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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-69016

Regression: clicking Checkbox no longer sends events to dependent parameters

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • active-choices-plugin
    • None
    • Old Jenkins: 2.289.3
      New Jenkins: 2.346.1

      Between 2.289.3 and 2.346.1 a regression seems to happen where the click events on one parameter no longer send events to the depending parameter.

      The same code runs on both Jenkins instances. The code:

      properties { 
          parameters {
              [$class: 'ChoiceParameter',
                  name: 'TESTS_TO_RUN',
                  choiceType: 'PT_SINGLE_SELECT',
                  description: 'Choose which tests you want to run in the Test stage',
                  filterable: false,
                      [$class: 'GroovyScript',
                              [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: 'return "Run Default Set (PR Title may add more)"'],
                              [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: guiUtils2.getTestOptionsGroovyScript(this)]
              [$class: 'BooleanParameterDefinition',
                  name: 'DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES',
                  defaultValue: true,
                  description: 'Check this checkbox for selecting the tests specifically'],
              [$class: 'CascadeChoiceParameter',
                  name: 'TEST_NAMES',
                  choiceType: 'PT_CHECKBOX',
                  description: 'Choose tests by clicking relevant checkboxes',
                  filterLength: 1,
                  filterable: true,
                  referencedParameters: 'TESTS_TO_RUN, DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES',
                      [$class: 'GroovyScript',
                              [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: 'return ""'],
                              [classpath: [], sandbox: false, script: guiUtils2.getTestNamesCheckboxesGroovyScript(this)]

      DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES is rendered as a checkbox.
      (A simple checkbox on 2.289.3, a nice animated checkbox on 2.346.1)

      When I click on the DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES checkbox in 2.289.3, here is the JS console output:

      [Log] Cascading changes from parameter DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES... (unochoice.js, line 550)
      [Log] Values retrieved from Referenced Parameters: TESTS_TO_RUN=Let me choose what tests to run__LESEP__DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES= (unochoice.js, line 148)
      [Log] Calling Java server code to update HTML elements... (unochoice.js, line 154)
      [Log] Values returned from server: [[],[]] (unochoice.js, line 157)
      [Log] Updating values in filter array (unochoice.js, line 185)
      [Log] Cascading changes from parameter DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES... (unochoice.js, line 550)
      [Log] Values retrieved from Referenced Parameters: TESTS_TO_RUN=Let me choose what tests to run__LESEP__DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES=on (unochoice.js, line 148)
      [Log] Calling Java server code to update HTML elements... (unochoice.js, line 154)
      [Log] Values returned from server: [["ENABLE_SANITIZER","TESTS_QUAGGA_MULTICAST"],["ENABLE_SANITIZER","TESTS_QUAGGA_MULTICAST"]] (unochoice.js, line 157)
      [Log] Updating values in filter array (unochoice.js, line 185)

      When I click on the DISPLAY_TEST_NAMES checkbox in 2.346.1, the Javascript console is empty, and no events are written.

      Script approvals have been granted on both.

          [JENKINS-69016] Regression: clicking Checkbox no longer sends events to dependent parameters

            kinow Bruno P. Kinoshita
            eplodn1 efo plo
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            2 Start watching this issue
