Resolution: Unresolved
Jenkins 2.401.1
Audit Trail : 333.vb_e1b_b_0f1238c
Azure VM Agents : 859.v7213476e4fea_
When logging build start/end on azure vm agents, the node name is not displayed, we have #unknown# instead.
Jul 13, 2023 11:23:28,889 AM - myjob #1 Push event to branch main, Parameters:[] on node #unknown# started at 2023-07-13T09:12:02Z completed in 685713ms completed: SUCCESS
cpottiers I suppose the Azure VM Agent plugin doesn't use an `AbstractBuild` (https://github.com/jenkinsci/audit-trail-plugin/blob/b45ca03c816c870b085ff735312425ff1fff2c72/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/audit_trail/AuditTrailRunListener.java#L92-L100). It should be a matter of looking into the Azure-vm-agents plugin to understand what object they use, and enrich the method I linked (maybe an optional dependency over the Azure VM agent plugin will be needed).
I don't have a setup to reproduce though and I'm not a big fan of blind fixing, are you willing to provide a fix?