if there are deleted versions in harvest repository, the current check-out-command lets fail the whole check-out-process:
workspace] $ hco -b HLSAW032 -usr HTT**** -pw ****** -en "PriTool 7.0" -st Uebernahme -vp "\PriTool 7.0\Ablage Intern\Programm\Helaba.PricingTool.70" -cp "F:\Daten\Hudson\jobs\PriTool_7.0\workspace" -pn '"Kopieren zum Bearbeiten"' -s "*" -sy -r
FATAL: error on line E0302015e: Could not check out the item \PriTool 7.0\Ablage Intern\Programm\Helaba.PricingTool.70\Helaba.PricingTool.Gui\wndSearch.xaml.cs;1 ; it is deleted.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: error on line E0302015e: Could not check out the item \PriTool 7.0\Ablage Intern\Programm\Helaba.PricingTool.70\Helaba.PricingTool.Gui\wndSearch.xaml.cs;1 ; it is deleted.
at hudson.plugins.harvest.HarvestSCM.parse(HarvestSCM.java:179)
it works if the harvest command is executed with the "-nt" option, so it would be helpful if this option is available under Source-Code-Management\harvest. Alternatively it is possible to add a "command line option" field where several command line options can be specified (e.g. the -nt option).