.24
credentials: 2.3.15
database-mysql: 1.4
database: 1.7
dependency-check-jenkins-plugin: 5.1.1
description-setter: 1.10
display-url-api: 2.3.4
docker-commons: 1.17
docker-workflow: 1.26
durable-task: 1.35
email-ext: 2.82
envinject-api: 1.7
envinject: 2.3.0
extended-choice-parameter: 0.82
external-monitor-job: 1.7
git-client: 3.6.0
git-parameter: 0.9.13
git-server: 1.9
git: 4.6.0
github-api: 1.123
github-branch-source: 2.9.7
github: 1.33.1
gradle: 1.36
greenballs: 1.15.1
handlebars: 1.1.1
handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.8-1.0
hidden-parameter: 0.0.4
htmlpublisher: 1.25
http_request: 1.8.27
icon-shim: 2.0.3
jackson2-api: 2.12.1
javadoc: 1.6
jdk-tool: 1.5
jenkins-design-language: 1.24.5
jira: 3.2
jobConfigHistory: 2.26
jquery-detached: 1.2.1
jquery: 1.12.4-1
junit-attachments: 1.6
junit: 1.49
kpp-management-plugin: 1.0.0
ldap: 1.26
lockable-resources: 2.10
log-parser: 2.1
mailer: 1.33
matrix-auth: 2.6.5
matrix-project: 1.18
maven-plugin: 3.8
mercurial: 2.14
momentjs: 1.1.1
nexus-jenkins-plugin: 3.11.20210308-082521.0d183ff
pam-auth: 1.6
parameterized-trigger: 2.39
performance: 3.19
persistent-parameter: 1.2
pipeline-build-step: 2.13
pipeline-github-lib: 1.0
pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10
pipeline-input-step: 2.12
pipeline-maven: 3.10.0
pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.2
pipeline-model-api: 1.8.4
pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4
pipeline-model-extensions: 1.8.4
pipeline-multibranch-defaults: 2.1
pipeline-rest-api: 2.19
pipeline-stage-step: 2.5
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.8.4
pipeline-stage-view: 2.19
pipeline-utility-steps: 2.6.1
plain-credentials: 1.7
plot: 2.1.9
plugin-usage-plugin: 1.2
project-description-setter: 1.2
publish-over-cifs: 0.16
publish-over-ssh: 1.22
publish-over: 0.22
pubsub-light: 1.13
analysis-model-api: 9.8.1
resource-disposer: 0.15
run-condition: 1.5
scm-api: 2.6.4
script-security: 1.76
sitemonitor: 0.6
sse-gateway: 1.24
ssh-agent: 1.21
ssh-credentials: 1.18.1
ssh-slaves: 1.31.5
ssh-steps: 2.0.0
ssh: 2.6.1
ssh2easy: 1.4
structs: 1.22
subversion: 2.14.0
thinBackup: 1.10
timestamper: 1.12
token-macro: 2.13
trilead-api: 1.0.13
openshift-sync: 1.0.46
versionnumber: 1.9
windows-slaves: 1.7
workflow-aggregator: 2.6
workflow-api: 2.42
workflow-basic-steps: 2.23
workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.18
workflow-cps: 2.90
workflow-durable-task-step: 2.38
workflow-job: 2.40
workflow-multibranch: 2.22
workflow-scm-step: 2.12
workflow-step-api: 2.23
workflow-support: 3.8
ws-cleanup: 0.39
zentimestamp: 4.2
h2-api: 1.4.199
jacoco: 3.1.1
scmskip: 1.0.3
sonar: 2.13
blueocean-rest: 1.24.5
extensible-choice-parameter: 1.7.0
warnings-ng: 8.10.1
kubernetes-client-api: 4.13.2-1
pipeline-github: 2.7
kubernetes-credentials: 0.8.0
forensics-api: 1.0.0
blueocean-commons: 1.24.5
google-oauth-plugin: 1.0.4
kubernetes: 1.29.2
monitoring: 1.86.0
plugin-util-api: 2.0.0
jjwt-api: 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173
echarts-api: 5.0.1-1
oauth-credentials: 0.4
variant: 1.4
openshift-client: 1.0.34
font-awesome-api: 5.15.2-2
jquery3-api: 3.5.1-3
popper-api: 1.16.1-2
bootstrap4-api: 4.6.0-2
data-tables-api: 1.10.23-3
google-play-android-publisher: 4.1
snakeyaml-api: 1.27.0
saml: 1.1.7
scm-filter-branch-pr: 0.5.1
checks-api: 1.6.0
disable-github-multibranch-status: 1.2
Office-365-Connector: 4.14.0
mysql-api: 8.0.16
okhttp-api: 3.14.9
- relates to
JENKINS-65329 Jenkins no longer records updates
- Closed
- links to
[JENKINS-65149] Jenkins starts to Setup Wizard after updating from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1
Description |
After upgrading from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1, Jenkins directly starts to "Setup Wizard" and wants me to configure Jenkins. In the logs I see that nodes are connected and build are startet, but I cannot login to Jenkins. I do not want the Setup Wizard to finish because I am afraid of overwriting the existing configuration.
When I downgrade by replacing jenkins.war with jenkins.war.bak, everything is back to normal. Installed Plugins: ace-editor: 1.1 active-directory: 2.23 android-signing: 2.2.5 ansicolor: 0.7.5 ant: 1.11 antisamy-markup-formatter: 2.1 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.13-1.0 authentication-tokens: 1.4 bouncycastle-api: 2.20 branch-api: 2.6.2 build-blocker-plugin: 1.7.7 build-timeout: 1.20 build-timestamp: 1.0.3 build-token-root: 1.7 build-user-vars-plugin: 1.7 cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.9.7 cloudbees-folder: 6.15 command-launcher: 1.5 conditional-buildstep: 1.4.1 config-file-provider: 3.7.0 configurationslicing: 1.52 credentials-binding: 1.24 credentials: 2.3.15 database-mysql: 1.4 database: 1.7 dependency-check-jenkins-plugin: 5.1.1 description-setter: 1.10 display-url-api: 2.3.4 docker-commons: 1.17 docker-workflow: 1.26 durable-task: 1.35 email-ext: 2.82 envinject-api: 1.7 envinject: 2.3.0 extended-choice-parameter: 0.82 external-monitor-job: 1.7 git-client: 3.6.0 git-parameter: 0.9.13 git-server: 1.9 git: 4.6.0 github-api: 1.123 github-branch-source: 2.9.7 github: 1.33.1 gradle: 1.36 greenballs: 1.15.1 handlebars: 1.1.1 handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.8-1.0 hidden-parameter: 0.0.4 htmlpublisher: 1.25 http_request: 1.8.27 icon-shim: 2.0.3 jackson2-api: 2.12.1 javadoc: 1.6 jdk-tool: 1.5 jenkins-design-language: 1.24.5 jira: 3.2 jobConfigHistory: 2.26 jquery-detached: 1.2.1 jquery: 1.12.4-1 jsch: junit-attachments: 1.6 junit: 1.49 kpp-management-plugin: 1.0.0 ldap: 1.26 lockable-resources: 2.10 log-parser: 2.1 mailer: 1.33 mapdb-api: matrix-auth: 2.6.5 matrix-project: 1.18 maven-plugin: 3.8 mercurial: 2.14 momentjs: 1.1.1 nexus-jenkins-plugin: 3.11.20210308-082521.0d183ff pam-auth: 1.6 parameterized-trigger: 2.39 performance: 3.19 persistent-parameter: 1.2 pipeline-build-step: 2.13 pipeline-github-lib: 1.0 pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10 pipeline-input-step: 2.12 pipeline-maven: 3.10.0 pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.2 pipeline-model-api: 1.8.4 pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4 pipeline-model-extensions: 1.8.4 pipeline-multibranch-defaults: 2.1 pipeline-rest-api: 2.19 pipeline-stage-step: 2.5 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.8.4 pipeline-stage-view: 2.19 pipeline-utility-steps: 2.6.1 plain-credentials: 1.7 plot: 2.1.9 plugin-usage-plugin: 1.2 project-description-setter: 1.2 publish-over-cifs: 0.16 publish-over-ssh: 1.22 publish-over: 0.22 pubsub-light: 1.13 analysis-model-api: 9.8.1 resource-disposer: 0.15 run-condition: 1.5 scm-api: 2.6.4 script-security: 1.76 sitemonitor: 0.6 sse-gateway: 1.24 ssh-agent: 1.21 ssh-credentials: 1.18.1 ssh-slaves: 1.31.5 ssh-steps: 2.0.0 ssh: 2.6.1 ssh2easy: 1.4 structs: 1.22 subversion: 2.14.0 thinBackup: 1.10 timestamper: 1.12 token-macro: 2.13 trilead-api: 1.0.13 openshift-sync: 1.0.46 versionnumber: 1.9 windows-slaves: 1.7 workflow-aggregator: 2.6 workflow-api: 2.42 workflow-basic-steps: 2.23 workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.18 workflow-cps: 2.90 workflow-durable-task-step: 2.38 workflow-job: 2.40 workflow-multibranch: 2.22 workflow-scm-step: 2.12 workflow-step-api: 2.23 workflow-support: 3.8 ws-cleanup: 0.39 zentimestamp: 4.2 h2-api: 1.4.199 jacoco: 3.1.1 scmskip: 1.0.3 sonar: 2.13 blueocean-rest: 1.24.5 extensible-choice-parameter: 1.7.0 warnings-ng: 8.10.1 kubernetes-client-api: 4.13.2-1 pipeline-github: 2.7 kubernetes-credentials: 0.8.0 forensics-api: 1.0.0 blueocean-commons: 1.24.5 metrics: google-oauth-plugin: 1.0.4 kubernetes: 1.29.2 monitoring: 1.86.0 plugin-util-api: 2.0.0 jjwt-api: 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 echarts-api: 5.0.1-1 oauth-credentials: 0.4 variant: 1.4 openshift-client: 1.0.34 font-awesome-api: 5.15.2-2 jquery3-api: 3.5.1-3 popper-api: 1.16.1-2 bootstrap4-api: 4.6.0-2 data-tables-api: 1.10.23-3 google-play-android-publisher: 4.1 snakeyaml-api: 1.27.0 saml: 1.1.7 scm-filter-branch-pr: 0.5.1 checks-api: 1.6.0 disable-github-multibranch-status: 1.2 Office-365-Connector: 4.14.0 mysql-api: 8.0.16 okhttp-api: 3.14.9 |
After upgrading from 2.263.4 to 2.277.1, Jenkins directly starts to "Setup Wizard" and wants me to configure Jenkins. In the logs I see that nodes are connected and builds are started, but I cannot login to Jenkins. I do not want the Setup Wizard to finish because I am afraid of overwriting the existing configuration.
When I downgrade by replacing jenkins.war with jenkins.war.bak, everything is back to normal. Installed Plugins: ace-editor: 1.1 active-directory: 2.23 android-signing: 2.2.5 ansicolor: 0.7.5 ant: 1.11 antisamy-markup-formatter: 2.1 apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api: 4.5.13-1.0 authentication-tokens: 1.4 bouncycastle-api: 2.20 branch-api: 2.6.2 build-blocker-plugin: 1.7.7 build-timeout: 1.20 build-timestamp: 1.0.3 build-token-root: 1.7 build-user-vars-plugin: 1.7 cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source: 2.9.7 cloudbees-folder: 6.15 command-launcher: 1.5 conditional-buildstep: 1.4.1 config-file-provider: 3.7.0 configurationslicing: 1.52 credentials-binding: 1.24 credentials: 2.3.15 database-mysql: 1.4 database: 1.7 dependency-check-jenkins-plugin: 5.1.1 description-setter: 1.10 display-url-api: 2.3.4 docker-commons: 1.17 docker-workflow: 1.26 durable-task: 1.35 email-ext: 2.82 envinject-api: 1.7 envinject: 2.3.0 extended-choice-parameter: 0.82 external-monitor-job: 1.7 git-client: 3.6.0 git-parameter: 0.9.13 git-server: 1.9 git: 4.6.0 github-api: 1.123 github-branch-source: 2.9.7 github: 1.33.1 gradle: 1.36 greenballs: 1.15.1 handlebars: 1.1.1 handy-uri-templates-2-api: 2.1.8-1.0 hidden-parameter: 0.0.4 htmlpublisher: 1.25 http_request: 1.8.27 icon-shim: 2.0.3 jackson2-api: 2.12.1 javadoc: 1.6 jdk-tool: 1.5 jenkins-design-language: 1.24.5 jira: 3.2 jobConfigHistory: 2.26 jquery-detached: 1.2.1 jquery: 1.12.4-1 jsch: junit-attachments: 1.6 junit: 1.49 kpp-management-plugin: 1.0.0 ldap: 1.26 lockable-resources: 2.10 log-parser: 2.1 mailer: 1.33 mapdb-api: matrix-auth: 2.6.5 matrix-project: 1.18 maven-plugin: 3.8 mercurial: 2.14 momentjs: 1.1.1 nexus-jenkins-plugin: 3.11.20210308-082521.0d183ff pam-auth: 1.6 parameterized-trigger: 2.39 performance: 3.19 persistent-parameter: 1.2 pipeline-build-step: 2.13 pipeline-github-lib: 1.0 pipeline-graph-analysis: 1.10 pipeline-input-step: 2.12 pipeline-maven: 3.10.0 pipeline-milestone-step: 1.3.2 pipeline-model-api: 1.8.4 pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4 pipeline-model-extensions: 1.8.4 pipeline-multibranch-defaults: 2.1 pipeline-rest-api: 2.19 pipeline-stage-step: 2.5 pipeline-stage-tags-metadata: 1.8.4 pipeline-stage-view: 2.19 pipeline-utility-steps: 2.6.1 plain-credentials: 1.7 plot: 2.1.9 plugin-usage-plugin: 1.2 project-description-setter: 1.2 publish-over-cifs: 0.16 publish-over-ssh: 1.22 publish-over: 0.22 pubsub-light: 1.13 analysis-model-api: 9.8.1 resource-disposer: 0.15 run-condition: 1.5 scm-api: 2.6.4 script-security: 1.76 sitemonitor: 0.6 sse-gateway: 1.24 ssh-agent: 1.21 ssh-credentials: 1.18.1 ssh-slaves: 1.31.5 ssh-steps: 2.0.0 ssh: 2.6.1 ssh2easy: 1.4 structs: 1.22 subversion: 2.14.0 thinBackup: 1.10 timestamper: 1.12 token-macro: 2.13 trilead-api: 1.0.13 openshift-sync: 1.0.46 versionnumber: 1.9 windows-slaves: 1.7 workflow-aggregator: 2.6 workflow-api: 2.42 workflow-basic-steps: 2.23 workflow-cps-global-lib: 2.18 workflow-cps: 2.90 workflow-durable-task-step: 2.38 workflow-job: 2.40 workflow-multibranch: 2.22 workflow-scm-step: 2.12 workflow-step-api: 2.23 workflow-support: 3.8 ws-cleanup: 0.39 zentimestamp: 4.2 h2-api: 1.4.199 jacoco: 3.1.1 scmskip: 1.0.3 sonar: 2.13 blueocean-rest: 1.24.5 extensible-choice-parameter: 1.7.0 warnings-ng: 8.10.1 kubernetes-client-api: 4.13.2-1 pipeline-github: 2.7 kubernetes-credentials: 0.8.0 forensics-api: 1.0.0 blueocean-commons: 1.24.5 metrics: google-oauth-plugin: 1.0.4 kubernetes: 1.29.2 monitoring: 1.86.0 plugin-util-api: 2.0.0 jjwt-api: 0.11.2-9.c8b45b8bb173 echarts-api: 5.0.1-1 oauth-credentials: 0.4 variant: 1.4 openshift-client: 1.0.34 font-awesome-api: 5.15.2-2 jquery3-api: 3.5.1-3 popper-api: 1.16.1-2 bootstrap4-api: 4.6.0-2 data-tables-api: 1.10.23-3 google-play-android-publisher: 4.1 snakeyaml-api: 1.27.0 saml: 1.1.7 scm-filter-branch-pr: 0.5.1 checks-api: 1.6.0 disable-github-multibranch-status: 1.2 Office-365-Connector: 4.14.0 mysql-api: 8.0.16 okhttp-api: 3.14.9 |
Resolution | New: Not A Defect [ 7 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ] |
Labels | Original: login setup-wizard upgrade | New: login regression setup-wizard upgrade |
Resolution | Original: Not A Defect [ 7 ] | |
Status | Original: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ] | New: Reopened [ 4 ] |
Status | Original: Reopened [ 4 ] | New: Open [ 1 ] |
Labels | Original: login regression setup-wizard upgrade | New: login lts-candidate regression setup-wizard upgrade |
Remote Link | New: This issue links to "Upgrade Guide Update PR (Web Link)" [ 26574 ] |
Link |
This issue relates to |
Resolution | New: Won't Fix [ 2 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Original: Won't Fix [ 2 ] | |
Status | Original: Resolved [ 5 ] | New: Reopened [ 4 ] |