Resolution: Not A Defect
Jenkins: 2.361.2
OS: Linux - 5.4.17-2136.312.3.4.el8uek.x86_64
No reverse proxy
Oracle Linux 8 (64-bit)
java.vendor.version (Red_Hat-
java.version 11.0.17
java.version.date 2022-10-18
java.vm.compressedOopsMode 32-bit
java.vm.info mixed mode, sharing
java.vm.name OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.specification.name Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation
java.vm.specification.version 11
java.vm.vendor Red Hat, Inc.
java.vm.version 11.0.17+8-LTS
awt.toolkit sun.awt.X11.XToolkit
executable-war /usr/share/java/jenkins.war
file.encoding UTF-8
file.separator /
java.awt.graphicsenv sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
java.awt.headless true
java.awt.printerjob sun.print.PSPrinterJob
java.class.path /usr/share/java/jenkins.war
java.class.version 55.0
java.home /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
java.io.tmpdir /tmp
java.library.path /usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib
java.runtime.name OpenJDK Runtime Environment
java.runtime.version 11.0.17+8-LTS
java.specification.name Java Platform API Specification
java.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation
java.specification.version 11
java.vendor Red Hat, Inc.
java.vendor.url https://www.redhat.com/
java.vendor.url.bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20Linux%208&component=java-11-openjdk
java.vendor.version (Red_Hat-
java.version 11.0.17
java.version.date 2022-10-18
java.vm.compressedOopsMode 32-bit
java.vm.info mixed mode, sharing
java.vm.name OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
java.vm.specification.name Java Virtual Machine Specification
java.vm.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation
java.vm.specification.version 11
java.vm.vendor Red Hat, Inc.
java.vm.version 11.0.17+8-LTS
jdk.debug release
jetty.git.hash d988aa016e0bb2de6fba84c1659049c72eae3e32
jna.loaded true
jna.platform.library.path /usr/lib64:/lib64:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lib64/dyninst:/usr/lib64//bind9-export
jnidispatch.path /var/lib/jenkins/.cache/JNA/temp/jna882320131350017316.tmp
mail.smtp.sendpartial true
mail.smtps.sendpartial true
os.arch amd64
os.name Linux
os.version 5.4.17-2136.312.3.4.el8uek.x86_64
path.separator :
sun.arch.data.model 64
sun.boot.library.path /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-
sun.cpu.endian little
sun.font.fontmanager sun.awt.X11FontManager
sun.io.unicode.encoding UnicodeLittle
sun.java.command /usr/share/java/jenkins.war --webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --httpPort=8080
sun.java.launcher SUN_STANDARD
sun.jnu.encoding UTF-8
sun.management.compiler HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
sun.os.patch.level unknown
svnkit.http.methods Digest,Basic,NTLM,Negotiate
svnkit.ssh2.persistent false
user.country US
user.dir /var/lib/jenkins
user.home /var/lib/jenkins
user.language en
user.name jenkins
user.timezone America/ChicagoJenkins: 2.361.2 OS: Linux - 5.4.17-2136.312.3.4.el8uek.x86_64 No reverse proxy Oracle Linux 8 (64-bit) java.vendor.version (Red_Hat- java.version 11.0.17 java.version.date 2022-10-18 java.vm.compressedOopsMode 32-bit java.vm.info mixed mode, sharing java.vm.name OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM java.vm.specification.name Java Virtual Machine Specification java.vm.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation java.vm.specification.version 11 java.vm.vendor Red Hat, Inc. java.vm.version 11.0.17+8-LTS awt.toolkit sun.awt.X11.XToolkit executable-war /usr/share/java/jenkins.war file.encoding UTF-8 file.separator / java.awt.graphicsenv sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment java.awt.headless true java.awt.printerjob sun.print.PSPrinterJob java.class.path /usr/share/java/jenkins.war java.class.version 55.0 java.home /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- java.io.tmpdir /tmp java.library.path /usr/java/packages/lib:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib java.runtime.name OpenJDK Runtime Environment java.runtime.version 11.0.17+8-LTS java.specification.name Java Platform API Specification java.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation java.specification.version 11 java.vendor Red Hat, Inc. java.vendor.url https://www.redhat.com/ java.vendor.url.bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Red%20Hat%20Enterprise%20Linux%208&component=java-11-openjdk java.vendor.version (Red_Hat- java.version 11.0.17 java.version.date 2022-10-18 java.vm.compressedOopsMode 32-bit java.vm.info mixed mode, sharing java.vm.name OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM java.vm.specification.name Java Virtual Machine Specification java.vm.specification.vendor Oracle Corporation java.vm.specification.version 11 java.vm.vendor Red Hat, Inc. java.vm.version 11.0.17+8-LTS jdk.debug release jetty.git.hash d988aa016e0bb2de6fba84c1659049c72eae3e32 jna.loaded true jna.platform.library.path /usr/lib64:/lib64:/usr/lib:/lib:/usr/lib64/dyninst:/usr/lib64//bind9-export jnidispatch.path /var/lib/jenkins/.cache/JNA/temp/jna882320131350017316.tmp line.separator mail.smtp.sendpartial true mail.smtps.sendpartial true os.arch amd64 os.name Linux os.version 5.4.17-2136.312.3.4.el8uek.x86_64 path.separator : sun.arch.data.model 64 sun.boot.library.path /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk- sun.cpu.endian little sun.cpu.isalist sun.font.fontmanager sun.awt.X11FontManager sun.io.unicode.encoding UnicodeLittle sun.java.command /usr/share/java/jenkins.war --webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --httpPort=8080 sun.java.launcher SUN_STANDARD sun.jnu.encoding UTF-8 sun.management.compiler HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers sun.os.patch.level unknown svnkit.http.methods Digest,Basic,NTLM,Negotiate svnkit.ssh2.persistent false user.country US user.dir /var/lib/jenkins user.home /var/lib/jenkins user.language en user.name jenkins user.timezone America/Chicago
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_NUMBER
Passing in this string to shell execution fails:
./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG
This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response:
[0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m*
The Full project name: PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login
It appears spaces in the folder & job name are not escaped properly in the folder path response of the BUILD_TAG environment variable?
Using JOB_NAME caused similar problems
[JENKINS-70046] Using Environment Parameters like BUILD_TAG produces unknown character when passed in as parameter in jobs organized in folders
Description |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
./tosca_execution_client.sh --debug --toscaServerUrl 'http://myurl.corp.pvt' --projectName 'ToscaRepositoryMaster' *--creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER* --events '["kGen Login PPT"]' --resultsFileName 'results.xml' --resultsFolderPath '.' --pollingInterval '15' Passing in this string to shell execution fails: ./tosca_execution_client.sh --debug --toscaServerUrl 'http://myurl.corp.pvt' --projectName 'ToscaRepositoryMaster' *--creator $BUILD_TAG* --events '["kGen Login PPT"]' --resultsFileName 'results.xml' --resultsFolderPath '.' --pollingInterval '15' This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the environment variable? |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the environment variable? |
Description |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the environment variable? |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the environment variable? Using JOB_NAME caused similar problems |
Description |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the environment variable? Using JOB_NAME caused similar problems |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the BUILD_TAG environment variable? Using JOB_NAME caused similar problems |
Description |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator 'PPT KGEN Login '$BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* Maybe something wasn't escaped properly in the folder path response of the BUILD_TAG environment variable? Using JOB_NAME caused similar problems |
Passing in this string to shell execution works:
{code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_NUMBER {code} Passing in this string to shell execution fails: {code:java} ./tosca_execution_client.sh --creator $BUILD_TAG {code} This results in an error in the job execution console - hidden illegal characters appear to be in the folder path part of the $BUILD_TAG response: [0;31m2022-11-08 17:00:20 -0600 [ERR] Unknown parameter passed: *Folder-PPT[0m* The Full project name: *PPT Folder/PPT KGEN Login* It appears spaces in the folder & job name are not escaped properly in the folder path response of the BUILD_TAG environment variable? Using JOB_NAME caused similar problems |
Resolution | New: Not A Defect [ 7 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Fixed but Unreleased [ 10203 ] |