Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.332.2
warnings-ng 9.11.1
gradle 7.4.2
OWASP dependency-check-gradle plugin
I am getting the following error(s) by using the OWASP scanner of warnings-ng plugin:
00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'cli-2.332.2.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-discovery-0.5.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-httpclient-3.1-jenkins-3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'fluent-hc-4.5.3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] ... skipped logging of 39 additional errors ...
I checked the json file created by the owasp gradle plugin. First I thought the reason is the backslash in front of each file path separator:
"filePath": "\/var\/lib\/jenkins\/.gradle\/caches\/modules-2\/files-2.1\/com.googlecode.javaewah\/JavaEWAH\/0.7.9\/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a\/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar"
then I corrected the leading backslash by this in my pipeline:
def owaspJsonFile = readJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.json" owaspJsonFile.dependencies.each { echo "filePath = " + it.filePath } writeJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.new.json", json: owaspJsonFile
now it looks like this:
but still the same error.
The only guess of root cause is shaded jar files, e.g.:
"fileName":"cli-2.332.2.jar (shaded: com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:2.0.1)","filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jenkins-ci.main/cli/2.332.2/c7e4e582f40baa64ca87d7f96e70b3b8fcba59d1/cli-2.332.2.jar/META-INF/maven/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/pom.xml"
Does OWASP parser support shaded jar files?
The only workaround is, ignoring the error by settings:
failOnError: false
- relates to
JENKINS-72054 Make post-processing of issues optional
- Resolved
- links to
[JENKINS-68415] Add option to suppress fingerprinting of affected files for specific issues
Description |
I am getting the following error(s) by using the OWASP scanner of warnings-ng plugin:
{code:bash} 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'cli-2.332.2.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-discovery-0.5.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-httpclient-3.1-jenkins-3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'fluent-hc-4.5.3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] ... skipped logging of 39 additional errors ... {code} I checked the json file created by the owasp gradle plugin. First I thought the reason is the backslash in front of each file path separator: {code:java} "filePath": "\/var\/lib\/jenkins\/.gradle\/caches\/modules-2\/files-2.1\/com.googlecode.javaewah\/JavaEWAH\/0.7.9\/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a\/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} then I corrected the leading backslash by this in my pipeline: {code:java} def owaspJsonFile = readJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.json" owaspJsonFile.dependencies.each { echo "filePath = " + it.filePath } writeJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.new.json", json: owaspJsonFile {code} now it looks like this: {code:java} "filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.googlecode.javaewah/JavaEWAH/0.7.9/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} but still the same error. The only guess of root cause is *shaded* jar files, e.g.: {code:java} "fileName":"cli-2.332.2.jar (shaded: com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:2.0.1)","filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jenkins-ci.main/cli/2.332.2/c7e4e582f40baa64ca87d7f96e70b3b8fcba59d1/cli-2.332.2.jar/META-INF/maven/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/pom.xml" {code} Does OWASP parser support shaded jar files? The only workaround is, ignoring the error by settings: {code:java} failOnError: false {code} |
I am getting the following error(s) by using the OWASP scanner of warnings-ng plugin:
{code:bash} 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'cli-2.332.2.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-discovery-0.5.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-httpclient-3.1-jenkins-3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'fluent-hc-4.5.3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] ... skipped logging of 39 additional errors ... {code} I checked the json file created by the owasp gradle plugin. First I thought the reason is the backslash in front of each file path separator: {code:java} "filePath": "\/var\/lib\/jenkins\/.gradle\/caches\/modules-2\/files-2.1\/com.googlecode.javaewah\/JavaEWAH\/0.7.9\/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a\/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} then I corrected the leading backslash by this in my pipeline: {code:java} def owaspJsonFile = readJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.json" owaspJsonFile.dependencies.each { echo "filePath = " + it.filePath } writeJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.new.json", json: owaspJsonFile {code} now it looks like this: {code:java} "filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.googlecode.javaewah/JavaEWAH/0.7.9/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} but still the same error. The only guess of root cause is *shaded* jar files, e.g.: {code:java} "fileName":"cli-2.332.2.jar (shaded: com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:2.0.1)","filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jenkins-ci.main/cli/2.332.2/c7e4e582f40baa64ca87d7f96e70b3b8fcba59d1/cli-2.332.2.jar/META-INF/maven/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/pom.xml" {code} Does OWASP parser support shaded jar files? The only workaround is, ignoring the error by settings: {code:java} failOnError: false {code} |
Component/s | New: analysis-model [ 23523 ] | |
Component/s | Original: warnings-ng-plugin [ 24526 ] |
Issue Type | Original: Bug [ 1 ] | New: Improvement [ 4 ] |
Summary | Original: [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files | New: Add option to suppress finger printing of affected files for specific issues |
Summary | Original: Add option to suppress finger printing of affected files for specific issues | New: Add option to suppress fingerprinting of affected files for specific issues |
Labels | New: hacktoberfest help-wanted newbie-friendly ux |
Assignee | Original: Ulli Hafner [ drulli ] |
Link |
This issue relates to |
Typically, warnings are tracked in source code files from build to build. Since the affected files of the OWASP parser are binary files this tracking does not make sense. It would be helpful if we can omit the tracking if the file is binary (or if the line number has not been set).