Resolution: Unresolved
i am making call to gitlab via api which runs from the bash script via curl command in it. it is working fine with 2.8.3 version. but its getting stuck when i update plugin.
pasting my bash script below for reference.
- Replace with your GitLab personal access token and project ID
PROJECT_ID="some number"
- Initialize an empty array to hold all branches
- Fetch branches page by page
while :; do
response=$(curl --silent --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $ACCESS_TOKEN" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/repository/branches?per_page=100&page=$page")
branches=$(echo "$response" | jq '.')
- Break the loop if no more branches are returned
if [ "$(echo "$branches" | jq 'length')" -eq 0 ]; then
- Append the branches to the all_branches array
- Increment the page number
page=$((page + 1))
- Combine all branches into a single JSON array
combined_branches=$(echo "${all_branches[@]}" | jq -s 'add')
- Sort the branches by the commit date and get the latest 20 branch names
echo "$combined_branches" | jq 'sort_by(.commit.committed_date) | reverse | .[:20] | .[].name' | sed 's/"//g'
below is groovy script which runs in background to call bash script
def proc ="/var/lib/jenkins/scripts/gitlab/branches.sh ${PROJECT_ID}".execute()
def output = proc.in.text
def exitcode= proc.exitValue()
def error = proc.err.text
if (error) {
println "Std Err: ${error}"
println "Process exit code: ${exitcode}"
return exitcode
return output.tokenize()
[JENKINS-73899] Plugin stuck on response via groovy script
Description |
i am making call to gitlab via api which runs from the bash script via curl command in it. it is working fine with 2.8.3 version. but its getting stuck when i update plugin.
*pasting my bash script below for reference.* #!/bin/bash # Replace with your GitLab personal access token and project ID ACCESS_TOKEN="Token" PROJECT_ID="some number" # Initialize an empty array to hold all branches all_branches=() # Fetch branches page by page page=1 while :; do response=$(curl --silent --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $ACCESS_TOKEN" "https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4/projects/$PROJECT_ID/repository/branches?per_page=100&page=$page") branches=$(echo "$response" | jq '.') # Break the loop if no more branches are returned if [ "$(echo "$branches" | jq 'length')" -eq 0 ]; then break fi # Append the branches to the all_branches array all_branches+=("$branches") # Increment the page number page=$((page + 1)) done # Combine all branches into a single JSON array combined_branches=$(echo "$\{all_branches[@]}" | jq -s 'add') # Sort the branches by the commit date and get the latest 20 branch names echo "$combined_branches" | jq 'sort_by(.commit.committed_date) | reverse | .[:20] | .[].name' | sed 's/"//g' *below is groovy script which runs in background to call bash script* def proc ="/var/lib/jenkins/scripts/gitlab/branches.sh ${PROJECT_ID}".execute() proc.waitFor() def output = proc.in.text def exitcode= proc.exitValue() def error = proc.err.text if (error) { println "Std Err: ${error}" println "Process exit code: ${exitcode}" return exitcode } return output.tokenize() |
Environment | New: DEV | |
Summary | Original: Groovy script keep on running. | New: Plugin stuck on response via groovy script |
Hi, Everybody!
We have a similliar problem after upgrading Jenkins and Active Choice to 2.8.5 (the problem also persist in 2.8.6)
We have a some Referenced Parameters with FORMATTED HTML which depends on each other.
I have found that in Developer mode the JS shows message: "Avoiding infinite loop due to recursion". On version 2.8.3 and before there are no such message and we no have troubles.