After upgrade to Swarm client 3.37 the Jenkins slave cannot connect anymore to the Jenkins master with version 2.361.3. Error message i get is:
Nov 03, 2022 3:54:12 PM hudson.plugins.swarm.SwarmClient getCsrfCrumb
SEVERE: Could not obtain CSRF crumb. Response code: 400
<h1>Bad Message 400</h1><pre>reason: Bad Request</pre>
Nov 03, 2022 3:54:12 PM hudson.plugins.swarm.Client run
SEVERE: An error occurred
hudson.plugins.swarm.RetryException: Failed to create a Swarm agent on Jenkins. Response code: 400
<h1>Bad Message 400</h1><pre>reason: Bad Request</pre>
at hudson.plugins.swarm.SwarmClient.createSwarmAgent(
at hudson.plugins.swarm.Client.main(
Java version running is in C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin\java.exe
Jenkins slave is started with these commands:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget" -v --no-proxy -P . http://%MASTER%%MASTERPORT%/swarm/swarm-client.jar -O swarm%MASTER%.jar
java -jar swarm%MASTER%.jar -executors 1 -disableClientsUniqueId -deleteExistingClients -fsroot %JENKINS_WORKAREA% -labels "%COMPUTERNAME% %SUPPORTED_LABELS%" -master http://%MASTER%%MASTERPORT% -username %USERNAME% -password %PASSWD% -name %COMPUTERNAME% -description "%COMPUTERNAME% runs %SUPPORTED_LABELS%"