• Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • kubernetes-plugin
    • None
    • PROD

      Hello There

      I have configured Jenkins on EKS with dynamic PODS for slaves. While trying to trigger the build, PODS keeps getting created (n numbers) and shows succeed but the job does not complete at all from Jenkins UI. While analyzing the logs, not getting more details.

      Error in provisioning:

          [JENKINS-67795] Jenkins on EKS dynamic PODS

          Ananth Sabhapathi created issue -

          The only log I am getting from POD is, PFB.

          option "-direct (-directConnection)" cannot be used with the option(s) [-url, -tunnel]
          java -jar agent.jar [options...] <secret key> <agent name>
          -agentLog FILE : Local agent error log destination
          (overrides workDir)
          -cert VAL : Specify additional X.509 encoded PEM
          certificates to trust when connecting
          to Jenkins root URLs. If starting with
          @ then the remainder is assumed to be
          the name of the certificate file to
          -credentials USER:PASSWORD : HTTP BASIC AUTH header to pass in for
          making HTTP requests.
          -direct (-directConnection) HOST:PORT : Connect directly to this TCP agent
          port, skipping the HTTP(S) connection
          parameter download. For example,
          -disableHttpsCertValidation : Ignore SSL validation errors - use as
          a last resort only. (default: false)
          -failIfWorkDirIsMissing : Fails the initialization if the
          requested workDir or internalDir are
          missing ('false' by default) (default:
          -headless : Run agent in headless mode, without
          GUI (default: false)

          Ananth Sabhapathi added a comment - The only log I am getting from POD is, PFB.   option "-direct (-directConnection)" cannot be used with the option(s) [-url, -tunnel] java -jar agent.jar [options...] <secret key> <agent name> -agentLog FILE : Local agent error log destination (overrides workDir) -cert VAL : Specify additional X.509 encoded PEM certificates to trust when connecting to Jenkins root URLs. If starting with @ then the remainder is assumed to be the name of the certificate file to read. -credentials USER:PASSWORD : HTTP BASIC AUTH header to pass in for making HTTP requests. -direct (-directConnection) HOST:PORT : Connect directly to this TCP agent port, skipping the HTTP(S) connection parameter download. For example, "myjenkins:50000". -disableHttpsCertValidation : Ignore SSL validation errors - use as a last resort only. (default: false) -failIfWorkDirIsMissing : Fails the initialization if the requested workDir or internalDir are missing ('false' by default) (default: false) -headless : Run agent in headless mode, without GUI (default: false)

            Unassigned Unassigned
            ananth_sabhapathi Ananth Sabhapathi
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