Resolution: Unresolved
The changelog is not reflecting properly.
In my second stage I'm doing checkout and I'm using the ChangelogToBranch extension to record the change. But its not reflecting on the change tab.
I have total 4 repositories, and I'm checking out all the four repositories to record any changes.
In the below code I'm passing withChangelog = true
void checkoutBranch(List<String> branchNames, String repository, String targetDir = '', Boolean withChangelog = false) { def checkoutInfo = resolveScm( source: [$class : 'GitSCMSource', credentialsId: 'github-jenkins', id: '_', remote : "xyz.git", traits : [[$class: 'CleanAfterCheckoutTrait'], [$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckoutTrait'], [$class: 'GitLFSPullTrait'], [$class: 'jenkins.plugins.git.traits.BranchDiscoveryTrait'], headWildcardFilter(includes: branchNames.join(' '))]], targets: branchNames ) checkoutRevision(checkoutInfo.getBranches().get(0).getName(), repository, targetDir, withChangelog) } def checkoutRevision(String revision, String repository, String targetDir = '', Boolean withChangelog = false) { def extensions = [[$class: 'CleanCheckout'], [$class: 'CleanBeforeCheckout'], [$class: 'CloneOption', reference: referenceRepository(repository), honorRefspec: true, noTags: true], [$class: 'GitLFSPull']] if (withChangelog) { extensions << [$class: 'ChangelogToBranch', options: [compareRemote: 'origin', compareTarget: env.BRANCH_NAME]] } dir(targetDir) { def checkoutResult = checkout changelog: true, poll: false, scm: [$class : 'GitSCM', branches : [[name: revision]], browser : [$class: 'GithubWeb', repoUrl: "http://github.com/xyz/${repository}"], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions : extensions, submoduleCfg : [], userRemoteConfigs : [[credentialsId: 'github-jenkins', url: "xyz.git"]]] sshagent(['github-jenkins']) { command 'git -c lfs.concurrenttransfers=50 lfs pull', label: 'Ensure git lfs objects are present' } return checkoutResult } }
Attaching the screenshots for reference
Jenkins Version : 2.263.1
Git Plugin Version: 4.6.0