Resolution: Unresolved
jenkins version 2.345
ubuntu (with ubuntu .deb packages)
apache is used as proxy to enforce https
we upgraded jenkins from 2.328 to 2.345 as well as all installed plugins.
After these upgrades, it is no more possible to download any artefact due to an 500 error:
May 02, 2022 12:48:00 PM WARNING hudson.init.impl.InstallUncaughtExceptionHandler handleException
null org.eclipse.jetty.http.BadMessageException: 500: Response header too large at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection$SendCallback.process(HttpConnection.java:773) at org.eclipse.jetty.util.IteratingCallback.processing(IteratingCallback.java:241) at org.eclipse.jetty.util.IteratingCallback.iterate(IteratingCallback.java:223) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpConnection.send(HttpConnection.java:555) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.sendResponse(HttpChannel.java:1009) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpChannel.write(HttpChannel.java:1086) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput.channelWrite(HttpOutput.java:285) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput.channelWrite(HttpOutput.java:269) at org.eclipse.jetty.server.HttpOutput.write(HttpOutput.java:873) at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.serveStaticResource(Stapler.java:628) at org.kohsuke.stapler.ResponseImpl.serveFile(ResponseImpl.java:231) at hudson.model.DirectoryBrowserSupport.serveFile(DirectoryBrowserSupport.java:415)
https://jenkins.<private>/job/IFSTools_6/509/artifact/Artifacts/artefact.zip failed with the above log
https://jenkins.<private>/job/IFSTools_6/509/artifact/Artifacts/artefact.zip/view/ displays the zip (in binary mode) in the webbrowser;
as lots of plugin were upgraded we have no clear view whether there is a faulty plugin of if the issue is related to core jenkins
The issue can be produced using lynx directly on the jenkins server (this test eliminates apache proxy as the source of the issue)
Below the list of all installed (and up-to-date) plugins:
ace-editor | 1.1 | true | JavaScript GUI Lib: ACE Editor bundle plugin
amazon-ecr | 1.73.v741d474abe74 | true | Amazon ECR plugin
ansicolor | 1.0.1 | true | AnsiColor
ant | 475.vf34069fef73c | true | Ant Plugin
antisamy-markup-formatter | 2.7 | true | OWASP Markup Formatter Plugin
apache-httpcomponents-client-4-api | 4.5.13-1.0 | true | Apache HttpComponents Client 4.x API Plugin
atlassian-jira-software-cloud | 2.0.2 | true | Atlassian Jira Software Cloud
audit-trail | 3.10 | true | Audit Trail
authentication-tokens | 1.4 | true | Authentication Tokens API Plugin
aws-credentials | 191.vcb_f183ce58b_9 | true | CloudBees AWS Credentials Plugin
aws-java-sdk | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: All
aws-java-sdk-cloudformation | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: CloudFormation
aws-java-sdk-codebuild | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: CodeBuild
aws-java-sdk-ec2 | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: EC2
aws-java-sdk-ecr | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: ECR
aws-java-sdk-ecs | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: ECS
aws-java-sdk-elasticbeanstalk | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: Elastic Beanstalk
aws-java-sdk-iam | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: IAM
aws-java-sdk-logs | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: Logs
aws-java-sdk-minimal | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: Minimal
aws-java-sdk-ssm | 1.12.201-326.veb_6ce41104a_e | true | Amazon Web Services SDK :: SSM
aws-lambda | 0.5.10 | true | AWS Lambda Plugin
awseb-deployment-plugin | 0.3.21 | true | AWSEB Deployment Plugin
badge | 1.9.1 | true | Badge
blueocean | 1.25.3 | true | Blue Ocean
blueocean-autofavorite | 1.2.5 | true | Autofavorite for Blue Ocean
blueocean-bitbucket-pipeline | 1.25.3 | true | Bitbucket Pipeline for Blue Ocean
blueocean-commons | 1.25.3 | true | Common API for Blue Ocean
blueocean-config | 1.25.3 | true | Config API for Blue Ocean
blueocean-core-js | 1.25.3 | true | Blue Ocean Core JS
blueocean-dashboard | 1.25.3 | true | Dashboard for Blue Ocean
blueocean-display-url | 2.4.1 | true | Display URL for Blue Ocean
blueocean-events | 1.25.3 | true | Events API for Blue Ocean
blueocean-git-pipeline | 1.25.3 | true | Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean
blueocean-github-pipeline | 1.25.3 | true | GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean
blueocean-i18n | 1.25.3 | true | i18n for Blue Ocean
blueocean-jwt | 1.25.3 | true | JWT for Blue Ocean
blueocean-personalization | 1.25.3 | true | Personalization for Blue Ocean
blueocean-pipeline-api-impl | 1.25.3 | true | Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean
blueocean-pipeline-editor | 1.25.3 | true | Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor
blueocean-pipeline-scm-api | 1.25.3 | true | Pipeline SCM API for Blue Ocean
blueocean-rest | 1.25.3 | true | REST API for Blue Ocean
blueocean-rest-impl | 1.25.3 | true | REST Implementation for Blue Ocean
blueocean-web | 1.25.3 | true | Web for Blue Ocean
bootstrap4-api | 4.6.0-4 | true | Bootstrap 4 API Plugin
bootstrap5-api | 5.1.3-6 | true | Bootstrap 5 API Plugin
bouncycastle-api | 2.26 | true | bouncycastle API Plugin
branch-api | 2.1046.v0ca_37783ecc5 | true | Branch API Plugin
build-monitor-plugin | 1.13+build.202204241251 | true | Build Monitor View
build-timeout | 1.20 | true | Build Timeout
caffeine-api | 2.9.3-65.v6a_47d0f4d1fe | true | Caffeine API Plugin
checks-api | 1.7.3 | true | Checks API plugin
cloudbees-bitbucket-branch-source | 765.v5a_2d6a_23c01d | true | Bitbucket Branch Source Plugin
cloudbees-folder | 6.714.v79e858ef76a_2 | true | Folders Plugin
cobertura | 1.17 | true | Cobertura Plugin
code-coverage-api | 2.0.4 | true | Code Coverage API Plugin
command-launcher | 81.v9c2cb_cb_db_392 | true | Command Agent Launcher Plugin
config-file-provider | 3.9.0 | true | Config File Provider Plugin
copyartifact | 1.46.4 | true | Copy Artifact Plugin
cors-filter | 1.1 | true | CORS support for Jenkins
credentials | 1126.ve05618c41e62 | true | Credentials Plugin
credentials-binding | 523.vd859a_4b_122e6 | true | Credentials Binding Plugin
custom-tools-plugin | 0.8 | true | Custom Tools Plugin
data-tables-api | 1.11.4-4 | true | DataTables.net API Plugin
description-setter | 1.10 | true | description setter plugin
display-url-api | 2.3.6 | true | Display URL API
docker-commons | 1.19 | true | Docker Commons Plugin
docker-workflow | 1.28 | true | Docker Pipeline
durable-task | 496.va67c6f9eefa7 | true | Durable Task Plugin
echarts-api | 5.3.2-1 | true | ECharts API Plugin
email-ext | 2.88 | true | Email Extension Plugin
emma | 1.31 | true | Emma plugin
extended-choice-parameter | 346.vd87693c5a_86c | true | Extended Choice Parameter Plug-In
external-monitor-job | 191.v363d0d1efdf8 | true | External Monitor Job Type Plugin
favorite | 2.4.1 | true | Favorite
font-awesome-api | 6.0.0-1 | true | Font Awesome API Plugin
forensics-api | 1.12.0 | true | Forensics API Plugin
git | 4.11.1 | true | Git plugin
git-client | 3.11.0 | true | Git client plugin
git-server | 1.10 | true | GIT server Plugin
github | 1.34.3 | true | GitHub plugin
github-api | 1.303-400.v35c2d8258028 | true | GitHub API Plugin
github-branch-source | 1598.v91207e9f9b_4a_ | true | GitHub Branch Source Plugin
github-scm-trait-notification-context | 1.1 | true | Github Custom Notification Context SCM Behaviour
gradle | 1.38 | true | Gradle Plugin
groovy-postbuild | 2.5 | true | Groovy Postbuild
handlebars | 3.0.8 | true | JavaScript GUI Lib: Handlebars bundle plugin
handy-uri-templates-2-api | 2.1.8-22.v77d5b_75e6953 | true | Handy Uri Templates 2.x API Plugin
htmlpublisher | 1.30 | true | HTML Publisher plugin
http_request | 1.15 | true | HTTP Request Plugin
icon-shim | 3.0.0 | true | Icon Shim
jackson2-api | | true | Jackson 2 API Plugin
javadoc | 217.v905b_86277a_2a_ | true | Javadoc Plugin
javax-activation-api | 1.2.0-3 | true | JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) API
javax-mail-api | 1.6.2-6 | true | JavaMail API
jaxb | | true | JAXB plugin
jdk-tool | 1.5 | true | Oracle Java SE Development Kit Installer Plugin
jenkins-design-language | 1.25.3 | true | Design Language
jira | 3.7.1 | false | Jira plugin
jjwt-api | 0.11.2-71.v2722b_b_06a_2a_f | true | Java JSON Web Token (JJWT) Plugin
jquery | 1.12.4-1 | true | jQuery plugin
jquery-detached | 1.2.1 | true | JavaScript GUI Lib: jQuery bundles (jQuery and jQuery UI) plugin
jquery3-api | 3.6.0-3 | true | JQuery3 API Plugin
jsch | | true | JSch dependency plugin
junit | 1.60 | true | JUnit Plugin
ldap | 2.9 | true | LDAP Plugin
leastload | 3.0.0 | true | Least Load plugin
lockable-resources | 2.14 | true | Lockable Resources plugin
log-parser | 2.2 | true | Log Parser Plugin
mailer | 414.vcc4c33714601 | true | Mailer Plugin
mapdb-api | | true | MapDB API Plugin
matrix-auth | 3.1.1 | true | Matrix Authorization Strategy Plugin
matrix-project | 771.v574584b_39e60 | true | Matrix Project Plugin
maven-plugin | 3.18 | true | Maven Integration plugin
mercurial | 2.16 | true | Mercurial plugin
metrics | | true | Metrics Plugin
momentjs | 1.1.1 | true | JavaScript GUI Lib: Moment.js bundle plugin
msbuild | 1.30 | true | MSBuild Plugin
mstest | 1.0.0 | true | MSTest plugin
newrelic-deployment-notifier | 1.8 | true | New Relic Deployment Notifier Plugin
next-build-number | 1.8 | true | Next Build Number Plugin
nodejs | 1.5.1 | true | NodeJS Plugin
nodelabelparameter | | true | Node and Label parameter plugin
notification | 1.15 | true | Notification plugin
okhttp-api | 4.9.3-105.vb96869f8ac3a | true | OkHttp Plugin
pam-auth | 1.8 | true | PAM Authentication plugin
pipeline-aws | 1.43 | true | Pipeline: AWS Steps
pipeline-build-step | 2.18 | true | Pipeline: Build Step
pipeline-github-lib | 36.v4c01db_ca_ed16 | true | Pipeline: GitHub Groovy Libraries
pipeline-graph-analysis | 195.v5812d95a_a_2f9 | true | Pipeline Graph Analysis Plugin
pipeline-input-step | 448.v37cea_9a_10a_70 | true | Pipeline: Input Step
pipeline-milestone-step | 101.vd572fef9d926 | true | Pipeline: Milestone Step
pipeline-model-api | 2.2077.vc78ec45162f1 | true | Pipeline: Model API
pipeline-model-definition | 2.2077.vc78ec45162f1 | true | Pipeline: Declarative
pipeline-model-extensions | 2.2077.vc78ec45162f1 | true | Pipeline: Declarative Extension Points API
pipeline-rest-api | 2.24 | true | Pipeline: REST API Plugin
pipeline-stage-step | 293.v200037eefcd5 | true | Pipeline: Stage Step
pipeline-stage-tags-metadata | 2.2077.vc78ec45162f1 | true | Pipeline: Stage Tags Metadata
pipeline-stage-view | 2.24 | true | Pipeline: Stage View Plugin
pipeline-utility-steps | 2.12.0 | true | Pipeline Utility Steps
plain-credentials | 1.8 | true | Plain Credentials Plugin
plot | 2.1.10 | true | Plot plugin
plugin-util-api | 2.16.0 | true | Plugin Utilities API Plugin
popper-api | 1.16.1-3 | true | Popper.js API Plugin
popper2-api | 2.11.5-1 | true | Popper.js 2 API Plugin
powershell | 1.7 | true | PowerShell plugin
promoted-builds | 876.v99d29788b_36b_ | true | promoted builds plugin
publish-over | 0.22 | true | Infrastructure plugin for Publish Over X
publish-over-cifs | 0.16 | true | Publish Over CIFS
publish-over-ssh | 1.24 | true | Publish Over SSH
pubsub-light | 1.16 | true | Pub-Sub "light" Bus
resource-disposer | 0.19 | true | Resource Disposer Plugin
run-selector | 1.1.1 | true | Run Selector Plugin
s3 | 0.12.1 | true | S3 publisher plugin
saferestart | 0.3 | true | Safe Restart Plugin
schedule-build | 280.vc5c0311537f6 | true | Schedule Build Plugin
scm-api | 608.vfa_f971c5a_a_e9 | true | SCM API Plugin
scoring-load-balancer | 1.0.1 | true | Scoring Load Balancer
script-security | 1158.v7c1b_73a_69a_08 | true | Script Security Plugin
secure-requester-whitelist | 1.7 | true | Secure Requester Whitelist Plugin
slack | 608.v19e3b_44b_b_9ff | true | Slack Notification Plugin
snakeyaml-api | 1.30.1 | true | SnakeYAML API Plugin
sonar | 2.14 | true | SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins
sse-gateway | 1.25 | true | Server Sent Events (SSE) Gateway Plugin
ssh | 2.6.1 | true | SSH plugin
ssh-agent | 1.24.1 | true | SSH Agent Plugin
ssh-credentials | 277.v95c2fec1c047 | true | SSH Credentials Plugin
ssh-slaves | 1.814.vc82988f54b_10 | true | SSH Build Agents plugin
sshd | 3.228.v4c9f9e652c86 | true | SSH server
structs | 318.va_f3ccb_729b_71 | true | Structs Plugin
subversion | 2.15.4 | true | Subversion Plug-in
syslog-logger | 1.0.5 | true | Syslog logger plugin
timestamper | 1.17 | true | Timestamper
token-macro | 293.v283932a_0a_b_49 | true | Token Macro Plugin
trilead-api | 1.57.v6e90e07157e1 | true | Trilead API Plugin
variant | 1.4 | true | Variant Plugin
view-job-filters | 2.3 | true | View Job Filters
windows-slaves | 1.8 | true | WMI Windows Agents Plugin
workflow-aggregator | 2.7 | true | Pipeline
workflow-api | 1144.v61c3180fa_03f | true | Pipeline: API
workflow-basic-steps | 948.v2c72a_091b_b_68 | true | Pipeline: Basic Steps
workflow-cps | 2689.v434009a_31b_f1 | true | Pipeline: Groovy
workflow-cps-global-lib | 570.v21311f4951f8 | true | Pipeline: Shared Groovy Libraries
workflow-durable-task-step | 1130.v8fd69d0b_8857 | true | Pipeline: Nodes and Processes
workflow-job | 1180.v04c4e75dce43 | true | Pipeline: Job
workflow-multibranch | 712.vc169a_1387405 | true | Pipeline: Multibranch
workflow-scm-step | 399.v9b_8f4da_65061 | true | Pipeline: SCM Step
workflow-step-api | 625.vd896b_f445a_f8 | true | Pipeline: Step API
workflow-support | 819.v37d707a_71d9b_ | true | Pipeline: Supporting APIs
ws-cleanup | 0.42 | true | Workspace Cleanup Plugin
xcode-plugin | 2.0.15 | true | Xcode integration
- is duplicated by
JENKINS-72746 Cannot access built html files published by HTML plugin
- Open
JENKINS-68386 "Response header too large" when logout button is clicked
- Open