Resolution: Fixed
Jenkins 2.332.2
warnings-ng 9.11.1
gradle 7.4.2
OWASP dependency-check-gradle plugin
I am getting the following error(s) by using the OWASP scanner of warnings-ng plugin:
00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'cli-2.332.2.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-discovery-0.5.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-httpclient-3.1-jenkins-3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'fluent-hc-4.5.3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] ... skipped logging of 39 additional errors ...
I checked the json file created by the owasp gradle plugin. First I thought the reason is the backslash in front of each file path separator:
"filePath": "\/var\/lib\/jenkins\/.gradle\/caches\/modules-2\/files-2.1\/com.googlecode.javaewah\/JavaEWAH\/0.7.9\/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a\/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar"
then I corrected the leading backslash by this in my pipeline:
def owaspJsonFile = readJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.json" owaspJsonFile.dependencies.each { echo "filePath = " + it.filePath } writeJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.new.json", json: owaspJsonFile
now it looks like this:
but still the same error.
The only guess of root cause is shaded jar files, e.g.:
"fileName":"cli-2.332.2.jar (shaded: com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:2.0.1)","filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jenkins-ci.main/cli/2.332.2/c7e4e582f40baa64ca87d7f96e70b3b8fcba59d1/cli-2.332.2.jar/META-INF/maven/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/pom.xml"
Does OWASP parser support shaded jar files?
The only workaround is, ignoring the error by settings:
failOnError: false
- relates to
JENKINS-72054 Make post-processing of issues optional
- Resolved
- links to
[JENKINS-68415] Add option to suppress fingerprinting of affected files for specific issues
Description |
I am getting the following error(s) by using the OWASP scanner of warnings-ng plugin:
{code:bash} 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'cli-2.332.2.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-discovery-0.5.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-httpclient-3.1-jenkins-3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'fluent-hc-4.5.3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] ... skipped logging of 39 additional errors ... {code} I checked the json file created by the owasp gradle plugin. First I thought the reason is the backslash in front of each file path separator: {code:java} "filePath": "\/var\/lib\/jenkins\/.gradle\/caches\/modules-2\/files-2.1\/com.googlecode.javaewah\/JavaEWAH\/0.7.9\/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a\/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} then I corrected the leading backslash by this in my pipeline: {code:java} def owaspJsonFile = readJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.json" owaspJsonFile.dependencies.each { echo "filePath = " + it.filePath } writeJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.new.json", json: owaspJsonFile {code} now it looks like this: {code:java} "filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.googlecode.javaewah/JavaEWAH/0.7.9/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} but still the same error. The only guess of root cause is *shaded* jar files, e.g.: {code:java} "fileName":"cli-2.332.2.jar (shaded: com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:2.0.1)","filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jenkins-ci.main/cli/2.332.2/c7e4e582f40baa64ca87d7f96e70b3b8fcba59d1/cli-2.332.2.jar/META-INF/maven/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/pom.xml" {code} Does OWASP parser support shaded jar files? The only workaround is, ignoring the error by settings: {code:java} failOnError: false {code} |
I am getting the following error(s) by using the OWASP scanner of warnings-ng plugin:
{code:bash} 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files: 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-antlr-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'ant-junit-1.9.15.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: com.jcraft:jsch.agentproxy.usocket-nc:0.0.9)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-common:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-core:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-osgi:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'axion-release-plugin-1.13.6.jar (shaded: org.apache.sshd:sshd-sftp:2.6.0)' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'cli-2.332.2.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-discovery-0.5.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-httpclient-3.1-jenkins-3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'commons-jelly-tags-fmt-1.0.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] - 'fluent-hc-4.5.3.jar' file not found 00:02:12.752 [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] ... skipped logging of 39 additional errors ... {code} I checked the json file created by the owasp gradle plugin. First I thought the reason is the backslash in front of each file path separator: {code:java} "filePath": "\/var\/lib\/jenkins\/.gradle\/caches\/modules-2\/files-2.1\/com.googlecode.javaewah\/JavaEWAH\/0.7.9\/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a\/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} then I corrected the leading backslash by this in my pipeline: {code:java} def owaspJsonFile = readJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.json" owaspJsonFile.dependencies.each { echo "filePath = " + it.filePath } writeJSON file: "${env.STR_WORKSPACE}/build/reports/dependencyCheck/dependency-check-report.new.json", json: owaspJsonFile {code} now it looks like this: {code:java} "filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.googlecode.javaewah/JavaEWAH/0.7.9/eceaf316a8faf0e794296ebe158ae110c7d72a5a/JavaEWAH-0.7.9.jar" {code} but still the same error. The only guess of root cause is *shaded* jar files, e.g.: {code:java} "fileName":"cli-2.332.2.jar (shaded: com.sun.activation:jakarta.activation:2.0.1)","filePath":"/var/lib/jenkins/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jenkins-ci.main/cli/2.332.2/c7e4e582f40baa64ca87d7f96e70b3b8fcba59d1/cli-2.332.2.jar/META-INF/maven/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/pom.xml" {code} Does OWASP parser support shaded jar files? The only workaround is, ignoring the error by settings: {code:java} failOnError: false {code} |
Component/s | New: analysis-model [ 23523 ] | |
Component/s | Original: warnings-ng-plugin [ 24526 ] |
Issue Type | Original: Bug [ 1 ] | New: Improvement [ 4 ] |
Summary | Original: [OWASP Dependency Check] [-ERROR-] Can't create fingerprints for some files | New: Add option to suppress finger printing of affected files for specific issues |
Summary | Original: Add option to suppress finger printing of affected files for specific issues | New: Add option to suppress fingerprinting of affected files for specific issues |
Labels | New: hacktoberfest help-wanted newbie-friendly ux |
Assignee | Original: Ulli Hafner [ drulli ] |
Link |
This issue relates to |
Labels | Original: hacktoberfest help-wanted newbie-friendly ux | New: hacktoberfest help-wanted newbie-friendly |
Assignee | New: Ulli Hafner [ drulli ] |