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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-70139

booleanRadio uses non-unique ID (regression in 2.335)

    • 2.391

      The implementation of our boolean radio button (see https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/lib/form/booleanRadio.jelly) does use a generated ID. When you have a repeatable describable (e.g. quality gates in the warnings plugin, or code coverage plugin) then this ID will be duplicated for all instances, i.e. the button will be toggled automatically for all instances rather than for the selected one only. We need to provide a way to make this ID unique.

          [JENKINS-70139] booleanRadio uses non-unique ID (regression in 2.335)

          Ulli Hafner created issue -
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Labels New: UX
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Labels Original: UX New: UX ux
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Summary Original: booleanRadio uses non-unique field as name attribute New: booleanRadio uses non-unique ID
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Description Original: The implementation of our boolean radio button (see https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/lib/form/booleanRadio.jelly) does use the field name of the describable element as name. When you have a repeatable describable (e.g. quality gates in the warnings plugin) then this name will be duplicated for all instances, i.e. the button will be toggled automatically for all instances rather than for the selected one only. We need to provide a way to make this ID unique, see https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/lib/form/radio.jelly for an example. New: The implementation of our boolean radio button (see https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/blob/master/core/src/main/resources/lib/form/booleanRadio.jelly) does use a generated ID. When you have a repeatable describable (e.g. quality gates in the warnings plugin, or code coverage plugin) then this ID will be duplicated for all instances, i.e. the button will be toggled automatically for all instances rather than for the selected one only. We need to provide a way to make this ID unique.
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Labels Original: UX ux New: UX regression ux
          Ulli Hafner made changes -
          Remote Link New: This issue links to "Caused by PR #5923 (Web Link)" [ 28390 ]
          Daniel Beck made changes -
          Summary Original: booleanRadio uses non-unique ID New: booleanRadio uses non-unique ID (regression in 2.335)
          Benny Cheng made changes -
          Assignee New: Benny Cheng [ benebsiny ]
          Benny Cheng made changes -
          Remote Link New: This issue links to "PR 7631 (Web Link)" [ 28469 ]

            benebsiny Benny Cheng
            drulli Ulli Hafner
            1 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
