echo '---START---'

def getFeatures() {
    // convert split string array to simple list to work around CPS & security issues
    def features = []
    for (f in "${FEATURES}".split(','))

def getRuns() {
    // convert split string array to simple list to work around CPS & security issues
    def runs = []
    for (r in "${RUNS}".split(','))

timestamps {
try {
    node {
        email_to = getEmailConfig()

    def testList = []
    def testJobs = [:]
    def testRuns = [:]
    print "Before: parallel testRuns for-loop"
    for (run in getRuns()) {
        for (feature in getFeatures()) {
            print "Loop: run=${run}, testFeature=${feature}"
            def testFeature = feature
            def featureCfg = getFeatureConfig(testFeature)
            def runCfg = getRunConfig(featureCfg, run, "${RUNSUITE}")
            if (runCfg) {
                def testBed = getTestBed(runCfg)
                def groupFile = getGroupFile(testFeature, runCfg, "${TESTTYPE}")
                def envFile = getEnvFile(testFeature, runCfg)
                def vmID = getVMID(featureCfg)
                def imagePrefix = getImagePrefix(runCfg)
                def emails = getFeatureEmails(featureCfg).join(',')
                def testName = "${testBed}-${testFeature}"
                testList.add([testName, testFeature, testBed, imagePrefix])
                testRuns[testName] = {
                    print "for-loop: testRuns[${testName}]"
                    lock(resource:"TESTBED_${testBed}") {
                        print "stage(${testName})"
                        stage(testName) {
                            def projectName = testFeature
                            // Smoke/Sanity tests are executed by platform, except for the internal Test case.
                            if (['SMOKE','SANITY'].contains("${TESTTYPE}" as String) && testFeature != 'Test') {
                                projectName = imagePrefix
                            print "for-loop: testRuns[${testName}]: stage(${testName}): projectName=${projectName}"
                            def job = build job: getJobName(projectName), 
                                        parameters: [string(name: 'TESTBED', value: "${testBed}"),
                                            string(name: 'BRANCHNAME', value: "${BRANCHNAME}"), 
                                            string(name: 'OSBRANCH', value: "${OSBRANCH}"),
                                            string(name: 'BRANCH_POINT', value: "${BRANCH_POINT}"),
                                            string(name: 'VERSION', value: "${VERSION}"),
                                            string(name: 'BUILD', value: "${BUILD}"),
                                            string(name: 'LABEL', value: "${LABEL}"),
                                            string(name: 'MODEL', value: "${imagePrefix}"),
                                            string(name: 'TESTTYPE', value: "${TESTTYPE}"),
                                            string(name: 'GROUPFILE', value: "${groupFile}"),
                                            string(name: 'ENVFILE', value: "${envFile}"),
                                            string(name: 'VMID', value: "${vmID}"),
                                            string(name: 'EMAILS', value: "${emails}"),
                                            string(name: 'ORIOLE_TASK', value: "${ORIOLE_TASK}"),
                                            string(name: 'OPTS', value: "${OPTS}"),
                                            string(name: 'TRIGGER', value: "${BUILD_TAG}"),
                                            string(name: 'EXTRA', value: getExtra(testBed))],
                                        propagate: false
                            print "for-loop: testRuns[${testName}]: stage(${testName}): testJobs[${testName}]=job"
                            try {
                            testJobs[testName] = job
                            catch (Exception err){
                                print "catch exception for: testJobs[${testName}]=job"
                                print "Exception=${err}"
                                print err.getStackTrace()
                                print "throw exception!"
                                throw err
                            echo "${job.fullProjectName} - ${job.result}"
                        catch (Exception err){
                            print "catch exception for: stage(${testName})"
                            print "Exception=${err}"
                            print err.getStackTrace()
                            print "throw exception!"
                            throw err
                    catch (Exception err){
                        print "catch exception for: lock(resource:TESTBED_${testBed})"
                        print "Exception=${err}"
                        print err.getStackTrace()
                        print "throw exception!"
                        throw err

    print "Before: parallel testRuns=${testRuns} size=${testRuns.size()}"
    parallel testRuns
    catch (Exception err) {
        print "catch exception for: parallel testRuns"
        print "Exception=${err}"
        print err.getStackTrace()
        print "throw exception!"
        throw err
    print "After: parallel testRuns"

finally {
    node {
        // always send an email notification
        def result = currentBuild.result ? currentBuild.result : 'FAILURE'
        def to = ['xxx']
        emailext body: email_body, mimeType: 'text/html', recipientProviders: [[$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']], 
            subject: subject, to: to.join(',')

echo '---END---'
} // timestamps