Resolution: Unresolved
Agent Server Parameter prevents loading a Jenkins shared library.
- Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS from docker container
- Several connected windows and linux agents
- Plugin 'Agent Server Parameter' Version 1.1
- Declarative Pipeline
Steps to reproduce:
Declarative Pipeline:
pipeline { agent { label params['agent-name'] } parameters{ agentParameter name:'agent-name' } stages { stage('Build') { steps { echo params['agent-name'] } } } }
- Click 'Build with Parameters'
- Choose a windows agent-name
- Click 'Build'
Expected result: Successful build without errors.
Actual Result: Error fetching remote repo (Jenkins shared library)
See attached console output.
Remarks: There is no error if the chosen agent-name is a Linux agent.
[JENKINS-67630] Agent Server Parameter causes Error fetching remote repo on windows agents
Priority | Original: Blocker [ 1 ] | New: Major [ 3 ] |
Description |
Agent Server Parameter does not affect Freestyle project's job node selection.
System: * [Jenkins 2.289.2 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' * Freestyle project project * Admin login Steps to reproduce: # Open project # Click 'Configure' to change project configuration # Check 'This project is parameterized' # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Agent Server Parameter prevents the git
System: * [Jenkins 2.289.2 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' * Freestyle project project * Admin login Steps to reproduce: # Open project # Click 'Configure' to change project configuration # Check 'This project is parameterized' # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Description |
Agent Server Parameter prevents the git
System: * [Jenkins 2.289.2 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' * Freestyle project project * Admin login Steps to reproduce: # Open project # Click 'Configure' to change project configuration # Check 'This project is parameterized' # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Agent Server Parameter prevents loading a Jenkins shared library.
System: * [Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows and linux agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' Version 1.1 * Declarative Pipeline Steps to reproduce: # Declarative Pipeline {code:java} pipeline { agent { label params['agent-name'] } parameters{ agentParameter name:'agent-name' } options { buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '5', artifactNumToKeepStr: '5', daysToKeepStr: '30', numToKeepStr: '60') timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { checkout poll: false, changelog: true, scm: [ $class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'master']], browser: [$class: 'GiteaBrowser', repoUrl: 'https://gitea...'], extensions: [ [$class: 'CleanCheckout'] ], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: lovFields.defaultGitCredentialsId, name: '...', url: 'https://gitea....']] ] } } stage('Build') { steps { print params['agent-name'] } } } post { failure { emailext subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT', body: '$DEFAULT_CONTENT', to: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS', recipientProviders: [requestor()] } } } {code} # Click 'Configure' to change project configuration # Check 'This project is parameterized' # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Summary | Original: Agent Server Parameter prevent fetching shared library | New: Agent Server Parameter causes Error fetching remote repo |
Description |
Agent Server Parameter prevents loading a Jenkins shared library.
System: * [Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows and linux agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' Version 1.1 * Declarative Pipeline Steps to reproduce: # Declarative Pipeline {code:java} pipeline { agent { label params['agent-name'] } parameters{ agentParameter name:'agent-name' } options { buildDiscarder logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '5', artifactNumToKeepStr: '5', daysToKeepStr: '30', numToKeepStr: '60') timeout(time: 15, unit: 'MINUTES') } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { checkout poll: false, changelog: true, scm: [ $class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: 'master']], browser: [$class: 'GiteaBrowser', repoUrl: 'https://gitea...'], extensions: [ [$class: 'CleanCheckout'] ], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: lovFields.defaultGitCredentialsId, name: '...', url: 'https://gitea....']] ] } } stage('Build') { steps { print params['agent-name'] } } } post { failure { emailext subject: '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT', body: '$DEFAULT_CONTENT', to: '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS', recipientProviders: [requestor()] } } } {code} # Click 'Configure' to change project configuration # Check 'This project is parameterized' # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Agent Server Parameter prevents loading a Jenkins shared library.
System: * [Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows and linux agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' Version 1.1 * Declarative Pipeline Steps to reproduce: # Declarative Pipeline {code:java} pipeline { agent { label params['agent-name'] } parameters{ agentParameter name:'agent-name' } stages { stage('Build') { steps { echo params['agent-name'] } } } } {code} # Click 'Build with Parameters' # Choose a windows agent-name # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Summary | Original: Agent Server Parameter causes Error fetching remote repo | New: Agent Server Parameter causes Error fetching remote repo on windows agents |
Description |
Agent Server Parameter prevents loading a Jenkins shared library.
System: * [Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows and linux agent nodes * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' Version 1.1 * Declarative Pipeline Steps to reproduce: # Declarative Pipeline {code:java} pipeline { agent { label params['agent-name'] } parameters{ agentParameter name:'agent-name' } stages { stage('Build') { steps { echo params['agent-name'] } } } } {code} # Click 'Build with Parameters' # Choose a windows agent-name # Click 'Add Parameter' # Select 'Agent Server Parameter' and set 'name' e.g. 'agent-node'. # Save project configuration # Click 'Build with Parameters' # For 'Agent Server Parameter' select non-default node name. # Press 'Build' button # Find started job and open the build page *Expected result:* new build agent name should be the same as set in 'Agent Server Parameter' 'name' . *Actual Result*: the actual new build agent name is different from selected name... See attached screenshot Screenshot2021-07-21.png Meantime, NODE plugin allows to select desired node as expected... |
Agent Server Parameter prevents loading a Jenkins shared library.
System: * [Jenkins 2.319.1 LTS|https://jenkins.io/] from docker container * Several connected windows and linux agents * Pluging 'Agent Server Parameter' Version 1.1 * Declarative Pipeline Steps to reproduce: Declarative Pipeline: {code:java} pipeline { agent { label params['agent-name'] } parameters{ agentParameter name:'agent-name' } stages { stage('Build') { steps { echo params['agent-name'] } } } } {code} # Click 'Build with Parameters' # Choose a windows agent-name # Click 'Build' *Expected result:* Successful build without errors. *Actual Result*: Error fetching remote repo (Jenkins shared library) See attached console output. Remarks: There is no error if the chosen agent-name is a Linux agent. |
Attachment | New: consoleOutputAgentServerParameterError.txt [ 57113 ] |