I have the following maven build job as below in declarative pipeline and is working fine.

      pipeline {
            agent any
             tools {
                 maven 'test-maven'
                 jdk 'test-jdk'
             stages {
                 stage("Tools initialization") {
                     steps {
                         sh "mvn --version"
                         sh "java -version"
                 stage("Checkout Code") {
                     steps {
                         git branch: buildParams.get('branch'),
                             url: buildParams.get('repo')
                 stage("Build Maven") {
                     steps {
                         script {
                             String pomFile=buildParams.get('file')
                             String args=buildParams.get('options')
                             sh "mvn -f ${pomFile} ${args}"

      However, in the pipeline view as well as the BlueOcean view, I can see the following labels. Please provide configuration to suppress this display.


          [JENKINS-68171] Unnecessary Labels in Pipeline displays

          Sougata Das created issue -
          Sougata Das made changes -
          Issue Type Original: Improvement [ 4 ] New: Bug [ 1 ]
          Sougata Das made changes -
          Description Original: I have the following maven build job as below in declarative pipeline and is working fine.
          pipeline {
                agent any
                 tools {
                     maven 'test-maven'
                     jdk 'test-jdk'
                 stages {
                     stage("Tools initialization") {
                         steps {
                             sh "mvn --version"
                             sh "java -version"
                     stage("Checkout Code") {
                         steps {
                             git branch: buildParams.get('branch'),
                                 url: buildParams.get('repo')
                     stage("Build Maven") {
                         steps {
                             script {
                                 String pomFile=buildParams.get('file')
                                 String args=buildParams.get('options')
                                 sh "mvn -f ${pomFile} ${args}"
          However, in the pipeline view as well as the BlueOcean view, I can see the following labels. Please provide configuration to stop this display


          New: I have the following maven build job as below in declarative pipeline and is working fine.
          pipeline {
                agent any
                 tools {
                     maven 'test-maven'
                     jdk 'test-jdk'
                 stages {
                     stage("Tools initialization") {
                         steps {
                             sh "mvn --version"
                             sh "java -version"
                     stage("Checkout Code") {
                         steps {
                             git branch: buildParams.get('branch'),
                                 url: buildParams.get('repo')
                     stage("Build Maven") {
                         steps {
                             script {
                                 String pomFile=buildParams.get('file')
                                 String args=buildParams.get('options')
                                 sh "mvn -f ${pomFile} ${args}"
          However, in the pipeline view as well as the BlueOcean view, I can see the following labels. Please provide configuration to suppress this display.


          Kevin made changes -
          Link New: This issue is related to JENKINS-68523 [ JENKINS-68523 ]

            Unassigned Unassigned
            sougatadas10 Sougata Das
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
