I ran into the same problem.
The timestamp of all the archived artifacts is reset to the time and date they were archived.
The problem is easy to spot. Check this directory (or the equivalent on your setup):
Note that the date and time of all files in this folder has been set to the time when they were archived.
I am trying to setup a multi-stage HDL build pipeline, where one job compiles the project, and another job performs layout.
I use CopyArtifacts to transfer the artifacts from the first to the second job.
But because the timestamp on all files are changed by jenkins, the second job detects that dependencies have changed and assumes that the project is in a pre-compile state. So it refuses to run the layout step.
The cited "JENKINS-13122" only solves this problem for the ZIP-version of artifact archiving. The problem still remains for regular uncompressed artifacts.
I cannot use compressed artifacts as a workaround, since I am using CopyArtifacts. The two are not compatible.
(We are using Jenkins 1.565)
I have the same problem. For patch creation one job uses the artifacts of another job. This job fetches the artifacs via "get" per "http" as a zip-File. The job creates checksums from all files to be used for a later versioncheck. Every time the job fetches the artifacs they have the timestamp of the get request. That's why even these files become a new checksum although they did not change. On the filesystem of the buildserver the files have the timestamps when they have been created. That's correct. I would suppose to get the files with exactly the timestamps they have been created and not the timestamp of the download request.