Resolution: Fixed
If there are quotes in the Gerrit change subject, they get passed on when the Ant builder (or, I think, Maven builder) are invoked, but the escaping comes out badly - we should probably escape the quotes in any string, if possible.
ant -file sauce-parallel-runner.xml '-DGERRIT_CHANGE_SUBJECT=Some small changes to "real time" digg count updates:' -DGERRIT_REFSPEC=refs/changes/63/2263/4 -DGERRIT_BRANCH=master -DGERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER=4 -DGERRIT_CHANGE_URL=http://review.digg.internal:8080/2263 -DGERRIT_CHANGE_ID=Ie4d4ec03a3576898edc8445a59517ac47a5960b9 -DGERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION=802b31a9f5da030306746f24bd5906fec6d5d613 -DGERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER=2263 -DGERRIT_PROJECT=bobcat -Dvhost.subdomain=$NODE_NAME "-Dreplace.twist.tags=!digg, !unstable, !in-progress, smoke" -Dvhost.domain=digg.internal -Dgit.branch=master -Dgit.repo=qa/bobtwist sauce
[JENKINS-7053] Quotes in Gerrit parameters not escaped
Resolution | New: Fixed [ 1 ] | |
Status | Original: Open [ 1 ] | New: Closed [ 6 ] |
Link | New: This issue is blocking JENKINS-11779 [ JENKINS-11779 ] |
Link | Original: This issue is blocking JENKINS-11779 [ JENKINS-11779 ] |
Workflow | Original: JNJira [ 137150 ] | New: JNJira + In-Review [ 204396 ] |