Resolution: Fixed
Sometimes, the build progress bar does not take up the full width it is allocated, resulting in screenshots like https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/6562#issuecomment-1133440939 or https://gitter.im/jenkinsci/ux-sig?at=62912c2cef00bd1dc6011778
janfaracik in https://gitter.im/jenkinsci/ux-sig?at=629157844e38f759e28ff91c proposes an issue with Bootstrap.
Steps to reproduce
- Install Jenkins 2.350
- Install Warnings NG plugin 9.12.0 and its dependency bootstrap5-api 5.1.3-7
- Create a freestyle job
- Add a build step that sleeps for 20 seconds (e.g. shell sleep 20 )
- Add a post-build step that "Record compiler warnings and static analysis results", leave all options default
- Save
- Trigger 2 or more builds
- Wait a while
Expected result
Sane progress bar
Actual result
See attached
Adding the ux-untriaged label because this regression ticket lacks the following: