marioja thanks for reporting this, it looks like an issue with the documentation which wasn't properly updated.
I couldn't track when this specific part of the doc was written since it predates the migration to Github.
I don't remember ever seeing the logged message ever written in the Jenkins logs. Note that it could be an addition through a new logger (JenkinsLogger) that would simply publish the audit trail entry to the Jenkins logs, but as is it doesn't exists.
I updated the doc to reflect the current behavior:
marioja thanks for reporting this, it looks like an issue with the documentation which wasn't properly updated.
I couldn't track when this specific part of the doc was written since it predates the migration to Github.
I don't remember ever seeing the logged message ever written in the Jenkins logs. Note that it could be an addition through a new logger (JenkinsLogger) that would simply publish the audit trail entry to the Jenkins logs, but as is it doesn't exists.
I updated the doc to reflect the current behavior: