Thank you bignnonster for this. I tried installing the Simplified Chinese locale plugin, thinking it could matter.
But I cannot reproduce this.
Could you please try to find when this issue was introduced? To do so, you need to:
1. clone,
2. checkout the jenkins-2.332.2 tag,
3. run git bisect start
4. run mvn clean package -Pquick-build,
5. run java -jar war/target/jenkins.war
6. reproduce the problem, run git bisect bad
7. checkout a previous label (go from lts baseline to lts baseline), run 4 and 5 again
- while the problem can be reproduced, run git bisect bad
- as soon as the problem is fixed, run git bisect good
at this moment, git-bisect will go from commit to commit to find the commit introducing the issue. Run 4-5-6-7 until you have found the commit introducing the problem.
Thank you very much for your help.
I tried to reproduce the problem with
using Groovy PostBuild plugin on a freestyle project. I tried in 2.332.2 without success.
Would you have a easy reproducible test to offer? This would make finding the root cause easier and make sure we fox correctly the problem. Thank you bignnonster.