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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-73390

v1462.v500e7a_87cec7 no "Retry Build After Failure" toggle on project Config Page

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Blocker Blocker
    • naginator-plugin
    • None
    • Version 2.460 LTS

        [JENKINS-73390] v1462.v500e7a_87cec7 no "Retry Build After Failure" toggle on project Config Page

        Conor created issue -

        Conor added a comment -

        So is there a way to toggle a rebuild if the task is an instance of a task?

        Conor added a comment - So is there a way to toggle a rebuild if the task is an instance of a task?
        Mark Waite made changes -
        Comment [ I think the problem is that getThrottleJobProperty(Task task) lacks code for when task is a PlaceholderTask. Currently it only checks if task instanceof Job else returns null. Not sure how to fix this.

        _Edited by [https://geometrydashsubzero.io|https://geometrydashsubzero.io/]1 day ago_ ]
        Mark Waite made changes -
        Comment [ Spam comment ]
        Mark Waite made changes -
        Comment [ Spam comment ]
        Mark Waite made changes -
        Comment [ Spam comment ]

          ndeloof Nicolas De Loof
          wrb_conor Conor
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          6 Start watching this issue
