--- postinst.orig	2010-02-27 03:49:02.000000000 +0100
+++ postinst	2010-03-10 11:29:25.000000000 +0100
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
     	# Fix permissions on runtime directories/files.
     	# change group/owner to hudson:adm - exclude jobs directory. See HUDSON-4047
-    	find /var/lib/hudson -path "*jobs" -prune -o -exec chown hudson:adm {} +
+    	find /var/lib/hudson -path "*jobs" -prune -o ! -type l -exec chown hudson:adm {} +
     	chown -R hudson:adm /var/run/hudson /var/log/hudson
     	# change mode to 750 - exclude jobs and .ssh directories. See HUDSON-4047
-    	find /var/lib/hudson -path "*jobs" -prune -o -path "*.ssh" -prune -o -exec chmod 750 {} +
+    	find /var/lib/hudson -path "*jobs" -prune -o -path "*.ssh" -prune -o ! -type l -exec chmod 750 {} +
     	chmod -R 750 /var/run/hudson
     	chmod 750 /var/log/hudson