I have a job which name is "création d'un test" and the link in the main page is :
<a class="model-link inside" href="job/cr%C3%A9ation%20d'un%20test/">création d<wbr>'un test</a>
as you can see, the quote character ' is not URLEncoded with %27.
This make a loading error when trying to see the job's configuration page (variable).
Another error is when I try to delete the job.
Nothing happens when I click on the delete project link on the job page loaded with url ..../job/cr%C3%A9ation%20d'un%20test/ BUT the delete action link works on the job page loaded with url .../job/cr%C3%A9ation%20d%27un%20test/
Jenkins version : 1.599
Code changed in hudson
User: : mindless
[FIXED JENKINS-6960] Encode from parameter in login link, to fix redirect
after login when return URL has characters that need encoding.