Resolution: Unresolved
1. Recently we got upgraded to Loadrunner Enterprise 2020 SP3 in performance center.
2. We has a existing following pipeline code to execute performance test. Below is the code (MAsked confidential data)
timestamps {
node {
catchError {
stage('deploy on staging')
{ //Test }}
stage('performance test')
{ pcRunBuild HTTPSProtocol: false, addRunToTrendReport: 'NO_TREND', almDomain: 'YYYY', almProject: 'XXXX', autoTestInstanceID: 'AUTO', credentialsId: 'ZZZZZZZ', credentialsProxyId: '', description: 'AAAAA', pcServerName: 'lre.appl.XX.org', postRunAction: 'COLLATE_AND_ANALYZE', proxyOutURL: '', retry: 'NO_RETRY', retryDelay: '5', retryOccurrences: '3', serverAndPort: '[http://XYZ.cloud.XX.org:8080|https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__XYZ.cloud.XX.org-3A8080&d=DwQFAw&c=eIGjsITfXP_y-DLLX0uEHXJvU8nOHrUK8IrwNKOtkVU&r=SRCWa7X6u7C0xwGZra1Z15tSfyj0jVI7kGXJOsCxiWw&m=IgLxDf6CRJY64eq-8d_qTTsQ_og3OA0Q-ITQMXwtwe8&s=6RZO7z-IbQmziqtMNRu-uGxVikYUEsXTOOJ6rY4qHF4&e=]', statusBySLA: false, testContentToCreate: '', testId: '1111', testInstanceId: '2222', testToRun: 'EXISTING_TEST', timeslotDurationHours: '2', timeslotDurationMinutes: '30', trendReportId: '1', vudsMode: false }}
{ // Test }}
3. The test completed successfully and received SUCESS message in console output
4. But the performance test results are not getting stored in
[JENKINS-65764] Micro focus - Performance center - Test results are not saved in artifacts folder
Summary | Original: Performance center - Test results are not saved in artifacts folder | New: Micro focus - Performance center - Test results are not saved in artifacts folder |