diff -r com/tek42/perforce/parse/AbstractPerforceTemplate.java /hudson/hudson/plugins/perforce/src/main/java/com/tek42/perforce/parse/AbstractPerforceTemplate.java
> import java.io.PrintWriter;
> import java.io.StringWriter;
< 			try {
< 				// get entire cmd to execute
< 				cmd = getExtraParams(cmd);
> 			// get entire cmd to execute
> 			cmd = getExtraParams(cmd);
< 				// setup information for logging...
< 				for(String cm : cmd) {
< 					debugCmd += cm + " ";
< 				}
> 			// setup information for logging...
> 			for(String cm : cmd) {
> 				debugCmd += cm + " ";
> 			}
< 				// Performe execution and IO
< 				p4.exec(cmd);
< 				BufferedReader reader = p4.getReader();
< 				String line;
< 				response = new StringBuilder();
> 			// Performe execution and IO
> 			p4.exec(cmd);
> 			BufferedReader reader = p4.getReader();
> 			String line;
> 			response = new StringBuilder();
> 			try
> 			{
< 				loop = false;
< 				// If we failed to execute because of an authentication issue, try a p4 login.
< 				if(attemptLogin && (mesgIndex == 1 || mesgIndex == 2 || mesgIndex == 6)) {
< 					// password is unset means that perforce isn't using the environment var P4PASSWD
< 					// Instead it is using tickets. We must attempt to login via p4 login, then
< 					// retry this cmd.
< 					p4.close();
< 					login();
< 					loop = true;
< 					attemptLogin = false;
< 					continue;
< 				}
< 				// We aren't using the exact message because we want to add the username for more info
< 				if(mesgIndex == 4)
< 					throw new PerforceException("Access for user '" + depot.getUser() + "' has not been enabled by 'p4 protect'");
< 				if(mesgIndex != -1)
< 					throw new PerforceException(errors[mesgIndex]);
< 				if(count == 0)
< 					throw new PerforceException("No output for: " + debugCmd);
< 			} catch(IOException e) {
< 				throw new PerforceException("Failed to communicate with p4", e);
< 			} finally {
> 			}
> 			catch(IOException ioe)
> 			{
> 				//this is generally not anything to worry about.  The underlying
> 				//perforce process terminated and that causes java to be angry
> 				StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
> 				PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw, true);
> 				ioe.printStackTrace(pw);
> 				pw.flush();
> 				sw.flush();
> 				logger.warn("Perforce process terminated suddenly");
> 				logger.warn(sw.toString());
> 			}
> 			finally{
> 			loop = false;
> 			// If we failed to execute because of an authentication issue, try a p4 login.
> 			if(attemptLogin && (mesgIndex == 1 || mesgIndex == 2 || mesgIndex == 6)) {
> 				// password is unset means that perforce isn't using the environment var P4PASSWD
> 				// Instead it is using tickets. We must attempt to login via p4 login, then
> 				// retry this cmd.
> 				p4.close();
> 				login();
> 				loop = true;
> 				attemptLogin = false;
> 				continue;
> 			}
> 			// We aren't using the exact message because we want to add the username for more info
> 			if(mesgIndex == 4)
> 				throw new PerforceException("Access for user '" + depot.getUser() + "' has not been enabled by 'p4 protect'");
> 			if(mesgIndex != -1)
> 				throw new PerforceException(errors[mesgIndex]);
> 			if(count == 0)
> 				throw new PerforceException("No output for: " + debugCmd);
diff -r com/tek42/perforce/parse/Changes.java /hudson/hudson/plugins/perforce/src/main/java/com/tek42/perforce/parse/Changes.java
< 		while(true) {
> 		boolean continueProcessing = true; 
> 		while(continueProcessing) {
> 				{
> 					logger.warn("num is " + num + " until is " + untilChange);
> 				}
> 				{
> 					continueProcessing = false;
> 				}
< 			int next = new Integer(lastChange) - 1;
> 			int next = 0;
> 			try {
> 				next = new Integer(lastChange) - 1;
> 			}
> 			catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
> 			{
> 				logger.warn("Unable to parse perforce message.  Expected a number but got " + lastChange);
> 				logger.warn("From command " + response.toString());
> 			}
> 			logger.warn("running p4 changes for " + next + " until change is " + untilChange);