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  1. Jenkins
  2. JENKINS-9212

Button on Plugin update restart Jenkins without waiting to finish

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Icon: Major Major
    • core
    • None

      IRC log below should be easier to describe

      [19:10] == gastaldi [c92f2a0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #jenkins
      [19:10] <gastaldi> hey
      [19:11] == esteele [~ems174@207-255-250-060-dhcp.mif.pa.atlanticbb.net] has joined #jenkins
      [19:11] <gastaldi> I am updating my plugins, and on "Once the installation is completed, Jenkins needs to be restarted for changes to take effect" screen,
      [19:11] <gastaldi> there is a button labeled: Restart When No Jobs Are Running
      [19:11] <gastaldi> I clicked that and expected to restart When No Jobs Are Running
      [19:12] <gastaldi> However it just restarts, without waiting for the update to complete
      [19:12] <gastaldi> key kohsuke !
      [19:13] <@kohsuke> hmm, if that's the case it's a bug
      [19:13] <@kohsuke> Kind of hard to believe for me, as that part of Jenkins haven't changed for so long
      [19:14] <antlong> gastaldi, do you have automatic refresh enabled.
      [19:14] <gastaldi> no
      [19:14] <antlong> give it a shot
      [19:15] <gastaldi> it restarted anyway
      [19:15] <gastaldi> :(
      [19:15] <@abayer> Do you mean you clicked it before the plugin update was finished and it restarted?
      [19:15] == antlong [~antlong@unaffiliated/antlong] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
      [19:18] == Burn2k [~Adium@dslb-178-004-218-134.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #jenkins
      [19:20] <gastaldi> Yes
      [19:20] <gastaldi> I thought it would wait until it´s finished
      [19:20] <@kohsuke> Ah
      [19:20] <@kohsuke> So it's a confusing UI issue.
      [19:20] <@kohsuke> ... which I agree.
      [19:21] <gastaldi> great :)
      [19:21] <@kohsuke> The button should show up at the bottom, and it should certainly wait for all the installations to complete
      [19:21] <@kohsuke> Or actually, it could be more like a checkbox
      [19:21] <gastaldi> yeah, that would more like it
      [19:21] <@kohsuke> Synaptic has that, and I think Internet Explorer has it, too
      [19:21] <@kohsuke> "Close this dialog when the download is complete" or something like that
      [19:21] <gastaldi> A checkbox would be perfect
      [19:21] <@kohsuke> "[x] restart Jenkins when installation is complete"
      [19:22] <@kohsuke> ... and jobs are quiet
      [19:22] <gastaldi> that´s it
      [19:22] <@kohsuke> Would you be so kind to file this as a ticket
      [19:22] <@kohsuke> .. to http://issues.jenkins-ci.org/ ?
      [19:22] <gastaldi> sure,
      [19:22] <@kohsuke> You can just cut&paste this IRC log as the context
      [19:22] <@kohsuke> Thanks

          [JENKINS-9212] Button on Plugin update restart Jenkins without waiting to finish

            Unassigned Unassigned
            gastaldi gastaldi
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