Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins: 2.277.1
pipeline-model-definition: 1.8.4
This is the same issue described in this comment. Seemed like it would be better to make a new issue though since the previous issue was in reference to a scripted pipeline.
We have a matrix pipeline which is used from a shared library. Sometime between version 1.7.2 and 1.8.4 of this plugin it broke our ability to reference local variables from our matrix pipeline. Here's a shortened version of our pipeline that no longer works.
def call(Map<String, Object> pipelineParams) { def cronString = pipelineParams.getOrDefault('cronString', "") def testTimeoutInMinutes = pipelineParams.getOrDefault('testTimeoutInMinutes', 30) // add 2 hours to testTimeoutInMinutes to provide a buffer for getting an executor def expandedBuildAndTestTimeoutMinutes = testTimeoutInMinutes + 120 debugEcho("expandedBuildAndTestTimeoutMinutes=$expandedBuildAndTestTimeoutMinutes") def office365Options = getTeamsOptions(pipelineParams) def jenkinsAgentLabel = pipelineParams.getOrDefault('jenkinsAgentLabel', 'linux_docker') def dockerImageName = 'customimagename' def dockerMaxMemory = pipelineParams.getOrDefault('dockerMaxMemory', "2g") def dockerRunArgs = pipelineParams.getOrDefault('dockerRunArgs', "-m $dockerMaxMemory".toString()) pipeline { agent none options { office365ConnectorWebhooks([office365Options]) timestamps() ansiColor('xterm') } triggers { cron(cronString) } stages { stage('Windows Tests') { matrix { axes { axis { name 'PLATFORM' values 'WINDOWS_10' } axis { name 'BROWSER' values 'CHROME', 'FIREFOX', 'EDGE' } } stages { stage('Execute Tests') { agent { docker { label jenkinsAgentLabel image dockerImageName args dockerRunArgs } } options { timeout(time: expandedBuildAndTestTimeoutMinutes, unit: 'MINUTES') } steps { echo 'here' } } } } } } } }
[JENKINS-65292] Local Variables not available in declarative matrix pipeline
Component/s | New: matrix-combinations-parameter-plugin [ 18156 ] | |
Component/s | New: matrix-project-plugin [ 18765 ] |
Component/s | Original: matrix-combinations-parameter-plugin [ 18156 ] |