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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-75084

Manage&Assign roles page not loading properly and unable to add new roles


      We do have a loads of maps defined in role based strategy to control accesses on jenkins. Since there are lots of map defined, the manage & Assign roles page is not loading up properly and we are not able to add any new map now. Can you suggest how we can overcome this problem please? 

          [JENKINS-75084] Manage&Assign roles page not loading properly and unable to add new roles

          Markus Winter added a comment -

          Please be more specific.

          Is this happening on the page where you define roles or on the page where you assign roles.

          How many roles do you have defined?


          Markus Winter added a comment - Please be more specific. Is this happening on the page where you define roles or on the page where you assign roles. How many roles do you have defined?  

          Mallayya added a comment -

           Hi, Its happening on the page where we assign roles. I do have around close to 500 roles defined in Assign roles. with same number of groups.

          Mallayya added a comment -  Hi, Its happening on the page where we assign roles. I do have around close to 500 roles defined in Assign roles. with same number of groups.

          Markus Winter added a comment -


          So you have 500 roles defined on the page "Manage Roles". Then when you go to "Assign Roles" does the page load and you see something but nothing happens when you click on add User/Group button for global or item permissions?

          Please specify which version of Jenkins you have and which version of Role Strategy.

          Markus Winter added a comment - mallayya_s   So you have 500 roles defined on the page "Manage Roles". Then when you go to "Assign Roles" does the page load and you see something but nothing happens when you click on add User/Group button for global or item permissions? Please specify which version of Jenkins you have and which version of Role Strategy.

          baradwaj added a comment -

          mawinter69 even I'm facing the same issue, only the assign roles page will take time to load (5 to 10 sec) and when i add the new user it throws the following error.

          WARNING o.e.jetty.ee9.nested.Request#getParameters: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form with too many keys [10001 > 10000]

          Caused: org.eclipse.jetty.http.BadMessageException: 400: Unable to parse form content

          Jenkins version - 2.492 (hosted on docker container)
          role strategy plugin - 689.v731678c3e0eb

          This started after upgrading to the latest version 

          baradwaj added a comment - mawinter69 even I'm facing the same issue, only the assign roles page will take time to load (5 to 10 sec) and when i add the new user it throws the following error. WARNING o.e.jetty.ee9.nested.Request#getParameters: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Form with too many keys [10001 > 10000] Caused: org.eclipse.jetty.http.BadMessageException: 400: Unable to parse form content Jenkins version - 2.492 (hosted on docker container) role strategy plugin - 689.v731678c3e0eb This started after upgrading to the latest version 

          Markus Winter added a comment -


          The 10000 is a limitation set by Winstone (jetty itself limits it to 1000). It can be changed by passing "--maxParamCount=20000" when starting Jenkins

          java -jar jenkins.war --maxParamCount=20000 ...

          Markus Winter added a comment - bravilla   The 10000 is a limitation set by Winstone (jetty itself limits it to 1000). It can be changed by passing "--maxParamCount=20000" when starting Jenkins java -jar jenkins.war --maxParamCount=20000 ...

            mawinter69 Markus Winter
            mallayya_s Mallayya
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