It appears the problem is this:
Line 449
if(svnLocations.length==1) {
Long rev = revisions.get(svnLocations[0].remote);
if(rev!=null) {
svnLocations[0].remote contains http://myserver/svn/repo@HEAD, and revisions[0] key contains http://myserver/svn/repo hence the value of the map "rev" is never found and is always null.
The root of the @HEAD being set in svnLocations[0].remote seems to happen in:
Line 2090 in here:
public ModuleLocation(String remote, String local) {
this.remote = Util.removeTrailingSlash(Util.fixNull(remote).trim());
String remote = http://myserver/svn/repo@HEAD, I believe it should search for the last @ char and remove everything after it?
It appears the problem is this:
Line 449
if(svnLocations.length==1) {
Long rev = revisions.get(svnLocations[0].remote);
if(rev!=null) {
svnLocations[0].remote contains http://myserver/svn/repo@HEAD, and revisions[0] key contains http://myserver/svn/repo hence the value of the map "rev" is never found and is always null.
The root of the @HEAD being set in svnLocations[0].remote seems to happen in:
Line 2090 in here:
public ModuleLocation(String remote, String local) {
this.remote = Util.removeTrailingSlash(Util.fixNull(remote).trim());
String remote = http://myserver/svn/repo@HEAD, I believe it should search for the last @ char and remove everything after it?