[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building ***_Bean 0.6.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [...] [CHECKSTYLE] Parsing file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CHECKSTYLE] Successfully parsed file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/target/checkstyle-result.xml of module ***_Bean with 10 unique warnings and 0 duplicates. [CHECKSTYLE] Ignore new warnings since this is the first valid build [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">10 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 10 [CHECKSTYLE] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #482 [FINDBUGS] No report found for mojo site [...] [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building ***_BeanWS 0.6.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [...] [CHECKSTYLE] Parsing file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanWS/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CHECKSTYLE] Successfully parsed file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanWS/target/checkstyle-result.xml of module ***_BeanWS with 1 unique warning and 0 duplicates. [CHECKSTYLE] Ignore new warnings since this is the first valid build [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">1 warning</a> exceeds the threshold of 0 by 1 [CHECKSTYLE] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #482 [FINDBUGS] Finding all files that match the pattern findbugsXml.xml [FINDBUGS] Parsing 1 file in /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanWS/target [FINDBUGS] Successfully parsed file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanWS/target/findbugsXml.xml of module ***_BeanWS with 2 unique warnings and 0 duplicates. [FINDBUGS] Ignore new warnings since this is the first valid build [FINDBUGS] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="findbugsResult">2 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 2 [FINDBUGS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #482 [...] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building ***_BeanEJB 0.6.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [...] [CHECKSTYLE] Parsing file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanEJB/target/checkstyle-result.xml [CHECKSTYLE] Successfully parsed file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanEJB/target/checkstyle-result.xml of module ***_BeanEJB with 9 unique warnings and 0 duplicates. [CHECKSTYLE] Ignore new warnings since this is the first valid build [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">9 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 9 [CHECKSTYLE] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #482 [FINDBUGS] Finding all files that match the pattern findbugsXml.xml [FINDBUGS] Parsing 1 file in /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanEJB/target [FINDBUGS] Successfully parsed file /var/opt/jenkins/jenkins_server/jobs/***_***_Bean_BUILD/workspace/***_Bean/***_BeanEJB/target/findbugsXml.xml of module ***_BeanEJB with 2 unique warnings and 0 duplicates. [FINDBUGS] Ignore new warnings since this is the first valid build [FINDBUGS] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="findbugsResult">2 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 2 [FINDBUGS] Computing warning deltas based on reference build #482 [...] [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building ***_BeanEAR 0.6.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [...] [CHECKSTYLE] No report found for mojo site [FINDBUGS] No report found for mojo site [...] [INFO] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Building ***_Bean 0.6.0 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] [...] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 03:34 min [...] [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">10 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 10 [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">10 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 10 [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">11 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 11 [CHECKSTYLE] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="checkstyleResult">20 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 20 [FINDBUGS] Plug-in Result: Success - no threshold has been exceeded [FINDBUGS] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="findbugsResult">2 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 2 [FINDBUGS] Plug-in Result: Unstable - <a href="findbugsResult">4 warnings</a> exceed the threshold of 0 by 4 [...] channel stopped Finished: UNSTABLE