For what it's worth, after migrating to Bitbucket Server Integration 4.0.0, my multibranch pipeline jobs lost their "Tags" tab. All tags were initially showing up in the "Branches" tab.
But after clicking "Scan Multibranch Pipeline Now", I get output like the following:
[Tue Nov 14 07:23:54 EST 2023] Starting branch indexing...
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
head: SCMHead{'feature1'}, revision: <hash>, isMatch: true
No changes detected: feature1 (still at <hash>)
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
head: SCMHead{'feature2'}, revision: <hash>, isMatch: true
No changes detected: feature2 (still at <hash>)
[Tue Nov 14 07:24:08 EST 2023] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 14 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in MyProgram » MyJob
Will remove 1.0.0
Will remove 2.0.0
Finished: SUCCESS
The "orphaned items" being remove are my tags. Now the "Branches" tab only shows branches, there's no "Tags" tab, and there's no way in the job configuration to "Discover Tags" when using the Bitbucket Server Integration branch source.
For reference, in old scan logs, I'd see separate logs for the branch scans and the tag scans, something like:
[Wed Nov 08 18:02:12 EST 2023] Starting branch indexing...
> git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir /var/lib/jenkins/caches/git-494c4f29af98365ff58e13dd867f64c7/.git # timeout=10
... # more "> git ..." lines here
Checking branches...
Checking branch feature1
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: feature1 (still at <hash>)
Checking branch feature2
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: feature2 (still at <hash>)
Processed 2 branches
Checking tags...
Checking tag 1.0.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
Scheduled build for branch: 1.0.0
Checking tag 2.0.0
‘Jenkinsfile’ found
Met criteria
No changes detected: 2.0.0 (still at <hash>)
Processed 2 tags
[Wed Nov 08 18:02:18 EST 2023] Finished branch indexing. Indexing took 6.3 sec
Evaluating orphaned items in MyProgram » MyJob
Will remove feature3
Finished: SUCCESS
It seems to me like the new output is more like it's printing out a Java object or something and is never going into check for tags (it actually wipes the tags that used to exist). Are tags no longer supported under this branch source plugin?
The option to Discover tags is still there as far as I can see but Jenkins does not appear to actually scan for tags anymore.Correction, I can confirm that there is no more an option to Discover tags