Resolution: Unresolved
Windows Server 2019 Version 1809 (OS Build 17763.1971), DockerMsftProvider
Jenkins 2.235.4
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
pipeline { agent { docker { label 'slave' image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout true } stages { stage('deadlocked') { steps { bat 'dir' } } } }
Actual Result:
[Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (deadlocked) [Pipeline] bat Never ends
Steps to reproduce (files attached):
- run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave).
- run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment
- Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job.
[JENKINS-65749] Shell commands hang in docker agent
Attachment | New: docker-issue.zip [ 54897 ] |
Description |
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
{quote}{{ pipeline {}} {{ agent {}} {{ docker {}} {{ label 'slave'}} {{ image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' }} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{ options { }} {{ skipDefaultCheckout true}} {{ }}} {{ stages {}} {{ stage('deadlocked') {}} {{ steps {}} {{ bat 'dir'}} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{ } }} }{quote} h6. {{Actual Result:}} {quote}[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (deadlocked)[Pipeline] bat !http://bp-cis-dow.kofax.com:8080/static/816e3794/images/spinner.gif! Never ends{quote} h6. Steps to reproduce (files attached): # run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave). # run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment # Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job. |
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
{quote}{{pipeline {}} {{ agent {}} {{ docker {}} {{ label 'slave'}} {{ image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' }} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{ options { }} {{ skipDefaultCheckout true}} {{ }}} {{ stages {}} {{ stage('deadlocked') {}} {{ steps {}} {{ bat 'dir'}} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{}}} {quote} h6. {{{{Actual Result}}:}} {quote}[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (deadlocked)[Pipeline] bat !http://bp-cis-dow.kofax.com:8080/static/816e3794/images/spinner.gif! Never ends {quote} h6. Steps to reproduce (files attached): # run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave). # run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment # Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job. |
Description |
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
{quote}{{pipeline {}} {{ agent {}} {{ docker {}} {{ label 'slave'}} {{ image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' }} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{ options { }} {{ skipDefaultCheckout true}} {{ }}} {{ stages {}} {{ stage('deadlocked') {}} {{ steps {}} {{ bat 'dir'}} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{ }}} {{}}} {quote} h6. {{{{Actual Result}}:}} {quote}[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (deadlocked)[Pipeline] bat !http://bp-cis-dow.kofax.com:8080/static/816e3794/images/spinner.gif! Never ends {quote} h6. Steps to reproduce (files attached): # run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave). # run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment # Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job. |
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
{{pipeline {}} {{ agent {}} {{ docker {}} {{ label 'slave'}} \{{ image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' }} \{{ }}} \{{ }}} \{{ options { }} {{ skipDefaultCheckout true}} \{{ }}} {{ stages {}} {{ stage('deadlocked') {}} {{ steps {}} {{ bat 'dir'}} \{{ }}} \{{ }}} \{{ }}} {{}}} h6. {{{{Actual Result}}:}} {quote}[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (deadlocked)[Pipeline] bat !http://bp-cis-dow.kofax.com:8080/static/816e3794/images/spinner.gif! Never ends {quote} h6. Steps to reproduce (files attached): # run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave). # run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment # Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job. |
Description |
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
{{pipeline {}} {{ agent {}} {{ docker {}} {{ label 'slave'}} \{{ image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' }} \{{ }}} \{{ }}} \{{ options { }} {{ skipDefaultCheckout true}} \{{ }}} {{ stages {}} {{ stage('deadlocked') {}} {{ steps {}} {{ bat 'dir'}} \{{ }}} \{{ }}} \{{ }}} {{}}} h6. {{{{Actual Result}}:}} {quote}[Pipeline] {[Pipeline] stage[Pipeline] { (deadlocked)[Pipeline] bat !http://bp-cis-dow.kofax.com:8080/static/816e3794/images/spinner.gif! Never ends {quote} h6. Steps to reproduce (files attached): # run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave). # run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment # Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job. |
Shell commands hangs in declarative pipeline agent run in Docker container:
{code:java} pipeline { agent { docker { label 'slave' image 'mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019' } } options { skipDefaultCheckout true } stages { stage('deadlocked') { steps { bat 'dir' } } } } {code} h6. {{Actual Result}}: {noformat} [Pipeline] { [Pipeline] stage [Pipeline] { (deadlocked) [Pipeline] bat Never ends{noformat} h6. Steps to reproduce (files attached): # run Make.ps1 to create test docker images (test/jenkins-master, test/jenkins-slave). # run run.ps1 to launch test Jenkins environment # Build deadlock-pipeline Jenkins job. |