From dfe52c171d7c1c13a0ee16f792fd87040ea27128 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Martin Hubert <>
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2012 10:16:03 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Fix for MultiSCM and new function updateTag

 src/main/java/hudson/plugins/git/ |  620 +++++++++++---------
 .../hudson/plugins/git/GitPublisher/config.jelly   |   10 +-
 .../java/hudson/plugins/git/  |   45 +--
 3 files changed, 352 insertions(+), 323 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/git/ b/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/git/
index 5fe50cc..0a03981 100644
--- a/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/git/
+++ b/src/main/java/hudson/plugins/git/
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ import hudson.Launcher;
 import hudson.Util;
 import hudson.matrix.MatrixAggregatable;
 import hudson.matrix.MatrixAggregator;
-import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild;
 import hudson.matrix.MatrixRun;
-import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
+import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild;
 import hudson.model.AbstractDescribableImpl;
-import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
 import hudson.model.BuildListener;
-import hudson.model.Descriptor;
 import hudson.model.Result;
+import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
+import hudson.model.AbstractProject;
+import hudson.model.Descriptor;
 import hudson.plugins.git.opt.PreBuildMergeOptions;
 import hudson.remoting.VirtualChannel;
 import hudson.scm.SCM;
@@ -24,14 +24,18 @@ import hudson.tasks.BuildStepMonitor;
 import hudson.tasks.Publisher;
 import hudson.tasks.Recorder;
 import hudson.util.FormValidation;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
 import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.RemoteConfig;
+import org.jenkinsci.plugins.multiplescms.MultiSCM;
 import org.kohsuke.stapler.AncestorInPath;
 import org.kohsuke.stapler.DataBoundConstructor;
 import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter;
@@ -152,11 +156,27 @@ public class GitPublisher extends Recorder implements Serializable, MatrixAggreg
         SCM scm = build.getProject().getScm();
-        if (!(scm instanceof GitSCM)) {
-            return false;
+        if(scm instanceof MultiSCM) {
+        	boolean hasGit = false;
+        	boolean success = true;
+        	List<SCM> scmlist = ((MultiSCM)scm).getConfiguredSCMs();
+        	for (SCM s : scmlist) {
+        		if (s instanceof GitSCM) {
+            		listener.getLogger().println("Processing : " + ((GitSCM)s).getScmName() ) ;
+                    success &= doPerform((GitSCM) s, build, launcher, listener);
+                    hasGit = true;
+                } else {
+            		listener.getLogger().println(s.getType() + " is not a GitSCM and will not be processed.") ;
+                }
+        	}
+    		return (success & hasGit);
+        } else if (scm instanceof GitSCM) {
+            return doPerform((GitSCM) scm, build, launcher, listener);
+        return false;
-        final GitSCM gitSCM = (GitSCM) scm;
+    } 
+    private boolean doPerform(final GitSCM gitSCM, AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Launcher launcher, final BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException {  
         if(gitSCM.getUseShallowClone()) {
         	listener.getLogger().println("GitPublisher disabled while using shallow clone.");
@@ -173,278 +193,284 @@ public class GitPublisher extends Recorder implements Serializable, MatrixAggreg
             listener.getLogger().println("Build did not succeed and the project is configured to only push after a successful build, so no pushing will occur.");
             return true;
-        else {
-            final String gitExe = gitSCM.getGitExe(build.getBuiltOn(), listener);
-            EnvVars tempEnvironment;
-            try {
-                tempEnvironment = build.getEnvironment(listener);
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to build up environment"));
-                tempEnvironment = new EnvVars();
-            }
-            String confName = gitSCM.getGitConfigNameToUse();
-            if ((confName != null) && (!confName.equals(""))) {
-                tempEnvironment.put("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", confName);
-                tempEnvironment.put("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", confName);
-            }
-            String confEmail = gitSCM.getGitConfigEmailToUse();
-            if ((confEmail != null) && (!confEmail.equals(""))) {
-                tempEnvironment.put("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", confEmail);
-                tempEnvironment.put("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", confEmail);
-            }
-            final EnvVars environment = tempEnvironment;
-            final FilePath workingDirectory = gitSCM.workingDirectory(workspacePath,environment);
-            boolean pushResult = true;
-            // If we're pushing the merge back...
-            if (pushMerge) {
-                boolean mergeResult;
-                try {
-                    mergeResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
-                            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-                            public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
-                                                  VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
-                                IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(
-                                                         gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
-                                                         listener, environment);
-                                // We delete the old tag generated by the SCM plugin
-                                String buildnumber = "jenkins-" + projectName + "-" + buildNumber;
-                                git.deleteTag(buildnumber);
-                                // And add the success / fail state into the tag.
-                                buildnumber += "-" + buildResult.toString();
-                                git.tag(buildnumber, "Jenkins Build #" + buildNumber);
-                                PreBuildMergeOptions mergeOptions = gitSCM.getMergeOptions();
-                                if (mergeOptions.doMerge() && buildResult.isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.SUCCESS)) {
-                                    RemoteConfig remote = mergeOptions.getMergeRemote();
-                                    listener.getLogger().println("Pushing HEAD to branch " + mergeOptions.getMergeTarget() + " of " + remote.getName() + " repository");
-                                    git.push(remote, "HEAD:" + mergeOptions.getMergeTarget());
-                                } else {
-                                    //listener.getLogger().println("Pushing result " + buildnumber + " to origin repository");
-                                    //git.push(null);
-                                }
-                                return true;
-                            }
-                        });
-                } catch (Throwable e) {
-                    e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push merge to origin repository"));
-                    build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
-                    mergeResult = false;
-                }
-                if (!mergeResult) {
-                    pushResult = false;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isPushTags()) {
-                boolean allTagsResult = true;
-                for (final TagToPush t : tagsToPush) {
-                    boolean tagResult = true;
-                    if (t.getTagName() == null) {
-                        listener.getLogger().println("No tag to push defined");
-                        tagResult = false;
-                    }
-                    if (t.getTargetRepoName() == null) {
-                        listener.getLogger().println("No target repo to push to defined");
-                        tagResult = false;
-                    }
-                    if (tagResult) {
-                        final String tagName = environment.expand(t.getTagName());
-                        final String tagMessage = hudson.Util.fixNull(environment.expand(t.getTagMessage()));
-                        final String targetRepo = environment.expand(t.getTargetRepoName());
-                        try {
-                            tagResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
-                                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-                                    public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
-                                                          VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
-                                        IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
-                                                                 listener, environment);
-                                        RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo);
-                                        if (remote == null) {
-                                            listener.getLogger().println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo);
-                                            return false;
-                                        }
-                                        if (t.isCreateTag()) {
-                                            if (git.tagExists(tagName)) {
-                                                listener.getLogger().println("Tag " + tagName + " already exists and Create Tag is specified, so failing.");
-                                                return false;
-                                            }
-                                            if (tagMessage.isEmpty()) {
-                                                git.tag(tagName, "Jenkins Git plugin tagging with " + tagName);
-                                            } else {
-                                                git.tag(tagName, tagMessage);
-                                            }
-                                        }
-                                        else if (!git.tagExists(tagName)) {
-                                            listener.getLogger().println("Tag " + tagName + " does not exist and Create Tag is not specified, so failing.");
-                                            return false;
-                                        }
-                                        listener.getLogger().println("Pushing tag " + tagName + " to repo "
-                                                                     + targetRepo);
-                                        git.push(remote, tagName);
-                                        return true;
-                                    }
-                                });
-                        } catch (Throwable e) {
-                            e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push tag " + tagName + " to " + targetRepo));
-                            build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
-                            tagResult = false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (!tagResult) {
-                        allTagsResult = false;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!allTagsResult) {
-                    pushResult = false;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isPushBranches()) {
-                boolean allBranchesResult = true;
-                for (final BranchToPush b : branchesToPush) {
-                    boolean branchResult = true;
-                    if (b.getBranchName() == null) {
-                        listener.getLogger().println("No branch to push defined");
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    if (b.getTargetRepoName() == null) {
-                        listener.getLogger().println("No branch repo to push to defined");
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    final String branchName = environment.expand(b.getBranchName());
-                    final String targetRepo = environment.expand(b.getTargetRepoName());
-                    if (branchResult) {
-                        try {
-                            branchResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
-                                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-                                    public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
-                                                          VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
-                                        IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
-                                                                 listener, environment);
-                                        RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo);
-                                        if (remote == null) {
-                                            listener.getLogger().println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo);
-                                            return false;
-                                        }
-                                        listener.getLogger().println("Pushing HEAD to branch " + branchName + " at repo "
-                                                                     + targetRepo);
-                                        git.push(remote, "HEAD:" + branchName);
-                                        return true;
-                                    }
-                                });
-                        } catch (Throwable e) {
-                            e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push branch " + branchName + " to " + targetRepo));
-                            build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
-                            branchResult = false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (!branchResult) {
-                        allBranchesResult = false;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!allBranchesResult) {
-                    pushResult = false;
-                }
-            }
-            if (isPushNotes()) {
-                boolean allNotesResult = true;
-                for (final NoteToPush b : notesToPush) {
-                    boolean noteResult = true;
-                    if (b.getnoteMsg() == null) {
-                        listener.getLogger().println("No note to push defined");
-                        return false;
-                    }
-                    b.setEmptyTargetRepoToOrigin();
-                    final String noteMsg = environment.expand(b.getnoteMsg());
-                    final String noteNamespace = environment.expand(b.getnoteNamespace());
-                    final String targetRepo = environment.expand(b.getTargetRepoName());
-                    final boolean noteReplace = b.getnoteReplace();
-                    if (noteResult) {
-                        try {
-                            noteResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
-                                    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+		final String gitExe = gitSCM.getGitExe(build.getBuiltOn(), listener);
+		EnvVars tempEnvironment;
+		try {
+		    tempEnvironment = build.getEnvironment(listener);
+		} catch (IOException e) {
+		    e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to build up environment"));
+		    tempEnvironment = new EnvVars();
+		}
+		String confName = gitSCM.getGitConfigNameToUse();
+		if ((confName != null) && (!confName.equals(""))) {
+		    tempEnvironment.put("GIT_COMMITTER_NAME", confName);
+		    tempEnvironment.put("GIT_AUTHOR_NAME", confName);
+		}
+		String confEmail = gitSCM.getGitConfigEmailToUse();
+		if ((confEmail != null) && (!confEmail.equals(""))) {
+		    tempEnvironment.put("GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL", confEmail);
+		    tempEnvironment.put("GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL", confEmail);
+		}
+		final EnvVars environment = tempEnvironment;
+		final FilePath workingDirectory = gitSCM.workingDirectory(workspacePath,environment);
+		boolean pushResult = true;
+		// If we're pushing the merge back...
+		if (pushMerge) {
+		    boolean mergeResult;
+		    try {
+		        mergeResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
+		                private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+		                public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
+		                                      VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
+		                    IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(
+		                                             gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
+		                                             listener, environment);
+		                    // We delete the old tag generated by the SCM plugin
+		                    String buildnumber = "jenkins-" + projectName + "-" + buildNumber;
+		                    git.deleteTag(buildnumber);
+		                    // And add the success / fail state into the tag.
+		                    buildnumber += "-" + buildResult.toString();
+		                    git.tag(buildnumber, "Jenkins Build #" + buildNumber);
+		                    PreBuildMergeOptions mergeOptions = gitSCM.getMergeOptions();
+		                    if (mergeOptions.doMerge() && buildResult.isBetterOrEqualTo(Result.SUCCESS)) {
+		                        RemoteConfig remote = mergeOptions.getMergeRemote();
+		                        listener.getLogger().println("Pushing HEAD to branch " + mergeOptions.getMergeTarget() + " of " + remote.getName() + " repository");
+		                        git.push(remote, "HEAD:" + mergeOptions.getMergeTarget());
+		                    } else {
+		                        //listener.getLogger().println("Pushing result " + buildnumber + " to origin repository");
+		                        //git.push(null);
+		                    }
+		                    return true;
+		                }
+		            });
+		    } catch (Throwable e) {
+		        e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push merge to origin repository"));
+		        build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
+		        mergeResult = false;
+		    }
+		    if (!mergeResult) {
+		        pushResult = false;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (isPushTags()) {
+		    boolean allTagsResult = true;
+		    for (final TagToPush t : tagsToPush) {
+		        boolean tagResult = true;
+		        if (t.getTagName() == null) {
+		            listener.getLogger().println("No tag to push defined");
+		            tagResult = false;
+		        }
+		        if (t.getTargetRepoName() == null) {
+		            listener.getLogger().println("No target repo to push to defined");
+		            tagResult = false;
+		        }
+		        if (tagResult) {
+		            final String tagName = environment.expand(t.getTagName());
+		            final String tagMessage = hudson.Util.fixNull(environment.expand(t.getTagMessage()));
+		            final String targetRepo = environment.expand(t.getTargetRepoName());
+		            try {
+		                tagResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
+		                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+		                        public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
+		                                              VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
+		                            IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
+		                                                     listener, environment);
+		                            RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo);
+		                            if (remote == null) {
+		                                listener.getLogger().println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo);
+		                                return false;
+		                            }
+		                            if (t.updateTag()) {
+		                            	if(git.tagExists(tagName)) {
+		                            		git.deleteTag(tagName);
+		                            		git.push(remote, ":refs/tags/" + tagName);
+		                            	}
+	                                    git.tag(tagName, tagMessage);
+		                            }
+		                            else if (t.isCreateTag()) {
+		                                if (git.tagExists(tagName)) {
+		                                    listener.getLogger().println("Tag " + tagName + " already exists and Create Tag is specified, so failing.");
+		                                    return false;
+		                                }
+		                                if (tagMessage.isEmpty()) {
+		                                    git.tag(tagName, "Jenkins Git plugin tagging with " + tagName);
+		                                } else {
+		                                    git.tag(tagName, tagMessage);
+		                                }
+		                            }
+		                            else if (!git.tagExists(tagName)) {
+		                                listener.getLogger().println("Tag " + tagName + " does not exist and Create Tag is not specified, so failing.");
+		                                return false;
+		                            }
+		                            listener.getLogger().println("Pushing tag " + tagName + " to repo "
+		                                                         + targetRepo);
+		                            git.push(remote, tagName);
+		                            return true;
+		                        }
+		                    });
+		            } catch (Throwable e) {
+		                e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push tag " + tagName + " to " + targetRepo));
+		                build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
+		                tagResult = false;
+		            }
+		        }
+		        if (!tagResult) {
+		            allTagsResult = false;
+		        }
+		    }
+		    if (!allTagsResult) {
+		        pushResult = false;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (isPushBranches()) {
+		    boolean allBranchesResult = true;
+		    for (final BranchToPush b : branchesToPush) {
+		        boolean branchResult = true;
+		        if (b.getBranchName() == null) {
+		            listener.getLogger().println("No branch to push defined");
+		            return false;
+		        }
+		        if (b.getTargetRepoName() == null) {
+		            listener.getLogger().println("No branch repo to push to defined");
+		            return false;
+		        }
+		        final String branchName = environment.expand(b.getBranchName());
+		        final String targetRepo = environment.expand(b.getTargetRepoName());
+		        if (branchResult) {
+		            try {
+		                branchResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
+		                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+		                        public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
+		                                              VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
+		                            IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
+		                                                     listener, environment);
+		                            RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo);
+		                            if (remote == null) {
+		                                listener.getLogger().println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo);
+		                                return false;
+		                            }
+		                            listener.getLogger().println("Pushing HEAD to branch " + branchName + " at repo "
+		                                                         + targetRepo);
+		                            git.push(remote, "HEAD:" + branchName);
+		                            return true;
+		                        }
+		                    });
+		            } catch (Throwable e) {
+		                e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to push branch " + branchName + " to " + targetRepo));
+		                build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
+		                branchResult = false;
+		            }
+		        }
+		        if (!branchResult) {
+		            allBranchesResult = false;
+		        }
+		    }
+		    if (!allBranchesResult) {
+		        pushResult = false;
+		    }
+		}
+		if (isPushNotes()) {
+		    boolean allNotesResult = true;
+		    for (final NoteToPush b : notesToPush) {
+		        boolean noteResult = true;
+		        if (b.getnoteMsg() == null) {
+		            listener.getLogger().println("No note to push defined");
+		            return false;
+		        }
+		        b.setEmptyTargetRepoToOrigin();
+		        final String noteMsg = environment.expand(b.getnoteMsg());
+		        final String noteNamespace = environment.expand(b.getnoteNamespace());
+		        final String targetRepo = environment.expand(b.getTargetRepoName());
+		        final boolean noteReplace = b.getnoteReplace();
+		        if (noteResult) {
+		            try {
+		                noteResult = workingDirectory.act(new FileCallable<Boolean>() {
+		                        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
-                                    public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
-                                                          VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
-                                        IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
-                                                                 listener, environment);
-                                        RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo);
-                                        if (remote == null) {
-                                            listener.getLogger().println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo);
-                                            return false;
-                                        }
-                                        listener.getLogger().println("Adding note \"" + noteMsg + "\" to namespace \""+noteNamespace +"\"" );
-                                        if ( noteReplace )
-                                        	git.addNote(    noteMsg, noteNamespace );
-                                        else
-                                        	git.appendNote( noteMsg, noteNamespace );
-                                        git.push(remote, "refs/notes/*" );
-                                        return true;
-                                    }
-                                });
-                        } catch (Throwable e) {
-                            e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to add note \"" + noteMsg + "\" to \"" + noteNamespace+"\""));
-                            build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
-                            noteResult = false;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (!noteResult) {
-                        allNotesResult = false;
-                    }
-                }
-                if (!allNotesResult) {
-                    pushResult = false;
-                }
-            }
-            return pushResult;
-        }
+		                        public Boolean invoke(File workspace,
+		                                              VirtualChannel channel) throws IOException {
+		                            IGitAPI git = new GitAPI(gitExe, new FilePath(workspace),
+		                                                     listener, environment);
+		                            RemoteConfig remote = gitSCM.getRepositoryByName(targetRepo);
+		                            if (remote == null) {
+		                                listener.getLogger().println("No repository found for target repo name " + targetRepo);
+		                                return false;
+		                            }
+		                            listener.getLogger().println("Adding note \"" + noteMsg + "\" to namespace \""+noteNamespace +"\"" );
+		                            if ( noteReplace )
+		                            	git.addNote(    noteMsg, noteNamespace );
+		                            else
+		                            	git.appendNote( noteMsg, noteNamespace );
+		                            git.push(remote, "refs/notes/*" );
+		                            return true;
+		                        }
+		                    });
+		            } catch (Throwable e) {
+		                e.printStackTrace(listener.error("Failed to add note \"" + noteMsg + "\" to \"" + noteNamespace+"\""));
+		                build.setResult(Result.FAILURE);
+		                noteResult = false;
+		            }
+		        }
+		        if (!noteResult) {
+		            allNotesResult = false;
+		        }
+		    }
+		    if (!allNotesResult) {
+		        pushResult = false;
+		    }
+		}
+		return pushResult;
@@ -516,12 +542,31 @@ public class GitPublisher extends Recorder implements Serializable, MatrixAggreg
             if (validation.kind != FormValidation.Kind.OK)
                 return validation;
-            GitSCM scm = (GitSCM) project.getScm();
-            if (scm.getRepositoryByName(remote) == null)
+            SCM scm = project.getScm();
+            if(scm instanceof GitSCM) {
+	            if ( ((GitSCM)scm).getRepositoryByName(remote) == null)
+	                return FormValidation
+	                        .error("No remote repository configured with name '"
+	                                + remote + "'");
+            } else if(scm instanceof MultiSCM) {
+            	boolean hasGit = false;
+            	for (SCM s : ((MultiSCM)scm).getConfiguredSCMs()) {
+                    if(s instanceof GitSCM) {
+                    	hasGit = true;
+	    	            if ( ((GitSCM)s).getRepositoryByName(remote) == null)
+	    	                return FormValidation
+	    	                        .error("MultiSCM: No remote repository configured with name '"
+	    	                                + remote + "'");
+                    }
+            	}
+            	if(!hasGit) {
+	                return FormValidation
+	                        .error("MultiSCM: No GIT Repository configured");
+            	}
+            } else {
                 return FormValidation
-                        .error("No remote repository configured with name '"
-                                + remote + "'");
+                        .error("No GIT Repository configured");
+            }
             return FormValidation.ok();
@@ -589,6 +634,7 @@ public class GitPublisher extends Recorder implements Serializable, MatrixAggreg
         private String tagName;
         private String tagMessage;
         private boolean createTag;
+        private boolean updateTag;
         public String getTagName() {
             return tagName;
@@ -602,12 +648,17 @@ public class GitPublisher extends Recorder implements Serializable, MatrixAggreg
             return createTag;
+        public boolean updateTag() {
+        	return updateTag;
+        }
-        public TagToPush(String targetRepoName, String tagName, String tagMessage, boolean createTag) {
+        public TagToPush(String targetRepoName, String tagName, String tagMessage, boolean createTag, boolean updateTag) {
             this.tagName = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(tagName);
             this.tagMessage = tagMessage;
             this.createTag = createTag;
+            this.updateTag = updateTag;
@@ -662,3 +713,4 @@ public class GitPublisher extends Recorder implements Serializable, MatrixAggreg
diff --git a/src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/git/GitPublisher/config.jelly b/src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/git/GitPublisher/config.jelly
index f7c4e56..3f9479f 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/git/GitPublisher/config.jelly
+++ b/src/main/resources/hudson/plugins/git/GitPublisher/config.jelly
@@ -38,8 +38,14 @@
                    title="${%Tag message}">
+          <f:entry field="updateTag"
+                   title="${%Update tag}"
+                   description="${%A new tag created. If the tag exists it will be deleted before.}">
+            <f:checkbox />
+          </f:entry>
           <f:entry field="createTag"
-                   title="${%Create new tag}">
+                   title="${%Create new tag}"
+                   description="${%If selected a new tag ist created.}">
             <f:checkbox />
           <f:entry field="targetRepoName"
@@ -106,4 +112,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/java/hudson/plugins/git/ b/src/test/java/hudson/plugins/git/
index 6db52d7..a8c204c 100644
--- a/src/test/java/hudson/plugins/git/
+++ b/src/test/java/hudson/plugins/git/
@@ -20,44 +20,23 @@
- */
-package hudson.plugins.git;
-import hudson.Launcher;
-import hudson.matrix.Axis;
-import hudson.matrix.AxisList;
-import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild;
-import hudson.matrix.MatrixProject;
-import hudson.model.AbstractBuild;
-import hudson.model.BuildListener;
-import hudson.model.Hudson;
-import hudson.model.Result;
-import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.BranchToPush;
-import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.TagToPush;
-import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.NoteToPush;
-import hudson.scm.NullSCM;
-import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor;
-import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Bug;
-import java.util.Collections;
+ */ package hudson.plugins.git; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.matrix.Axis; import hudson.matrix.AxisList; import hudson.matrix.MatrixBuild; import hudson.matrix.MatrixProject; 
+import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.BranchToPush; import 
+hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.NoteToPush; import hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher.TagToPush; import hudson.scm.NullSCM; import hudson.tasks.BuildStepDescriptor; import 
+java.util.Collections; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Bug; /**
  * Tests for {@link GitPublisher}
- * 
+ *
  * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi
- */
-public class GitPublisherTest extends AbstractGitTestCase {
+ */ public class GitPublisherTest extends AbstractGitTestCase {
     public void testMatrixBuild() throws Exception {
-        final int[] run =new  int[1]; // count the number of times the perform is called
+        final int[] run =new int[1]; // count the number of times the perform is called
         commit("a", johnDoe, "commit #1");
         MatrixProject mp = createMatrixProject("xyz");
         mp.setAxes(new AxisList(new Axis("VAR","a","b")));
         mp.setScm(new GitSCM(workDir.getAbsolutePath()));
         mp.getPublishersList().add(new GitPublisher(
-                Collections.singletonList(new TagToPush("origin","foo","message",true)),
+                Collections.singletonList(new TagToPush("origin","foo","message",true, false)),
                 true, true) {
@@ -72,32 +51,24 @@ public class GitPublisherTest extends AbstractGitTestCase {
             public BuildStepDescriptor getDescriptor() {
                 return (BuildStepDescriptor)Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorOrDie(GitPublisher.class); // fake
             private Object writeReplace() { return new NullSCM(); }
         MatrixBuild b = assertBuildStatusSuccess(mp.scheduleBuild2(0).get());
         assertTrue(containsTagMessage("foo", "message"));
         // twice for MatrixRun, which is to be ignored, then once for matrix completion
     private boolean existsTag(String tag) {
         String tags = git.launchCommand("tag");
         return tags.contains(tag);
     private boolean containsTagMessage(String tag, String str) {
         String msg = git.launchCommand("tag", "-l", tag, "-n");