82.v692fff78926d clone scm workspace plugin and 27.vb_9404db_b_018d of email-ext-recipients-column-plugin
At my jenkins installation (2.361.4) the WMI windows agents plugin appeared deprecated.
After disabling it, I was not able to start any jobs. So I enabled it again and started removing the marked implicitly dependent plugins I do not work with and disabled WMI windows agents again.
My finding: either extended emails recipient columns plugin or clone workspace SCM plugin (or both) must have a real dependency.
I guess it might be a good idea to:
mark the culprit(s) with an explicit dependency
mark the culprit(s) deprecated as well
Otherwise it will cause some trouble as soon as WMI windows agents plugin will be removed in the future.
JFTR: uninstallation of windows-slaves-plugin did not work. The warning and the plugin came back after each try.
Even using "the hard way" (deleting both the jip file and the plugin folder in the plugins folder of the installation) does not work. It's back after a restart.
I have exactly the same problem with Jenkins 2.381: I cannot uninstall the plugin in and I get a warning, that the following plugins depend on the WMI plugin:
Any Build Step Plugin
Show Build Parameters plugin
Project statistics Plugin
Artifact diff Plugin
Downstream build view
Heavy Job Plugin
Joachim Herb
added a comment - I have exactly the same problem with Jenkins 2.381: I cannot uninstall the plugin in and I get a warning, that the following plugins depend on the WMI plugin:
Any Build Step Plugin
Show Build Parameters plugin
Project statistics Plugin
Artifact diff Plugin
Downstream build view
Heavy Job Plugin
Accept that the WMI Windows Agents plugin may need to remain in your Jenkins controller
Mark Waite
added a comment - Thanks for the comment jherb . See the epic JENKINS-70301 for the options that are available to you. Your choices are:
Uninstall those outdated plugins
Adopt those outdated plugins, apply the "Update to a new Jenkins version" tutorial step, and release a new version of them
Accept that the WMI Windows Agents plugin may need to remain in your Jenkins controller
JFTR: uninstallation of windows-slaves-plugin did not work. The warning and the plugin came back after each try.
Even using "the hard way" (deleting both the jip file and the plugin folder in the plugins folder of the installation) does not work. It's back after a restart.
I am unable to uninstall WMI Windows Agents even though no dependencies are displayed - any suggestions?
added a comment - Just as chrisfetz describes:
JFTR: uninstallation of windows-slaves-plugin did not work. The warning and the plugin came back after each try .
Even using "the hard way" (deleting both the jip file and the plugin folder in the plugins folder of the installation) does not work. It's back after a restart.
I am unable to uninstall WMI Windows Agents even though no dependencies are displayed - any suggestions?
dmunn see the detailed description in JENKINS-70301, with special focus on the "Why does the implied dependency exist?" section. It shows how you can hover over the uninstall box and see the list of plugins that have an implied dependency on the WMI Windows Agents plugin.
If that is not enough to resolve it, then you'll need to upload your list of plugins and their versions as described in "How to report an issue".
Mark Waite
added a comment - dmunn see the detailed description in JENKINS-70301 , with special focus on the "Why does the implied dependency exist?" section. It shows how you can hover over the uninstall box and see the list of plugins that have an implied dependency on the WMI Windows Agents plugin.
If that is not enough to resolve it, then you'll need to upload your list of plugins and their versions as described in "How to report an issue" .
When I installed your list of plugins, started Jenkins 2.375.1, and viewed the plugin manager page with Google Chrome, the hover showed that accelerated build now plugin, jobcopy builder plugin, and started by environment variable plugin all have implied dependencies on WMI Windows Agents plugin.
When those 4 plugins are removed (the three with implied dependencies and the WMI Windows Agents plugin), the WMI Windows Agent plugin remains uninstalled.
Mark Waite
added a comment - When I installed your list of plugins, started Jenkins 2.375.1, and viewed the plugin manager page with Google Chrome, the hover showed that accelerated build now plugin, jobcopy builder plugin, and started by environment variable plugin all have implied dependencies on WMI Windows Agents plugin.
When those 4 plugins are removed (the three with implied dependencies and the WMI Windows Agents plugin), the WMI Windows Agent plugin remains uninstalled.
I was using Edge but tried and got the same result in Firefox and Chrome. Then I tried enabling the WMI plugin and then the dependencies were displayed.
Thanks again for helping out.
added a comment - Thanks markewaite !
I was using Edge but tried and got the same result in Firefox and Chrome. Then I tried enabling the WMI plugin and then the dependencies were displayed.
Thanks again for helping out.
Because the Jenkins war file wants to safeguard the user, it bundles a copy of the WMI Windows Agents plugin inside itself. If the installed WMI Windows Agents plugin is removed but there are still plugins that have an implied dependency on WMI Windows Agents plugin, the next restart of Jenkins will copy the WMI Windows Agents plugin from inside the war file to the plugins directory.
https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/7568 proposes to remove the WMI Windows Agents plugin from Jenkins core because analysis has shown that there are no plugins distributed by the Jenkins project that require WMI Windows Agents be bundled inside the Jenkins war file.
Until you're running a Jenkins version that does not bundle the WMI Windows Agents plugin inside the war file, you'll need to either remove those old plugins, upgrade those old plugins to a version that requires a newer Jenkins version, or accept that WMI Windows Agents cannot be uninstalled.
Mark Waite
added a comment - Because the Jenkins war file wants to safeguard the user, it bundles a copy of the WMI Windows Agents plugin inside itself. If the installed WMI Windows Agents plugin is removed but there are still plugins that have an implied dependency on WMI Windows Agents plugin, the next restart of Jenkins will copy the WMI Windows Agents plugin from inside the war file to the plugins directory.
https://github.com/jenkinsci/jenkins/pull/7568 proposes to remove the WMI Windows Agents plugin from Jenkins core because analysis has shown that there are no plugins distributed by the Jenkins project that require WMI Windows Agents be bundled inside the Jenkins war file.
Until you're running a Jenkins version that does not bundle the WMI Windows Agents plugin inside the war file, you'll need to either remove those old plugins, upgrade those old plugins to a version that requires a newer Jenkins version, or accept that WMI Windows Agents cannot be uninstalled.
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I have exactly the same problem with Jenkins 2.381: I cannot uninstall the plugin in and I get a warning, that the following plugins depend on the WMI plugin: