building jenkins core (master) fails on windows
INFO] 67:3 â?¼ Expected selector "#plugins tr.deleted .jenkins-toggle-switch label" to come before selector "#plugins tr.has-disabled-dependency .enable .jenkins-toggle-switch label" no-descending-specificity
[INFO] src/main/less/pages/setupWizardFirstUser.less
[INFO] 21:25 â?¼ Expected newline after "," selector-list-comma-newline-after
[INFO] error Command failed with exit code 2.
[INFO] error Command failed with exit code Visit for documentation about this command.
[INFO] error Command failed with exit code 2.
[INFO] error Command failed with exit code Visit for documentation about this command.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary for Jenkins main module 2.358-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Jenkins main module ................................ SUCCESS [ 3.305 s]
[INFO] Jenkins BOM ........................................ SUCCESS [ 0.225 s]
[INFO] Jenkins cli ........................................ SUCCESS [ 21.519 s]
[INFO] Jenkins core ....................................... SUCCESS [02:51 min]
[INFO] Jenkins war ........................................ FAILURE [01:56 min]
[INFO] Tests for Jenkins core ............................. SKIPPED
[INFO] Jenkins coverage ................................... SKIPPED
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
this is also the case on CI however there due to the profiles it uses the failure does not seem to be fatal (or because these yarn things are tests.)
Steps to reproduce
checlout the latest jenkinsci/jenkins code on windows
mvn install
expected behaviour
the build and tests pass and the artfacts are installed to the local repo
Actual Results
build fails (yarn lint)?