Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins 2.319.2
kubernetes-plugin 1.31.3
Running on Openshift4
Scripted pipeline with a Jenkins shared library
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace"
Actual result
The PVC maven-repository-cache is not created in the namespace project-namespace and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error:
Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found.
Looking at the project-namespace the PVC isn't created, but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs.
EDIT: The PVC isn't created in Jenkins namespace, but was there already from previous run. This brought me to the assumption that jenkins-kubernetes created the PVC.
Expected result
The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace.
[JENKINS-67711] PVC isn't created in the namespace specified in the podTemplate
Description |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created, but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs. |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created, but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
Issue Type | Original: Task [ 3 ] | New: Bug [ 1 ] |
Description |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created, but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created, ~but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs.~ EDIT: The PVC isn't created in Jenkins namespace, but was there already from previous run. This brought me to the assumption that jenkins-kubernetes created the PVC. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
Description |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created, ~but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs.~ EDIT: The PVC isn't created in Jenkins namespace, but was there already from previous run. This brought me to the assumption that jenkins-kubernetes created the PVC. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created,- but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs.- EDIT: The PVC isn't created in Jenkins namespace, but was there already from previous run. This brought me to the assumption that jenkins-kubernetes created the PVC. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
Description |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created,- but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs.- EDIT: The PVC isn't created in Jenkins namespace, but was there already from previous run. This brought me to the assumption that jenkins-kubernetes created the PVC. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
When creating a podTemplate and specifying a `namespace`, defined persistentVolumeClaims as volumes are not created in the given namespace.
h3. podTemplate {code:groovy} podTemplate( serviceAccount: "default", containers: [ containerTemplate( name: "jnlp", image: "image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/openshift/jenkins-agent-nodejs:latest", envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent") ] ), containerTemplate( name: "maven", image: "${imageRegistry}/${imageNamespace}/jdk-maven-jenkins-slave:jdk-11", command: "sleep", args: "99999", alwaysPullImage: true, envVars: [ envVar(key: "HOME", value: "/home/jenkins/agent"), envVar(key: "TZ", value: "Europe/Rome"), ], resourceLimitCpu: "2", resourceRequestCpu: "1", resourceLimitMemory: "4Gi", resourceRequestMemory: "1Gi" ) ], volumes: [ persistentVolumeClaim(mountPath: "/home/jenkins/agent/.m2/repository", claimName: "maven-repository-cache") ], namespace: "project-namespace" {code} h3. Actual result The PVC *maven-repository-cache* is not created in the namespace *project-namespace* and thus the slave pod doesn't start up with the following error: {noformat} Created Pod: openshift project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13 [Warning][project-namespace/dummy-job-11-4r89n-r81k2-9jh13][FailedScheduling] 0/10 nodes are available: 10 persistentvolumeclaim "maven-repository-cache" not found. {noformat} Looking at the *project-namespace* the PVC isn't created, -but instead it is created in the namespace which jenkins runs.- EDIT: The PVC isn't created in Jenkins namespace, but was there already from previous run. This brought me to the assumption that jenkins-kubernetes created the PVC. h3. Expected result The plugin should populate the PVC resource with the namespace given in the podTemplate, so that the PVC is created in the correct namespace. |
Resolution | New: Not A Defect [ 7 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ] |
Assignee | New: Florin Hillebrand [ flozzone ] |