Thank you for your quick reply.
i just want to get changed file's coverage based on changed files based on pull request.

i use below code in pipeline
recordCoverage(id: 'jacoco', name: 'JaCoCo Coverage',enabledForFailure: true,ignoreParsingErrors: true,qualityGates: [[baseline: 'MODIFIED_FILES_DELTA', criticality: 'FAILURE', integerThreshold: 80, metric: 'LINE', threshold: 80.0]],tools: [[parser: 'JACOCO']])
enabledForFailure: true,
ignoreParsingErrors: true,
qualityGates: [[baseline: 'MODIFIED_FILES_DELTA', criticality: 'FAILURE', integerThreshold: 80, metric: 'LINE', threshold: 80.0]],
tools: [[parser: 'JACOCO']])
below are logs.
Recording coverage results
Creating parser for JaCoCo Coverage Reports
Using default pattern '**/jacoco.xml' since user defined pattern is not set
Searching for all files in '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/x-api' that match the pattern '**/jacoco.xml'
Traversing of symbolic links: disabled
-> found 1 file
Successfully parsed file '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/x-api/target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml'
MODULE: 100.00% (1/1)
PACKAGE: 21.43% (9/42)
FILE: 6.81% (60/881)
CLASS: 6.78% (62/915)
METHOD: 4.02% (386/9592)
LINE: 4.04% (725/17947)
BRANCH: 0.45% (105/23112)
INSTRUCTION: 2.15% (3812/177492)
LOC: 17947
Successfully processed file 'target/site/jacoco/jacoco.xml'
Resolving source code files...
Searching for source code files in '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/x-api/src/main/java'
-> resolved absolute paths for all 881 source files
Making paths of 881 source code files relative to workspace root...
Obtaining result action of reference build
Obtaining reference build from reference recorder
-> Found 'x-api 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT'
-> Using reference build 'x-api #1427'
Calculating the code delta...
-> Git delta calculator successfully created in working tree '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/x-api'
-> Using commit '594b99a' as latest commit for build 'x-api #1429'
-> Using commit '41002f4' as latest commit for build 'x-api 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT'
-> Invoking Git delta calculator for determining the changes between commits '594b99a' and '41002f4'
Preprocessing code changes...
Successfully mapped SCM paths to coverage report paths
Successfully verified that the coverage data matches with the code delta
Obtaining code changes for files...
Obtaining indirect coverage changes...
Obtaining coverage delta for files...
Calculating coverage deltas...
Evaluating quality gates
-> All quality gates have been passed
-> Details for each quality gate:
- [Modified files (difference to reference job) - Line Coverage]: ≪Not built≫ - (Actual value: n/a, Quality gate: 80.00)
Executing source code painting...
Painting 881 source files on agent
-> finished painting successfully
-> zipping sources from folder '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/x-api/jacoco' as '/var/jenkins_home/workspace/x-api/'
Copying painted sources from agent to build folder
-> extracting...
-> done
Deleting source code files of build 2.8.0-SNAPSHOT
Finished coverage processing - adding the action to the build...
Without more details I cannot help. What coverage delta do you expect in the example? What does the coverage plugin report in the log (https://[jenkins]/job/[jobname]/[buildnumber]/coverage/info/)?