Resolution: Fixed
clean jenkins docker latest LTS: 2.414.3, with the recommended plugins + active-choice plugin(2.8.0) installed
With the new version of the active-choice plugin 2.7.1, 2.7.2, 2.8.0, 2.8.1 the recursive update of the elements are not always working as expected. This working just fine with the previous release 2.6.5
With the latest LTS jenkins version 2.426.1 the issue is still present, also the old version of the plugin 2.6.5 is not compatible anymore with the latest Jenkins (maybe because the removed prototype.js ?).
The sample Free style task contains 4 elements:
1) Choice Parameter: TARGET with values:
Item1 Item2 Item3
2) Active Choices Reactive Parameter: VARIANT, Radio Buttons, Referenced parameters=TARGET; groovy script:
dynRefParam = "a1:selected a2" if( TARGET.equals( "Item2" ) ) { dynRefParam = "a2:selected" } return dynRefParam.tokenize()
3) Active Choices Reactive Parameter: MACHINES, Check Boxes, Referenced parameters: TARGET,VARIANT; groovy script:
dynRefParam = "unavailable_machines" if ( VARIANT.equals( "a1" ) ) { dynRefParam = "server1 server2 server4 server5" } if ( TARGET.equals( "Item2" )) { if ( VARIANT.equals( "a2" ) ) { dynRefParam = "server1:selected" } } else if ( TARGET.equals( "Item1" )) { dynRefParam = "server2:selected server3:selected" } return dynRefParam.tokenize()
4) Active Choices Reactive Parameter: DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE, Radio Boxes, Referenced parameters: MACHINES; groovy script:
dynRefParam ="buster:selected bullseye" if ( MACHINES.contains( "server1" ) || MACHINES.contains( "server2" ) || MACHINES.contains( "server3" )) { dynRefParam ="buster bullseye:selected" } return dynRefParam.tokenize()
The issue is when "Item2" is selected, then the 4) active-choice elements returns as selected "buster" instead of "bullseye", this because, when first called the wrong server list is returned from 3), because 3) is called with "a1" as parameter instead of "a2" as should be after the 2) gets executed.
If Item2 is selected then from the MACHINES, server1 is de-selected then selected again, than the DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE selects correctly the bullseye.
Here is the full config.xml saved from the docker image:
<?xml version='1.1' encoding='UTF-8'?> <project> <actions/> <description></description> <keepDependencies>false</keepDependencies> <properties> <hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty> <parameterDefinitions> <hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition> <name>TARGET</name> <choices class="java.util.Arrays$ArrayList"> <a class="string-array"> <string>Item1</string> <string>Item2</string> <string>Item3</string> </a> </choices> </hudson.model.ChoiceParameterDefinition> <org.biouno.unochoice.CascadeChoiceParameter plugin="uno-choice@2.7.2"> <name>VARIANT</name> <randomName>choice-parameter-538043095727729</randomName> <visibleItemCount>1</visibleItemCount> <script class="org.biouno.unochoice.model.GroovyScript"> <secureScript plugin="script-security@1273.v66c1964f0dfd"> <script>dynRefParam = "a1:selected a2" if( TARGET.equals( "Item2" ) ) { dynRefParam = "a2:selected" } return dynRefParam.tokenize()</script> <sandbox>true</sandbox> </secureScript> <secureFallbackScript plugin="script-security@1273.v66c1964f0dfd"> <script>return ["Script error"]</script> <sandbox>true</sandbox> </secureFallbackScript> </script> <projectName>test</projectName> <projectFullName>test</projectFullName> <parameters class="linked-hash-map"/> <referencedParameters>TARGET</referencedParameters> <choiceType>PT_RADIO</choiceType> <filterable>false</filterable> <filterLength>1</filterLength> </org.biouno.unochoice.CascadeChoiceParameter> <org.biouno.unochoice.CascadeChoiceParameter plugin="uno-choice@2.7.2"> <name>MACHINES</name> <randomName>choice-parameter-538043138290364</randomName> <visibleItemCount>1</visibleItemCount> <script class="org.biouno.unochoice.model.GroovyScript"> <secureScript plugin="script-security@1273.v66c1964f0dfd"> <script>dynRefParam = "unavailable_machines" if ( VARIANT.equals( "a1" ) ) { dynRefParam = "server1 server2 server4 server5" } if ( TARGET.equals( "Item2" )) { if ( VARIANT.equals( "a2" ) ) { dynRefParam = "server1:selected" } } else if ( TARGET.equals( "Item1" )) { dynRefParam = "server2:selected server3:selected" } return dynRefParam.tokenize()</script> <sandbox>true</sandbox> </secureScript> <secureFallbackScript plugin="script-security@1273.v66c1964f0dfd"> <script>return ["Script error"]</script> <sandbox>true</sandbox> </secureFallbackScript> </script> <projectName>test</projectName> <projectFullName>test</projectFullName> <parameters class="linked-hash-map"/> <referencedParameters>TARGET,VARIANT</referencedParameters> <choiceType>PT_CHECKBOX</choiceType> <filterable>false</filterable> <filterLength>1</filterLength> </org.biouno.unochoice.CascadeChoiceParameter> <org.biouno.unochoice.CascadeChoiceParameter plugin="uno-choice@2.7.2"> <name>DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE</name> <randomName>choice-parameter-538043144523822</randomName> <visibleItemCount>1</visibleItemCount> <script class="org.biouno.unochoice.model.GroovyScript"> <secureScript plugin="script-security@1273.v66c1964f0dfd"> <script>dynRefParam ="buster:selected bullseye" if ( MACHINES.contains( "server1" ) || MACHINES.contains( "server2" ) || MACHINES.contains( "server3" )) { dynRefParam ="buster bullseye:selected" } return dynRefParam.tokenize()</script> <sandbox>true</sandbox> </secureScript> <secureFallbackScript plugin="script-security@1273.v66c1964f0dfd"> <script>return ["Script error"]</script> <sandbox>true</sandbox> </secureFallbackScript> </script> <projectName>test</projectName> <projectFullName>test</projectFullName> <parameters class="linked-hash-map"/> <referencedParameters>MACHINES</referencedParameters> <choiceType>PT_RADIO</choiceType> <filterable>false</filterable> <filterLength>1</filterLength> </org.biouno.unochoice.CascadeChoiceParameter> </parameterDefinitions> </hudson.model.ParametersDefinitionProperty> </properties> <scm class="hudson.scm.NullSCM"/> <canRoam>true</canRoam> <disabled>false</disabled> <blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding> <blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding>false</blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding> <triggers/> <concurrentBuild>false</concurrentBuild> <builders/> <publishers/> <buildWrappers/> </project>
Here is the "Console" log output from Firefox:
Cascading changes from parameter TARGET... 2 UnoChoice.js:1:6332 Values retrieved from Referenced Parameters: TARGET=Item2 UnoChoice.js:1:8457 Values retrieved from Referenced Parameters: TARGET=Item2__LESEP__VARIANT=a1 UnoChoice.js:1:8457 Calling Java server code to update HTML elements... 2 UnoChoice.js:1:8599 Values returned from server: a2:selected,a2:selected UnoChoice.js:1:8738 Updating MACHINES from VARIANT UnoChoice.js:1:12066 Values retrieved from Referenced Parameters: TARGET=Item2__LESEP__VARIANT=a2 UnoChoice.js:1:8457 Values returned from server: server1,server2,server4,server5,server1,server2,server4,server5 UnoChoice.js:1:8738 Updating DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE from MACHINES UnoChoice.js:1:12066 Values retrieved from Referenced Parameters: MACHINES= UnoChoice.js:1:8457 Calling Java server code to update HTML elements... 2 UnoChoice.js:1:8599 Values returned from server: buster:selected,bullseye,buster:selected,bullseye UnoChoice.js:1:8738 Avoiding infinite loop due to recursion! UnoChoice.js:1:12169 Values returned from server: server1:selected,server1:selected UnoChoice.js:1:8738 Avoiding infinite loop due to recursion! UnoChoice.js:1:12169
In fact this was originally reported in JENKINS-71724, but then the null issue was fixed, this originally reported issue remained.
- blocks
JENKINS-72549 Not able to create active choice plugin in jenkins pipeline
- Open
JENKINS-73239 Active Choice plugin does not handle parameters as expected
- Open
- is related to
JENKINS-73935 Problem with the parameter value rendering for cascading parameters in the Jenkins Active Choices Plugin
- Open
rahulsom , kinow I feel that if the asynchronous/promises change is the cause for incorrect AC parameter updates we need to revert to the code before 2.7. Cascade updates was the whole point of Active Choices. If that functionality is unreliable/broken I suggest we either revert to pre v2.7 approach or rename the plugin to 'Broken Promises'