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Configuration page is not showing resolution properly and the header is also sliding with the slider.
- screenshot_10.png
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- Screenshot_5.png
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- Screenshot_6.png
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- Screenshot_7.png
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- Screenshot_8.png
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- Screenshot_9.png
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- Screenshot_3.png
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- Screenshot_2.png
- 64 kB
- duplicates
JENKINS-65263 Project configuration page is not displayed correctly
- Closed
- relates to
JENKINS-67717 Jenkins Dashboard -> manage jenkins -> Configure system page has some configurations missing at the end. Even the apply/save button and the jenkins version which will be present on the footer is also missing.
- Open
[JENKINS-66884] Screen Resolution
Please do not assign issues on your own. Please provide a proper bug report with all required input. Especially when complaining about a resolution make clear which resolution you are using. And finally, try to find the correct component.
Hi drulli
Apologies on that. First issue I faced and first issue I opened here.
On the Item configuration page, Interface is not functioning as expected. Header is not sticky, and configuration sections ( Prebuild, Build, Postbuild ) are repeating with full width, repeating this way many times to the bottom of the page.
Save and Apply buttons are not calling any function hence not working.
Which version of Jenkins?
Which versions of plugins?
Which web browser?
Is there anything in the developer console of the Web browser?
Is there a proxy between the Web browser and Jenkins?
Which version of Jenkins? 2.303.2
Which versions of plugins? We have multiple plugins with the latest version available installed.
Which web browser? Chrome v94.0.4606.81 & Firefox v93
Is there anything in the developer console of the Web browser? Check Screen Resolution is throwing 404.
Is there a proxy between the Web browser and Jenkins? No
Screenshot_3.png shows an apostrophe that I don’t think should be there:
:path: /job/API-BACKEND-JOBS/view/01.dev/job/Dev-Ancillary.API/'descriptorByName/AndroidEmulator/checkScreenResolution
The path seems related to https://github.com/jenkinsci/android-emulator-plugin/blob/9512f538cebb2a031a1d99d09dc1cd781df98ac1/src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/android_emulator/AndroidEmulator/config.jelly#L28-L34 but I don’t understand how the apostrophe could be left in there.
Even so, that shouldn’t cause the web page header to render in the wrong place. So these may be separate problems.
Is there a proxy between the Web browser and Jenkins? No
I see some Cloudflare headers in the HTTP response though.
Kalle, Regarding the Proxy, I thought you meant internal workstation proxy, but yes Jenkins is routed through Cloudflare proxy. As a Note, this was working fine so far, but an upgrade was required for me to be able to integrate SonarQube, and now this is not working.
Save and Apply buttons are also not doing anything. Checked the Inspector and no call is being made from these buttons.
Another Note regarding the Apostrophe, It might be an issue, but it was there before as well and it worked fine. Probably something we don't need.
If the configuration screen only started failing when you upgraded the Jenkins core and plugins, then perhaps you can try downgrading them one by one in order to find the source of the problem.
Does the configuration screen now work in jobs that do not use android-emulator-plugin?
All the jobs use android-emulator plugin. Render issue started with Jenkins Core upgrade from 2.1... to 2.303.2
All jobs configuration pages show the same issue. Rendering issue and some type of page loop where Source/Build/PostBuild steps just repeat while scrolling down.
Tables to Divs migration in order to be compatible with new jenkins versions (#83) was merged after the latest version 3.1.2 of the Android Emulator plugin was released. Perhaps that omission causes the scrolling problem somehow.
A build that includes that change seems to be available from https://ci.jenkins.io/job/Plugins/job/android-emulator-plugin/job/master/43/. Can you install that in a test instance of Jenkins and see if it fixes the problem? If it does, then we should assign the android-emulator-plugin component and the tables-to-divs-regression label.
Upgraded Android-Emulator Plugin to latest version 3.1.2 but situation is still the same. No change at all.
Did you install the android-emulator.hpi file from build 43 at ci.jenkins.io? I don’t know whether it calls itself version 3.1.2 or something different. The official version 3.1.2 is too old and does not include the tables-to-divs compatibility fix.
I am sorry Kalle, not sure how to accomplish that. I updated android emulator from Jenkins Manage Plugins section. Would appreciate if you can guide me how to install android-emulator.hpi file.
IIRC the Advanced tab of the update manager has a file upload field where you can do this. Advanced installation from the web UI
Uploaded and installed as advised. No change unfortunately. Same still !
agron when you provide incomplete information, you make it very difficult for others to help you, even if they may desire to do so. Please refer to https://www.jenkins.io/participate/report-issue/#Howtoreportanissue-WhatinformationtoprovideforEnvironmentandDescription for the detailed information that others need in order to assist.
If the problem is related to tables to divs, as hinted by the descriptions, then those who want to help will need the precise, detailed list of installed plugins and their versions. When you say "many plugins installed, all latest versions", it leaves others unable to duplicate your environment and assist you.
The Jenkins 2.277.1 upgrade guide provides detailed steps for this type of upgrade issue. It recommends:
- Remove all deprecated plugins (checkstyle, warnings, etc.)
- Remove all plugins with security vulnerabilities (TFS, etc.)
- Remove all unused plugins
- Update all plugins to latest releases
It is quite common for people to report that they have done those steps, then when they upload the list of plugins, we see plugins that show they have not performed those steps. We can only understand that if we have the precise, detailed list of installed plugins. That list is easiest for us to use if you follow the directions at https://www.jenkins.io/participate/report-issue/#Howtoreportanissue-WhatinformationtoprovideforEnvironmentandDescription
If you create a new empty freestyle job without any steps, does that also have the same problems?
- Save button does not work
- Apply button does not work
- Page header bar scrolls incorrectly
- An HTTP request is made to …/'descriptorByName/AndroidEmulator/checkScreenResolution and fails with status 404
Kalle, Unfortunately I am having the same behaviour for new item created as well.
Request Method:
POSTStatus Code:
404Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:
Mark, As I mentioned, this is first case I created so far and trying my best to offer all the information required. I did not confirm any of the other points except "Update all plugins to latest releases", So I will go ahead and do the rest as well.
I am surprised it sends the checkScreenResolution request even without any steps in the job. I haven’t used freestyle jobs much though, so perhaps it’s normal.
Created an Item using Pipeline and without any configuration at the moment is working as expected, no issues.
Are you saying that:
- Your pre-existing freestyle jobs have all four problems
- A new freestyle job without any steps has all four problems
- A new pipeline job without any steps has none of these problems
where the four problems are:
- Save button does not work
- Apply button does not work
- Page header bar scrolls incorrectly
- An HTTP request is made to …/'descriptorByName/AndroidEmulator/checkScreenResolution and fails with status 404
I wonder if the problems with scrolling and the Save and Apply buttons could be caused by a jQuery version conflict, similar to JENKINS-64586. Can you attach the HTML of the configure page of the empty freestyle job? Either from the HTTP response or from the DOM, but please say which one it is. I am particularly interested in the script elements.
Kalle, Added Screenshot 5 to 9 and the HTML Inspect from HTTP Response in txt format for your reference.
I don't see any HTML files among the attachments. The "Legacy checkUrl" warnings from hudson-behavior.js:522 are interesting, though.
Tentatively moved to the android-emulator-plugin component because at least the "Legacy checkUrl" warning and the subsequent HTTP error look like they need to be fixed there. The problems with scrolling and the Apply and Save buttons might still be caused by something else, though.
Oh there's also another "Legacy checkUrl" warning, involving jenkins.plugins.publish_over_ssh.BapSshTransfer/checkSourceFiles. Which version of Publish Over SSH are you using? JENKINS-65263 is still open and might be related.
By the way, version 3.1.3 of the Android Emulator plugin was recently released. You could now upgrade from 3.1.3-SNAPSHOT build 43 to that. There are almost no differences between those versions but using an official release could help diagnose any future problems.
Publish Over SSH is of latest version 1.20.1 and this is the issue ! I went ahead and disabled this Plugin and Configuration Page works as expected with 4 issues resolved.
Now my question is, We use this plugin to deploy our built images to our servers over SSH, and we need it. What can we do ?
I imagine you can either adopt the Publish Over SSH plugin and fix the bugs there, or make your jobs run scp or sftp as a shell command instead. I don't really know how to pass SSH credentials to such a command in a freestyle job.
I wonder what should be done with this Jira issue, then. Because your problems were not caused by android-emulator-plugin after all, it might be best to move this to the publish-over-ssh-plugin component and resolve as a duplicate of JENKINS-65263, then file a separate issue for the incorrect checkScreenResolution URI in android-emulator-plugin. The symptoms in this issue don't seem to quite match JENKINS-65263 though, because that mentions save doesn't do anything and apply just opens up an "error" window with no information but you wrote that Save and Apply buttons are not calling any function.
Obviously this ended up being a plugin issue. So not sure as well. Maybe move to JENKINS-65263 and open issue for Publish-Over-SSH instead as this is the Plugin causing the resolution issue on freestyle configuration pages. Please advise.
After you disabled the Publish Over SSH plugin, does the Web browser still make a failing HTTP request to /job/API-BACKEND-JOBS/view/01.dev/job/Dev-Ancillary.API/'descriptorByName/AndroidEmulator/checkScreenResolution? If that too was somehow caused by Publish Over SSH, then we won't need a Jira issue on android-emulator-plugin.
Call to /job/API-BACKEND-JOBS/view/01.dev/job/Dev-Ancillary.API/'descriptorByName/AndroidEmulator/checkScreenResolution? Is still happening, but with Status 200. Please see the screenshot added.
In the latest screenshot_10.png, the URL contains /descriptorByName/ without an apostrophe, not /'descriptorByName/.
I think it means the Publish Over SSH plugin caused JavaScript errors when hudson-behavior.js was trying to evaluate the legacy checkUrl expression used by Android Emulator, and hudson-behavior.js then tried to recover by using the checkUrl string as is, but the apostrophe that was left in caused the checkScreenResolution request to fail.
So the 404 status code is not really a bug in Android Emulator after all, although it would be good to modernise Android Emulator so it uses checkDependsOn and no longer causes the "legacy checkUrl" warning. I'll move this to the publish-over-ssh-plugin component and resolve as a duplicate of JENKINS-65263.
Okay Kalle. Thank you for your assistance so far. I agree the Apostrophe in that path might be root cause of this issue.
Anyone having the same issue, You can resolve by downloading new release here https://plugins.jenkins.io/publish-over-ssh/#releases and upload manually from Advanced Page on Plugins management section. It is strange why this was not released as an update within Jenkins but anyhow this fixed my issue finally.
For your information, all publish-over-ssh component type JENKINS issues related to the Publish Over SSH plugin have been transferred to Github: https://github.com/jenkinsci/publish-over-ssh-plugin/issues
Here is the direct link to this issue in Github: https://github.com/jenkinsci/publish-over-ssh-plugin/issues/69
And here is the link to a search for related issues: https://github.com/jenkinsci/publish-over-ssh-plugin/issues?q=%22JENKINS-66884%22
(Note: this is an automated bulk comment)
We are unable to configure any item due to this issue. Please look into it.