Started by user David Ludwig (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob (p4):stop:5 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info (p4):stop:6 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob (p4):stop:7 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -i Client jenkins-master-TestJob saved. (p4):stop:8 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob (p4):stop:9 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -i Client jenkins-master-TestJob saved. (p4):stop:10 ... client: jenkins-master-TestJob (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript (p4):stop:5 (p4):cmd:... p4 info p4 info (p4):stop:6 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob (p4):stop:7 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript (p4):stop:8 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -i Client jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript saved. (p4):stop:9 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript p4 client -o jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript (p4):stop:10 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -i p4 client -i Client jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript saved. (p4):stop:11 (p4):cmd:... p4 client -f -s -t jenkins-master-TestJob jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript p4 client -f -s -t jenkins-master-TestJob jenkins-master-TestJob.clonescript Mapping '//P4Test/Foo/Mainline/...' is not under '//depot/...'. (p4):stop:12 P4: Unable to setup workspace: com.perforce.p4java.exception.RequestException: Mapping '//P4Test/Foo/Mainline/...' is not under '//depot/...'. ERROR: P4: Unable to setup workspace: com.perforce.p4java.exception.RequestException: Mapping '//P4Test/Foo/Mainline/...' is not under '//depot/...'. Finished: FAILURE