We are facing similar problem with lot of WARNING in our logs
2024-12-09 11:44:51.323+0000 [id=359758] WARNING o.j.p.b.v.i.UserIdCauseDeterminant#getUserGroups: Failed to get groups for user: user@domain.com error: hudson.security.UserMayOrMayNotExistException2: Unable to query user information: user@domain.com
On digging further its seems to be an issue exactly when the below code is run
import hudson.security.SecurityRealm;
import org.springframework.security.core.GrantedAuthority;
SecurityRealm realm = Jenkins.get().getSecurityRealm()
Collection<? extends GrantedAuthority> authorities = realm.loadUserByUsername2(userId).getAuthorities();
We have two jenkins instances, one with securityRealm as SAML 2.0, and another with OIDC, and this warning happens only for the one with OIDC configured. Note we use Okta for SSO.
Jenkins version: 2.479.1
BuildVarsPlugin Version: 182.v378b_9f14b_487
OIDC configuration:
allowTokenAccessWithoutOicSession: true
clientId: <HIDDEN>
clientSecret: <HIDDEN>
disableSslVerification: false
emailFieldName: "email"
escapeHatchSecret: “HIDDEN”
groupsFieldName: "groups"
logoutFromOpenidProvider: false
pkceEnabled: true
sendScopesInTokenRequest: true
userNameField: "email"
wellKnownOpenIDConfigurationUrl: "https:
Have similar problem. The log filled with warnings, which make logs useless and hard to read.
WARNING o.j.p.b.v.i.UserIdCauseDeterminant#setJenkinsUserBuildVars: Failed to get groups for user: user.name@domain.com error: hudson.security.UserMayOrMayNotExistException: hudson.security.UserMayOrMayNotExistException2: Unable to query user information: user.name@domain.com; nested exception is hudson.security.UserMayOrMayNotExistException2: Unable to query user information: user.name@domain.com
We use Google SSO with email and don't have any groups.
Plugin v1.8
Jenkins 2.332.3