diff -Nbaur jenkinsci-doxygen-plugin-bf7f689/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/doxygen/DoxygenDirectoryParser.java jenkinsci-doxygen-plugin-9205/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/doxygen/DoxygenDirectoryParser.java
--- jenkinsci-doxygen-plugin-bf7f689/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/doxygen/DoxygenDirectoryParser.java	2011-03-13 18:27:33.000000000 +0200
+++ jenkinsci-doxygen-plugin-9205/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/doxygen/DoxygenDirectoryParser.java	2011-04-07 19:44:30.205519000 +0300
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
     	String outputDirectory = doxyfileInfos.get(DOXYGEN_KEY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY);    	
     	String doxyGenDir = null;
-    	if (outputDirectory!= null && outputDirectory.trim().length() != 0){
+    	if (outputDirectory != null && outputDirectory.trim().length() != 0){
     		// Check if need to append the path from where doxygen is run 
     		if ((null != this.folderWhereYouRunDoxygen) && (!this.folderWhereYouRunDoxygen.isEmpty())){
@@ -131,25 +131,17 @@
     			doxyGenDir = outputDirectory;
     	String outputHTML      = doxyfileInfos.get(DOXYGEN_KEY_HTML_OUTPUT);
-    	if (outputHTML== null || outputHTML.trim().length() == 0){
+    	if (outputHTML == null || outputHTML.trim().length() == 0){
     		outputHTML = "html";
     		LOGGER.log(Level.INFO,"The "+DOXYGEN_KEY_HTML_OUTPUT+" tag is not present or is left blank." + DOXYGEN_DEFAULT_HTML_OUTPUT+ " will be used as the default path.");
-    	else {
-    		// Check if folderWhereYouRunDoxygen is specified, because then the gen dir is calculated relative to it 
-    		if ((null != this.folderWhereYouRunDoxygen) && (!this.folderWhereYouRunDoxygen.isEmpty())){
-    			doxyGenDir = (folderWhereYouRunDoxygen+ File.separator + outputHTML);
-    		}else{
-    			doxyGenDir = (doxyGenDir!=null)?(doxyGenDir+ File.separator + outputHTML):outputHTML;
-    		}
-    		return new FilePath(base, doxyGenDir);
-    	}    	
-    	return null;
+    	doxyGenDir = (doxyGenDir != null) ? (doxyGenDir + File.separator + outputHTML) : outputHTML;
+    	return new FilePath(base, doxyGenDir);