hi! Thanx for report. I was afraid that this can happen. however had no reply (https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-dev/c/ad0V0VUz5Kw/m/oeDxDvAbBQAJ) when I was asking before the release itself.
I see two options - to fix the search so it will work also with your case, or to split nested views to two plugins - nested-view as it was, and then plugin, extending nested views - nested-view-search.
For the first option - I was hoping jenkins is mixing the search engines. Obviously it is not or I made it wrongly. So long story short, you would need to look into the nested-views plugin, and chek it here. I use some if (instanceof) maybe just few extensions here may help.
If you are not willing to dig into it (which is fully acceptable, and I'm really sorry for broken plugin) then I will continue with split of the plugin to two. It wil lnto be asap, but will happen.
hi! Thanx for report. I was afraid that this can happen. however had no reply (https://groups.google.com/g/jenkinsci-dev/c/ad0V0VUz5Kw/m/oeDxDvAbBQAJ) when I was asking before the release itself.
I see two options - to fix the search so it will work also with your case, or to split nested views to two plugins - nested-view as it was, and then plugin, extending nested views - nested-view-search.
For the first option - I was hoping jenkins is mixing the search engines. Obviously it is not or I made it wrongly. So long story short, you would need to look into the nested-views plugin, and chek it here. I use some if (instanceof) maybe just few extensions here may help.
If you are not willing to dig into it (which is fully acceptable, and I'm really sorry for broken plugin) then I will continue with split of the plugin to two. It wil lnto be asap, but will happen.