Resolution: Unresolved
== Inline Script Block Line: 7 ---- <script type="text/javascript"> function myshow(){ var oIfr = document.getElementById("ifr"); var oAid = document.getElementById("aid"); var oSerr = document.getElementById("serr"); if (oIfr.style.display=="block" || oSerr.style.display=="block") { oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to see the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } else { try { if (oIfr.contentDocument && (!oIfr.contentDocument.body || !oIfr.contentDocument.body.innerHTML)) { <!-- Mixed-content blocking message needed. --> oAid.innerHTML = "SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test is currently unavailable"; oSerr.style.display="block"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } } catch (e) { <!-- A DOMException concerning "SecurityError" will be thrown if the iframe succeeded in loading. --> oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to hide the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="block"; } } } </script> ---- == Inline Event Handler Line: 140 ---- <a id="aid" href="#" onClick="myshow()"> ----
[JENKINS-74478] [cloudtest] Extract inline script block and event handler in com/soasta/jenkins/JunitResultAction/summary.jelly
Description |
h4. Problems {noformat} == Inline Event Handler Line: 140 ---- <a id="aid" href="#" onClick="myshow()"> ---- == Inline Script Block Line: 7 ---- <script type="text/javascript"> function myshow(){ var oIfr = document.getElementById("ifr"); var oAid = document.getElementById("aid"); var oSerr = document.getElementById("serr"); if (oIfr.style.display=="block" || oSerr.style.display=="block") { oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to see the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } else { try { if (oIfr.contentDocument && (!oIfr.contentDocument.body || !oIfr.contentDocument.body.innerHTML)) { <!-- Mixed-content blocking message needed. --> oAid.innerHTML = "SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test is currently unavailable"; oSerr.style.display="block"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } } catch (e) { <!-- A DOMException concerning "SecurityError" will be thrown if the iframe succeeded in loading. --> oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to hide the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="block"; } } } </script> ---- == Inline Event Handler Line: 140 ---- <a id="aid" href="#" onClick="myshow()"> ---- == Inline Script Block Line: 7 ---- <script type="text/javascript"> function myshow(){ var oIfr = document.getElementById("ifr"); var oAid = document.getElementById("aid"); var oSerr = document.getElementById("serr"); if (oIfr.style.display=="block" || oSerr.style.display=="block") { oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to see the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } else { try { if (oIfr.contentDocument && (!oIfr.contentDocument.body || !oIfr.contentDocument.body.innerHTML)) { <!-- Mixed-content blocking message needed. --> oAid.innerHTML = "SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test is currently unavailable"; oSerr.style.display="block"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } } catch (e) { <!-- A DOMException concerning "SecurityError" will be thrown if the iframe succeeded in loading. --> oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to hide the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="block"; } } } </script> ---- {noformat} h4. Solutions [https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/security/csp/#inline-javascript-blocks] [https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/security/csp/#inline-event-handlers] |
h4. Problems {noformat} == Inline Script Block Line: 7 ---- <script type="text/javascript"> function myshow(){ var oIfr = document.getElementById("ifr"); var oAid = document.getElementById("aid"); var oSerr = document.getElementById("serr"); if (oIfr.style.display=="block" || oSerr.style.display=="block") { oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to see the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } else { try { if (oIfr.contentDocument && (!oIfr.contentDocument.body || !oIfr.contentDocument.body.innerHTML)) { <!-- Mixed-content blocking message needed. --> oAid.innerHTML = "SOASTA CloudTest dashboard for this test is currently unavailable"; oSerr.style.display="block"; oIfr.style.display="none"; } } catch (e) { <!-- A DOMException concerning "SecurityError" will be thrown if the iframe succeeded in loading. --> oAid.innerHTML = "Click here to hide the SOASTA CloudTest dashboard"; oSerr.style.display="none"; oIfr.style.display="block"; } } } </script> ---- == Inline Event Handler Line: 140 ---- <a id="aid" href="#" onClick="myshow()"> ---- {noformat} h4. Solutions [https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/security/csp/#inline-javascript-blocks] [https://www.jenkins.io/doc/developer/security/csp/#inline-event-handlers] |
Summary | Original: [cloudtest] Extract inline script blocks and event handlers in com/soasta/jenkins/JunitResultAction/summary.jelly | New: [cloudtest] Extract inline script block and event handler in com/soasta/jenkins/JunitResultAction/summary.jelly |