Resolution: Unresolved
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I upgraded Jenkins to 2.426.3.
After upgrade, there is "No changes from last build." message printed in changes tab of Jenkins job.
Even though Polling job is polled by scm change, I can not see changes in both status and changes tab.
In api/xml page, there is
<changeSet _class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.changes.P4ChangeSet"/>
but I can not see <item _class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.changes.P4ChangeEntry">
I tried with P4 plugin on both 1.13.3 version and 1.15.1 version.
[JENKINS-72842] Changes are missing in every job after update to 2.426.3
It is still a problem.
It is sensitive so that I can get you part of xml.
The one with a problem ends with this,
<changeSet _class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.changes.P4ChangeSet"/>
But the normal one shows p4ChangeEntry list like this,
<changeSet _class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.changes.P4ChangeSet">
<item _class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.p4.changes.P4ChangeEntry">
and also there's no culprits list in a problem.
We saw the same issue but found a workaround by using the Purge Build History plugin.
We used the following settings
[ ] Reset build number to 1
[X] Delete builds marked to be kept forever
[X] Recurse into sub-folders/sub-jobs
Downside is that it purges build history.
Upside is that changes started working after this and we still retain the build number sequence.
We have Jenkins 2.449
P4 Plugin 1.15.1
It looks like I spoke too soon. The 1st change after purging build history showed up but not subsequent changes.
We have another instances with
Jenkins 2.440.1
P4 1.15.1
which does show the changes correctly.
I am going to roll back our test system that is at 2.449 back to 2.440.1 and see if it helps.
OK then I won't do Purge Build History plugin thing yet.
FYI, Our environment with Jenkins 2.426.3 and P4 1.13.3 or 1.15.1 is working on Linux machine now.
But there's only problem on Window machine.
Process is started by Windows service and there's still no changes on changes page.
We found a solution. This section of /configure had an bad entry for credentials.
Perforce: Save Configuration (BETA: Subject to change!)
Enable Configuration Versioning
Perforce Credentials?
- none -Add
We changed it back to - none - and we started getting the data we were looking for.
Experiencing the same issue, running Jenkins Version 2.478 and P4 Plugin 1.16.0
Followed Eric's suggestion to set credential to none in /configure, but still showing 'No changes in any of the builds.'
andyh200 We tried and are not able to recreate this issue.
Can you get me the console log and the XML. If this contains sensitive data please open a case with Perforce support (support-helix-core@perforce.com).
Requesting you to share config.xml, build.xml and log.xml for further investigation to support-helix-core@perforce.com.
If the job is not running please get us the polling log.
We tried with jenkins 1.16.0 and jenkins 2.462
To raise a ticket, does the perforce installation need to be under a support agreement?
andyh200 Anybody can raise a ticket. Please go ahead and raise the ticket and share the requested data.
CC: p4karl
FWIW, in our case, we eventually traced this to a bad perforce credential in the Source Management section of the job configuration.
Changes were populated once we fixed the credentials
You might want to verify/test your credential through the credential interface, if you haven't done so already.
em_boehm This kind of makes sense, but if the credential was wrong would we not expect the build to fail as it would be unable to retrieve files from P4.
We were able to checkout files but for some reason the credential stored in the job prevented the changes from being updated. Possibly because we have
defined globally in Jenkins (/configure as envrionment variables)
If you go to
Manage Jenkins > Credentials > System > Global credentials (unrestricted)
and click on your perforce credential and then Update, you will see a 'Test Connection' button at the bottom, right hand side.
You can use this button to verify that you configured the credential correctly.
em_boehm Thanks for the assistance
Test credential is successful, I'll look for anything errant with regards P4PORT
Sadly not, experiencing the same results.
Testing the credentials shows as successful, yet still see no changes.
Came up with a couple of theories earlier, unsure how to prove them though
The plugin no longer receives the change list details when requested.
The plugin doesn’t interact correctly with the Jenkins API to update the latest changes.
andyh200 We have planned to analyze your logs. Thanks for sending them. Will get back to you in coming weeks.
andyh200 We checked the log, changes are visible in logs, not sure why its not visible in UI. We are checking this.
Changes are being taken, it is not visible in UI.
Hi zpdleotl - Sorry for the delay. Is this still a problem?
Does the job run but the changes tab is empty? If that is correct can you get me the console log and the XML. If this contains sensitive data please open a case with Perforce support (support-helix-core@perforce.com).
If the job is not running please get us the polling log.