Index: src/main/java/gcal/
--- src/main/java/gcal/	(revision 23629)
+++ src/main/java/gcal/	(working copy)
@@ -30,10 +30,12 @@
+import java.util.TimeZone;
@@ -62,20 +64,38 @@
     return password;
+  private final boolean sendSms;
+  public boolean getSendSms(){
+    return sendSms;
+  }
   private final String statusToPublish;
   public String getStatusToPublish(){
     return statusToPublish;
-  gcalPublisher(String url, String login, String password, String statusToPublish) {
+  private final String statusToSendSms;
+  public String getStatusToSendSms(){
+    return statusToSendSms;
+  }
+  gcalPublisher(String url, String login, String password, String statusToPublish, boolean sendSms, String statusToSendSms) {
     int startPoint       = url.indexOf("/feeds/")+7;
     this.calendarID      = url.substring(startPoint,url.indexOf("/",startPoint+1));
     this.url             = serviceURL+"feeds/"+calendarID+"/private/full";
     this.login           = login;
     this.password        = password;
     this.statusToPublish = statusToPublish==null?"All":statusToPublish;
+    this.sendSms         = sendSms;
+    this.statusToSendSms = statusToSendSms==null?"Failures":statusToSendSms;
+  private boolean statusMatchesBuildResult( String status, AbstractBuild<?,?> build ) {
+     return status.equals("All") ||
+        (status.equals("Successes") && build.getResult()==Result.SUCCESS ) ||
+        (status.equals("Failures") && build.getResult()==Result.FAILURE );
+  }
   public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) {
@@ -89,10 +109,7 @@
     listener.getLogger().println("GCal: job display name  : "+build.getParent().getDisplayName());
     listener.getLogger().println("GCal: mailer base url   : "+Mailer.DESCRIPTOR.getUrl());
-    if ( statusToPublish.equals("All") ||
-        (statusToPublish.equals("Successes") && build.getResult()==Result.SUCCESS ) ||
-        (statusToPublish.equals("Failures") && build.getResult()==Result.FAILURE )
-        ) {
+    if ( statusMatchesBuildResult( statusToPublish, build ) ) {
       try {
         listener.getLogger().println("GCal: Preparing calendar update request...");
@@ -101,10 +118,30 @@
         URL postUrl = new URL(url);
         CalendarEventEntry myEntry = new CalendarEventEntry();
-        myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(build.getParent().getDisplayName()+" build "+build.getDisplayName()+" "+(build.getResult()==Result.FAILURE?"failed":"succeeded")));
+        boolean failed = build.getResult()==Result.FAILURE;
+        // 
+        boolean hackGcalSmsInUse = true;
+        myEntry.setTitle(new PlainTextConstruct(build.getParent().getDisplayName()+" build "+build.getDisplayName()+" "+(failed?"failed":"succeeded")));
         myEntry.setContent(new PlainTextConstruct("Check the status for build "+build.getDisplayName()+" here "+ Mailer.descriptor().getUrl() + build.getUrl()));
-        DateTime startTime = DateTime.parseDateTime(build.getTimestampString2());
-        DateTime endTime =;
+        DateTime startTime;
+        DateTime endTime;
+        Reminder reminder = null;
+        if (sendSms && statusMatchesBuildResult( statusToSendSms, build) ) {
+          long tzOffset = TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset(); // I don't think we should take care of the daylight savings
+          // event needs to be in the future for SMS notification to work.
+          // We should probably secure the fact that the start minute is indeed in the future if we really want a notification to be sent.
+          endTime = new DateTime( + tzOffset + 70*1000); // 70 sec just to give us a bit of time for the notification.
+          startTime = endTime;
+          reminder = new Reminder();
+          reminder.setMinutes(0);
+          reminder.setMethod(Method.SMS);
+        } else {
+          endTime =;
+          startTime = DateTime.parseDateTime(build.getTimestampString2());
+        }
         When eventTimes = new When();
@@ -112,8 +149,14 @@
         // Send the request and receive the response:
         listener.getLogger().println("GCal: Sending calendar update request...");
-        myService.insert(postUrl, myEntry);
+        myEntry = myService.insert(postUrl, myEntry);
         listener.getLogger().println("GCal: Calendar updated.");
+        if (reminder != null) {
+          listener.getLogger().println("GCal: Adding SMS reminder.");
+          myEntry.getReminder().add(reminder);
+          myEntry.update();
+          listener.getLogger().println("GCal: SMS reminder added.");
+        }
       } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
         e.printStackTrace();  //To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File Templates.
         listener.error("GCal: Could not authenticate user ["+login+"] to calendar ["+url+"]");
@@ -158,11 +201,11 @@
     public gcalPublisher newInstance(StaplerRequest req, JSONObject formData) throws FormException {
-      return new gcalPublisher(req.getParameter("gcal.url"),req.getParameter("gcal.login"),req.getParameter("gcal.password"),req.getParameter("gcal.statusToPublish"));
+      return new gcalPublisher(req.getParameter("gcal.url"),req.getParameter("gcal.login"),req.getParameter("gcal.password"),req.getParameter("gcal.statusToPublish"), "on".equals(req.getParameter("gcal.sendSms")), req.getParameter("gcal.statusToSendSms"));
     public boolean isApplicable(Class<? extends AbstractProject> jobType) {
       return true;
\ No newline at end of file
Index: src/main/resources/gcal/gcalPublisher/config.jelly
--- src/main/resources/gcal/gcalPublisher/config.jelly	(revision 23629)
+++ src/main/resources/gcal/gcalPublisher/config.jelly	(working copy)
@@ -16,6 +16,26 @@
     <f:radio name="gcal.statusToPublish" value="Failures" checked="${instance.statusToPublish=='Failures'}"/>
     <label>Only failing builds</label>
+  <!--f:entry title="Send SMS">
+    <f:checkbox name="gcal.useSms" checked="${instance.useSms}" />
+  </f:entry-->
+  <f:optionalBlock title="Send SMS?"
+                   name="gcal.sendSms" checked="${instance.sendSms}">
+    <f:nested>
+      <table>
+        <f:entry title="Which builds to send an SMS ? (Defaults to Failures)">
+          <f:radio name="gcal.statusToSendSms" value="All"     checked="${instance.statusToSendSms=='All'}"/>
+          <label>All buils</label>
+          <f:radio name="gcal.statusToSendSms" value="Successes" checked="${instance.statusToSendSms=='Successes'}"/>
+          <label>Only successful builds</label>
+          <f:radio name="gcal.statusToSendSms" value="Failures" checked="${instance.statusToSendSms=='Failures'}"/>
+          <label>Only failing builds</label>
+        </f:entry>
+      </table>
+    </f:nested>
+  </f:optionalBlock>
   <f:entry title="Get Calendars">
     <input name="gcal.get" value="Fetch calendars" type="button"
@@ -23,4 +43,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Index: src/main/webapp/help-sendSms.html
--- src/main/webapp/help-sendSms.html	(revision 0)
+++ src/main/webapp/help-sendSms.html	(revision 0)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+  <p>
+    When you enable this option, the calendar events will be created so that you can receive (free) notifications by SMS from google.
+    The event time information will be changed a bit so that the event happens slightly in the future. Only failed events will be reported.
+    You need to have configured your calendar properly to receive SMS notifications.
+  </p>

Property changes on: src/main/webapp/help-sendSms.html
Added: svn:mime-type
   + text/html
Added: svn:keywords
   + Id
Added: svn:eol-style
   + native