Resolution: Unresolved
All latest version as of writing. Controller runs on truenas scale.
I uploaded the log that shows that I configured the github app as mentioned in the docs but the declarative checkout doesn't work, all other features work. I got it working by manually configuring GitSCM but it's a bad experience after doing so much setup work for the Github app.
How I fixed it:
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
[JENKINS-72766] Declarative Pipeline implicit checkout fails with GitHub app credentials
Environment | Original: All latest version as of writing. Controller runs on truenas scale. Unfortunately the description field doesn't work for me so I uploaded the log that shows that I configured the github app as mentioned in the docs but the declarative checkout doesn't work, all other features work. | New: All latest version as of writing. Controller runs on truenas scale. |
Description |
I uploaded the log that shows that I configured the github app as mentioned in the docs but the declarative checkout doesn't work, all other features work. I got it working by manually configuring GitSCM but it's a bad experience after doing so much setup work for the Github app.
How I fixed it: options { skipDefaultCheckout true } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { checkout([ $class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/main']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[ credentialsId: 'ssh-github', url: 'git@github.com:rootitnow/rootstrap.git' ]] ]) } } |
Component/s | New: git-client-plugin [ 17423 ] | |
Component/s | Original: github-plugin [ 15896 ] |
Assignee | Original: Kirill Merkushev [ lanwen ] |
Priority | Original: Minor [ 4 ] | New: Major [ 3 ] |
Summary | Original: Checkout returns returned status code 128 | New: Declarative Pipeline implicit checkout fails with GitHub app credentials |