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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-66845

User configuration page: "User Defined Time Zone" always shows currently logged in user's timezone for all the users

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • core
    • None
    • Jenkins 2.315
    • 2.320

      In all user configuration pages, (/user/<user-id>/configure),  "User Defined Time Zone" always shows logged-in user's timezone instead of selected user's timezone.

      An admin user can try to set a different timezone for any other user. Although it updates correctly in Jenkins,  the configuration page continues to show admin user's timezone.

       How to reproduce

      • Need 2 users. (At least one with admin privilege)
      • Log in as both users and change  "User Defined Time Zone" to two different values.
      • As the admin user,  go to the other user's configuration page.  It shows admin user's  timezone, instead of selected  user's.
      • Try to change the selected users' timezone to a different value.  Apply configuration.  And refresh the page.  It again shows the admin user's timezone. 
        (Actually the configuration was correctly updates, which could verified by logging in as other user)

          [JENKINS-66845] User configuration page: "User Defined Time Zone" always shows currently logged in user's timezone for all the users

            nom3ad Arun Mj
            nom3ad Arun Mj
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